Blatant apostates did they ever rescue anyone from the cult?

by Crazyguy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy
    We have all heard about ones who have left and became seriously opposed. Did they have any success in getting anyone out like thier families or is going full appostate a waste of time when it comes to rescuing family and friend's?
  • sparrowdown

    I never met a truly angry apostate, only some that were very much in pain and it did cause me to wonder why, how and what happened to them.

    It also caused me to inwardly acknowledge that the congregation could be a very cold place.

    So in that sense, all these little incidents, with a variety of people, contributed (I feel) to me waking up.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Subtle is the way to go.

    You have to keep them from falling into their "persecution complex" mode.


  • sparrowdown

    It depends on the personality of the individual and where they come from as well.

    Some countries and cultures are more used to people that protest than others. That can influence how you view protest in general.

  • Terry

    One afternoon I overheard a conversation. It was two young men. The conversation was religious.

    I tried to tune it out, after all, I was busy writing something and I had a momentum going. Besides, what is more

    boring than a religious conversation?

    Ah, but I heard some highly identifiable buzzwords and my subconscious gave me a kick in my brain's 'butt.'

    I went on high alert!

    My full attention periscoped the conversation and I soon identified the reason for my feelings of interest.

    One of the young men was a J-Dub, no doubt whatsoever. Why? He was arguing against the Trinity and using words such as "torture stake" and "Jehovah." Duh!

    Once again, I tried to ignore the proceedings. None of it had anything to do with my present situation or state of mind. As the popular saying goes: "been there-done that."

    Finally, the magic word popped up and a rush of adrenaline galvanized me into action: APOSTATE.


    The non-J-Dub was chiding the Dub for a general failure to read what Bible scholars had to say. In so doing, he asked, "Are you allowed to read anything but your own religion's opinions?"

    The Dub gave his reply. "Sure, we can read anything--except for Apostate writings, because Apostates are ex-members who just want to lie about our organization . . . " My brain went white-hot and I physically felt myself hoisted up to standing position and moving (out-of-body experience) toward the two of them!

    Long story short:

    I walked over and introduced myself:

    "Hi--I'm sorry to interrupt. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation even though I was trying not to. But, I heard you talking about ME and I thought I'd come over and set some things straight."

    I sat myself down and proceeded to give a brief history of my dealings with JW's and recited bona fides.

    I explained my prison experience.

    I directed all my words at the young J-Dub as sincerely as I could.

    He got a bit upset and uncomfortable, of course.

    When I finished my little "intervention" I excused myself and went back to my table. (I was shaking like a leaf from the adrenaline overload.)

    An hour later, the young Witness came over to me and apologized for anything he might have said which may have been rude. Then, he asked me many specific questions.

    To be as brief as possible--this led to many such subsequent meetings, phone conversations, text messages and eventually; HE WOKE UP!

    He has become a very dear, close friend.

    All of the above I have related to answer the topic question as specifically as I could answer.

    I was blatantly an "apostate" and I spoke calmly, truthfully and as personally as I could.

    It made a HUGE difference to the young J-Dub. He is under 21 and waiting to become "of age".

    His life has changed considerably. His thinking has broadened. He has become ambitious for education and skeptical of 'easy' answers.

    I'm very, very grateful I responded to that 'none-of-my-business' conversation and injected myself into it.

    But I'll tell you truly--I COULD NOT HAVE DONE OTHERWISE.

    I guess it needed doing and I was the only one who could make it happen.

    Go figure.

  • stillin
    It's true that the ones who are shouting at people going into their assembly are not going to accomplish anything. But there was one guy who was dressed nicely walking around the outside. Clean, respectful. He asked people if they had ever considered other ideas? He had some sort of tract, which I refused, like a good little witness. But his easy approach and comfortable demeaner left me wondering what it was that he had to say.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I tend to agree with the sentiment with apostates who hang-out in convention parking lots yelling at JW's or crashing memorial does nothing. But I think it only strengthens the JW's and their resolve.

    If someone is having doubts and wanting to leave the ''truth'', the best way is read apostate sites, books and videos. I think that people should seek out apostates quietly and under the radar and fade, if possible. Instead of apostates yelling at people in arena parking lots, I believe it has an adverse affect on them(the apostates)

  • username

    Although some claim to wake up JW's this indeed is a fallacy! The only person who can wake up a JW is the JW.

  • Actigall Ur
    Actigall Ur

    Although some claim to wake up JW's this indeed is a fallacy! The only person who can wake up a JW is the JW.

    Exactly! I know because I was on the other side, defending my cult from those "evil mentally ill apostates." It took me to do research on 607 to wake the fu<k up.

  • Simon
    To be as brief as possible--this led to many such subsequent meetings, phone conversations, text messages and eventually; HE WOKE UP!

    Great story Terry :thumbsup:

    I doubt the results would have been the same if you'd started screaming at him about how the WTS has lied.

    Reasoned arguments presented in a moderate, respectful way will always be more effective.

    It reminds me of political rallies where people chant and shout. They are not doing that to convince anyone - they are doing it to reinforce their own choices.

    A discussion or respectful debate is what changes minds.

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