Re: Hello all! Looking for answers!

by ilusiondtenerte 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jason

    dear Gigi,
    If you are confused, write me at [email protected]. I can probably answer any question you have concerning your religion. Believe me, I can help. You may feel at home when you enter the kingdom hall. But that's because you were raised in it. There is only one truth and I can tell you what it is. If you need guidance or have a question, just write to me. I'm not like most people. I'm not your enemy, and I am not ignorant.

  • larc


    I like Outandfree's advice to you. Since the Bible is your common ground, why don't you read it together and form your own conclusions. Personally, I think the issue of celebrating the Sabbath on Saturday, Sunday, or not at all is not an important issue. As Jesus said, it is "straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel." Love in your home should be more important than figuring out which is the designated day to rest.

  • ilusiondtenerte

    Hello Mendoza,
    Will do!!!
    Thank you for taking the time in commenting!
    Talk with you soon!

  • ilusiondtenerte

    Can you believe that something as simple as sitting down and reading the bible together didn't occure to me?....
    I guess because it is simple enough.... or just because I had tried all possible avenues I thought about....

  • Wounded Heart
    Wounded Heart
    dear Gigi, If you are confused, write me at [email protected]. I can probably answer any question you have concerning your religion. Believe me, I can help. You may feel at home when you enter the kingdom hall. But that's because you were raised in it. There is only one truth and I can tell you what it is.

    If you need guidance or have a question, just write to me. I'm not like most people. I'm not your enemy, and I am not ignorant

    my question is, if you know the answer why didnt you put it here? many people are searching for the answer. i do not feel comfortable emailing you so am asking you put the answer here as i am interested in what it is. thank you in advance.

    Wounded Heart

    Love by giving to & accepting others unconditionally = true, pure love

  • Jason

    Wounded Heart-

    I didn't write much last time because I didn't have much time. Here is a brief outline or the truth, but "the truth" is a vague thing to ask about. If this doesn't help you may ask specific questions on this site if you are not comfortable emailing me.

    The truth is, (as you probably already know) YHWH created the universe and all that is in them in six literal days (So the evening and the morning were the sixth day-Gen.1:31). He saw all that He had made and that "it was very good."

    Man was perfect, man would live forever in Eden, without sickness, famine, disease, or death.

    Then God's first in command believed he could be more powerful than YHWH himself. (Is.14:14). He fooled man and made him disobey God. When God came to see what had happened A'dam and his wife were hidden away. God asked why and A'dam replied, "I was afraid because I was naked." (Gen.3:10).

    Because of this tragic event which took place around 6000 years ago, we are separated from YHWH. YHWH planned to destroy all that He had created in the times of Noah. Man had become so vile and wicked that God decided to flood the world. If it hadn't been for ONE righteous man we would not be here today.(Gen.7&8).

    YHWH had to provide some way to be reunited to his people, His creation. His law said that if a man sinned he, instead of him having his own blood shed for the sin, would have to cover his own sin by sacrificing an animal instead. This could only be a temporary solution to the problem. There needed to be one final sacrifice that would cover up the sin of all mankind. YHWH took it upon himself to become that very sacrifice. (Is.40:3-5/Luke 3:4-6).

    He became all man, yet remained all God. He did not know in his manhood "the day or the hour"(Matt.24:36) yet as the omnipresent one He saw Nathanael under the fig tree. (John 1:43).

    "I AM has sent me to you."-Gen.3:14.
    "Before abraham was, I AM." -John 8:58.

    Christ said, "I and My Father are one." Then the Jews took up stones (as YHWH commanded the Jews to do if a man blasphemes YHWH-Lev.24:16) again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of these works do you stone me?" The Jews answered Him, saying," For a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a man, make Yourself God."

    He, after proclaiming the good news, was murdered, as He had planned. Since he had not sinned He was a perfect sacrifice for all mankind. He became our sin, offering forgiveness to every man. He was buried in a tomb and rose from the dead three days later. If Christ has not been raised we are still in our sins.

    Now that YHWH has provided attonement for humanity, he waits for the day when His bride is ready to receive Him. Then He will return for 1000 years. Soon after that He will make new heaven and new Earth. And those who have accepted His salvation will be a part of that new creation. The lion will eat straw with the ox, and the children will play by the snakes den. There will be no more eating of flesh, no more death or disease, or sickness. Man will be naked, but he will not know it, and he will not be ashamed. Will there be "dinosaurs" there? Yes. As strange as that sounds, God will create everything again, including the animals that have become extinct. And we will live in "Eden" forever.

    If you have more questions, I have more answers.

    Jason Mendoza.

  • Wounded Heart
    Wounded Heart


    thanks Jason. i really appreciate all the time you took to answer my question and that you answered on the board.

    the only thing i see as a difference from what you wrote and jws believe is that your "truth" says God & Christ are the same person YHWH. is there something else different that i may have missed?

    i also wonder: were you ever a jw? are you practising a diff religion now? if so what? it is just curiousity on my part as well as a way to get to know you better. i was raised jw for 27 or so years. i "drifted" aprox 3yrs ago. i left because of the lack of brotherly love and caring.

    thanks again

    Wounded Heart

    Love by giving to & accepting others unconditionally = true, pure love

  • Jason

    Wounded heart,

    I have to make this quick but I'll finish replying to you tonight.

    I am a Christian. I have never been a JW. I was...I don't know what until I was 16 and I prayed for God, if there was a God, to show me the truth. By the time I was 17 He had open my eyes and welcomed me into His heart. My goal in life now is to help others to find truth as well. What do I believe? I believe what the Bible actually says. Not what someone says it means like most people who claim to be Christians of any kind. There are MILLIONS of differences between what I believe and what JWs believe. There are many differences between what I believe and the Catholics, Mormons, most Protestants, etc, etc,etc.

    Like I said I will answer more in-depth later tonight.

    And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. For in Me(Jesus) you are free indeed.

    Jason Mendoza.

  • Jason

    Wounded heart-

    Here are some of the differences between Christianity and JWs.

    I believe the Holy Spirit is a person, the Spirit of God, as the Bible says He is. One third of the "trinity." JWs believe He is just an impersonal "active force."

    I believe Jesus was hung on a cross, not a stake.

    I believe Jesus is God, JWs believe He is an angel.

    I believe everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus in truth shall be saved and they will live for eternity in heaven with Him. He said to all of his followers, "Where I am there will be also."
    JWs believe only 144,000 will go to heaven. They believe these 144,000 "Jewish male virgins" refer to Jehovah's Witnesses. Male, female, probably none virgins, and doubtfully Jewish. The rest stay on earth.

    I believe in Hell, that it is a place of eternal condemnation, conscious pain and suffering as the bible says it is. "Their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched."
    "Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And ANYONE NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE."Rev.20:14
    "The sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."Matt.8:12.

    He(anyone who recieves the mark of the beast)shall be TORMENTED WITH FIRE and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb. And the smoke of their tormentascends FOREVER AND EVER; and they have NO REST DAY OR NIGHT..."Rev.14:10&11.

    I believe in the physical, not spiritual resurrection of our saviour. "'I will raise this temple in three days'...The temple of which He was speaking was His body."John 2:19-21.

    JWs believe Christ came back in spirit form in 1914. They once claimed He returned in 1874. I believe He is yet to come. For these reasons.

    #1. Christ said that false prophets would claim He had returned but taught that we should not listen to them. "Then if anyone tells you,'Look here is the Christ! or 'There!' DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For false Christs and false prophets will rise..." Matt.24:23&24.

    So if we are not supposed to believe ANYONE who claims that our Messiah has come. How will we know He has come? Simple. We'll SEE Him return!

    "Then the sign of the Son of Man will APPEAR in heaven, and then ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL MOURN, and they will SEE the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matt.24:30.

    Does that sound like a hidden, secret, quiet, invisible return to you? It's hard to believe Christ has been here since the early 1900s and yet no one has 'mourned', no one has 'seen' Him, there has been no glory, no sign in the heaven.

    These are just a FEW of the differences between Christianity and JWs.
    If I've offended anyone I apologize but hey, the truth hurts. I tell it like it is. I hope I've helped someone to see the light today. Or even just encouraged someone in the faith.

    Anymore questions, just ask.

    Jason Mendoza.

  • ilusiondtenerte

    I agree.......

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