Do you remember your last meeting?

by freedom96 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • glitter

    The last bookstudy I went to, we were studying the Family Happiness book. I looked ahead in the book and found that next week's study was about sexual perversion - I thought *no way am I going to sit here while they discuss bestiality while there are kids in the room and I'm still a minor myself*. Cried off sick the next week, went the memorial ages after that (1999 I think) and NEVER went back.

  • cat1759

    April 1995 the sunday talk. I got upset because they counseled parents to spank their children. This is against the law in Massachusetts. I waited till the song and my son and I walked out. I looked at him and said never again. I tried and tried.

    ON the way out the door came a Mother and her daughter my sons age. She couldn't gallop fast enough. She wanted her daughter to meet my son. Oh yeah that went over big. My son was only 16 and had a girlfriend he was dorking, it wasnt time for him to marry anyone let alone a JWS indoctrinated with my mindset.

    The last time I walked into a Kingdom Hall was for my Dad's funeral. Nov 1998 drunk off my ass. Sat there and dared anyone to even say hello. THey didn't even know my ex and I were divorced. They kept calling to see if i was ok. The brave ones always come up. I loved a couple of them and they loved me. They also later died and I regret my attitude. They truly did care about me.


  • mattnoel

    Funny you should ask..................but No, I dont remember.

  • quinah

    Cant even remember what year it was, never mind what the meeting was about! Really dont care as long as i never have to attend another one!
  • logansrun

    Sure, I remember my last meeting. It was the bookstudy. I conducted it.


  • VeniceIT

    The circuit Ass. in May 2000 was the last thing we attended as a family. My dad was actually the assembly overseer at the time hehehe. We sat there and knew we were going to start 'fading' over the next several months and my parents were going to move to FL and make their break. EVERY single demonstration/experience were lies. and even my friends and family were like 'ya right, whatever' because we knew all the people it was all so fake. The very next day we were turned in to the CO by my sis and friend, and never went to another meeting till Aug.

    Dad was df'd June Sixth, we found out a few days later. Mom and I had our first JC meeting the last day of July. They said they'd have to df us but we had a week to appeal. For some reason we felt impelled to go to the meeting the next night just mom and I. Aug 1st 2000. Everyone came up to us and hugged us (I kept forgetting dad was df'd hehehe) and they were very loving, even the elders on our committee huged us and said it was good to see us there.

    The meeting was SOOOOO boring OMG. It was the ministry school and one of those nights that were so well planned out. they were started a new book of the bible so there for the first 3 talks were all on the EXACT same material of the first few chapters. Sounded like a damn parrot up there, Mom and I got the giggles, and so did the sister sitting next to us, I mean it was so redundant. I looked at mom and was like OMG were they always this bad?? It was the funniest thing, we looked around and everyone was zoned out. The the Service meeting was highlights from the Disctrict Convention and no one had a clue about anything. It was supposed to be an 'audience participation' part but no one would raise their hands, several tried to remember what the drama was about but no one was sure. I was dying. I could have answered most of the questions without even going because I'd been keeping up with h20 and the reviews there, it was sooo pathetic. I thought to myself we're getting kicked out because we don't beilve this stuff, but the rest here are fine, and they don't even know the stuff we no longer belive, this is rediculas. Finally they came to a question. 'How many got baptised?' and EVERYONE raised their hand it was apparenlty the most important part of the entire weekend. How sad and pathetic. I talked to a friend of mine on the phone that night after the meeting, and all he did was tell me what he wore to the DC didn't talk about anything else there, not the new realeases or anything.

    Never went to another meeting again, I'm glad I went that time and saw them for what they really were, I mean I knew they were boring, but it was totally different. Mom wanted to walk up to the young brother that always sat slouched like he'd rather be anywhere else but here, and she wanted to say' your the only one here who has a brain' hahhaha!!!!


  • dawn27

    My last meeting was a Sunday and the elders had called on Saturday evening and asked to "talk" to me after the meeting. The whole meeting I was on pins and needles wondering what was up and it turned out that someone had told them about a friendship that I had developed with a guy that lived next door to me. It was not a judicial meeting because nothing had gone on but I had to listen about how I shouldn't have a friendship with an unbeliever and if I were to marry him my kids would be doomed as well. They wanted me to promise before I left that I would break off the friendship and I refused. They called a few times after that but I didn't call back and never set foot in the hall again. I wasn't going to let them sit there in judgement of me and someone that they didn't even know. I went to an assembly after that with my family and there was a talk about people who left the truth to marry unbelievers and they said, "but we don't care about them". I left at the lunch break never to go back. Shortly thereafter I moved and married my handsome "unbeliever" who is a terrific husband. I discovered this web site and many of the stories told here of how people have been treated convice me that I made the right descision. I faded away and didn't play their game by writing a DA letter. I still want to from time to time, but I kind of like talking to my family..

  • Soledad

    I think it was the memorial in 1998. it was held at a local school auditorium. don't remember anything that was said at all.

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    It was a Wednesday night, they were going over the All Scriptures Inspired book and there were some statements in there about the prophecies in Isaiah and why we knew they were written before the events transpired. My husband and I had had a lot of discussions prior to this happening, he was questioning things and (in typical Witness fashion) when I couldn't answer his questions I'd just get mad or burst into tears. But I showed him this paragraph in the All Scriptures book and he said "how do you know that's true?" or something to that effect. We got up and walked out...drove to the grocery store and ended up sitting in the car for an hour or so finally talking about all the questions and doubts we had, about the lies the society propegated (and we didn't know the half of it at that time!). By the time we got out of the car I knew I could never go back.

  • Teela

    Must have been in the early 90's Parents where visiting me in London and really wanted to go. So I helped then get there, Mum and dad went in the old age stand, i got sat in another. After they slagged off single parents, and aids vitims I did a runner to the pub and read the sunday papers until the session ended. I also went to the toilet (mens) and when stopped by loving dickhead i pointed out that the loving thing to done would be to half the number of mens toilets to shorten the queue. He stood there opened mouthed. While i continued on my way.

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