T minus 1 hour

by Jesika 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Happy happy joy joy.

    I'm sitting here with a charming glass of pinot grigio and feeling very mellow. If you want to call Rayzor, now's the time.


    Well wasn't that nice!

    Not only that, it made my night.

    I finally got to speak with the bride and groom.

    So very sweet, and it was a pleasure to speak with (((Jesika))) & (((Pr_Capone))) and of course, (((Moreisbetter))) & ((((Billygoat)))) - it's so cool when you can hear the voices of the people that post on here, and they are all absolutely lovely people.

    ((((BIG TEX & CRUZANHEART)))) - you two are indeed, special people.

    If anything, it's all the more I want to meet up with everyone that not only attended, but if possible, everyone else as well.

    My heart is sad, because I doubt I'll make Green Bay, but perhaps another apostafest (cross yer fingers).

    Nice to speak with you Jesika & Eric.

    I wish you nothing but the absolute best, always!

    Lotsa Love,
    ol' Rayzorblade

  • Mulan

    Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't anyone have a digital camera??????????

  • rocketman

    You wrote your own vows? Don't you know that the FDS is authorized to make them up for you?

    Congratulations and enjoy your wedding!

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