Convention Report

by Euphemism 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Thanks, blondie and Pistoff!

    Jo... last year, I graded every speaker from 1 to 10. (I may have been a loyal dub, but I was still a very opinionated one. ) This year, however, I didn't do that... I was annoyed with every speaker, so it would have been hard to be objective.

    As far as speaking quality, I have to say that it was pretty good as far as JW conventions go. A small handful of the speakers sounded like they were reading rather than speaking; and a couple of the speakers were actually very good (although there were no truly outstanding ones). Most, however, were competent but not brilliant, maybe a 7 or an 8.

  • Rush

    that was quite an experience in itself, reading your nice little summary.

    i honestly don't know how you can do it. the only thing that would stop me from tearing my own ears off would be to distract myself entirely in a day-dream, but then i would have no reason to sit for three days in the company of people who probably wouldn't want me there anyway.

    thanks for keeping us posted anyway, it's nice to know what we're missing.

  • Vanant

    Euphemism, thank you for posting such an articulate and informative article. I feel so glad now that last year's DC was probably my final one . . . and I hope this year's will be the last for you.

    Blondie, interesting that you mention a "treasure map" . . . I think many dubs only read the Bible because they think of it as a treasure map (to eternal youth)!

  • badolputtytat

    Informative... thank you. I dread going, but it is necessary. Gives me the hee-be jee-bees just reading that. But at least I can stay home and say I went this time.Whatever you may have left out... I will just make up. Pretend to be enthused..

    RAH! RAH! rah...we love assemblies.. rah rah rah....

    oh brother

  • razorMind

    Your account was extremely well-written! I greatly enjoyed reading it. It must've been hard to listen to--your eardrums must be weeping pus.

    I'd like to go to a district convention...just to be nosy and see what's going on...but I'm afraid I might suffer repeated bouts of projectile vomiting.

    Thanks again for posting!

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Well done. The convention began here in cleveland last week and I think my wife goes next week. I drove past last week and could only think how all looked alike. A bunch of robots getting briefed. An artical in the paper here said 35,000 expected here in the next 4 weeks. I guess after the mom in law thing I want get invited this year. OH well life is good :}

  • Balsam

    Euphemism and all you others who attend conventions,

    My heart goes out to you. It has been two years since I attended my last one, before leaving it forever. I know it has got to be grueling when you know now that it is not the truth that the WTS speaks. I appreciate you sharing your notes from the convention. I have a 15 year old son who lives with his active JW Dad and he is submitted to this mental brain washing constantly. It helps me to know what he been submitted too. The only respite he gets is when he comes to stay with me. Was there anything about disfellowshipped ones, and the active JW relationship with them. I know from the August 2002 one it has been tightening the grip on the active witnesses so just wondered if anything was mentioned on that.

    I am not surprised about the continueous warnings about the internet. There is a terrible fear for so many witnesses that their faith will be ruined if they even have the internet.

    Thanks again for posting the convention notes on the talks and publications. That was great.


  • Euphemism
    Was there anything about disfellowshipped ones, and the active JW relationship with them.

    Not that I caught; however, there was a very strong emphasis on "avoiding" and "rejecting" anyone who says anything critical about the WTS.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Thought this was worth a bump. He's an insightful guy this Euphemism and apparently he tried a fade and it didn't quite work out - I haven't read his whole story but is this is anything to go by it will be interesting.....

    It was funny thinking how I was at that convention and had no idea what idea the next 6 years would bring. No idea that there were people milling about at the convention that couldn't cope listening to the BS. There's hope for everyone.......

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I refer to them as Bullshit assemblies because everything that comes off the podium is exactly that.

    Keeping the slaves in control is part of the idea and to introduce new literature for the slaves to buy.

    Thats just the way JWS sell God $$$

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