1975..Let's Keep It Alive!

by Englishman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    *I was conceived/born/a gleam in my father's eye* in 1975.

    I feel old.

    Am I am not!!

  • Buster

    I was in high school - headed for that train wreck called disco.

    Tim Reese (family moved from California to where the need was greater) and I were talking to a friend explaining how this system would end this year. I hope Scott doesn't remember.

  • wannaexit


    I vaguely remember a C.O. named VEENSTRA. I recently heard that he may not even be a dub anymore and that he left the org.

    Do you know anymore about him.


  • wednesday

    My hubby and i never for one minute believed that the big A was coming in 1975. I was careful whom i told that to however, b/c people were anxiously awaiting it. I remember how they talked about it from the paltform and then later denied they did, or if they did it was just that one brothers opinion. BS Soon all that were serving God for a Date were condemened by the WTS.

  • mouthy

    Oh.I would love to find out if Veenstra did leave the Borg....F Toth you should know.?? The last assembly I was at he was working on the food line-I thought that was strange.that was 1985 ....The year my hubby died. I was DF in 1987 ......

  • SealingSalamander

    And the heavens opened up, and the angels sang, and all the world rejoiced, for SealingSalamander entered the world

    Yep, that's me... ain't I cute (and too lazy to load up the pick on my website and link back).

  • expatbrit

    I've come across Veenstra too. Gave a typical JW funeromercial talk a few years ago. I'll try and sound out the wife to see if she knows what he's up to lately.


  • hillary_step
    I vaguely remember a C.O. named VEENSTRA.

    Are you sure it was not Finestra as in, Pulitore della finestra?


  • KGB

    My mom told me when I confronted her on this issue that it was merely a rumor. I knew better than that and oh yes she was baptised in 1975, so I asked her was it the rumor that made you scared and be baptised? hahahahahahaha Hell ya I think so...DOH!!!!

  • onacruse


    My mom told me when I confronted her on this issue that it was merely a rumor. I knew better than that

    Same here. I was right in the thick of the late 60s/early 70s adrenalin rush that followed the Life Everlasting book. So much info (quotes, etc) has been posted elsewhere to show what was actually put in print, but to me it was as much as anything the "feeling of excitement" that was most noticeable. The tone of voice the speakers used, the general apocalyptic theme of the literature...oh, and don't forget those special assembly days, where somebody from Bethel would give an "open your eyes" talk. I distinctly remember one I attended (Tacoma, I think)...Fred Franz was there, and one of the other speakers made a comment about "Brothers, do you realize that there are only 60 months left?"

    And yet many JWs I talked with afterwards said things like "Well, I didn't get that impression." It's a fascinating phenomenon, almost like mass hypnosis or something. That selective memory, the almost surgical precision of distinctly remembering the "good" stuff (like how many studies we had then, and that 100s and 100s of thousands were being baptized), and forgetting what it was that made that all happen.

    I knew better than that too.


    PS, I'm glad you're back

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