My story (in depth) PHEW!

by Aztec 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nilfun

    Aztec, you are one amazing woman. So glad you're here.

  • leddfootdja


    My step-mother was similary abusive. My father did nothing to stop it and occasionally took his turn at beating me up.

    Both were also verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive.

    This continued until I got big enough to fight back. You have fought back by getting away from the people who were hurting you and trying to get on with your life. Give yourself a big pat on the back for that.

  • arrowstar


    You're a helluva a woman...don't you ever forget it...


  • rocketman

    The beatings. And yet, there he was at each meeting, looking wonderful in the yes of the congregation. What a fine elder! What a fine family! I'm sure that's how it looked to outsiders. And ditto for Liyn Eyes and so many others. The hypocrisy is almost unimaginable, and yet all too real and much too painful.


  • Aztec

    Thanks for the replies!

    Jessica Rabbit, my father and I have a tenuous relationship. He shows his affection by asking how my car is running. As long as we stick to cars and sports we get along fine. When he brings up my *need* to go back I just try to change the topic. It's hard to hear the line "the time is growing short" and not crack a grin though.

    CJ, I will never subject myself to another JC. Never!

    Orbit, my son will never be a dub. He can be a theist if he wants but no mind-controlling cult for my baby.

    Dottie, thank you!

    PD, I think I'm a wonderful person too..LOL!

    Rayzor, you'll get love bombed all the time from me.

    Happyout, no I never did press charges. I think I was too confused at the time and now I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's been ten years since then and I'm sure the jerk has found some way to get himself into trouble. I enjoy your posts too!

    LyinEyes, sounds like our father's were related. The funny thing is, the more repressive my father was the more rebellious I got. Shouldn't be a surprise I guess. Strong willed women are my favorite types!

    Brenda, somehow at those crazy meetups I usually end up listening to everyone else's stories. I love hearing them! Sometimes it's just hard to open up. The only person I've told is Jann. Go figure, the two quiet ones..LOL. I'm sorry I won't get to see her Saturday but I hope you hurry up and get well so you can come too.

    Country Woman, my son is a tough cookie! Emotionally, he's a softie (like his mom) but mentally he's as tough as they come (like his mom)!

    00-Soul, you seem like a cool kid too! It wasn't because I was learning the Kindumb Melodies but because I borrowed his tape recorder without asking. What nerve I had! "Smash it up" is a great song! I thought it was by the international noise conspiracy though. I'd go look through my cd collection but it's all packed up right now.

    Realist, I can trust men because although I had to deal with a few jerks I also had a lot of great men in my life. Most of my best friends are men in fact. I'm smart enough to discern the differance.

    Alan, my father can be an idiot sometimes. Like I said, he's mellowed with age. He's great with my son believe it or not. It was reading your story that prompted me to put mine down.

    Nilfun, you're amazing too!

    Leddfoot, one of these days we'll get you to a meetup and I can give you a hug!

    Lisa, you're a helluva woman too!

    Rocketman, yeah, there's alot of hypocrisy in the Borg. One of the reasons I posted this here is so lurkers could read it. Not all is well in the WTBS folks.

    (((primitivegenius, teenyuck, nikita, shera, water, lady lee)))

    Thanks everyone for sharing!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I blamed myself for all of it. To some degree, I still do.

    Carrie, I know it's easy to say, and much harder to do, but please don't. I can't help but feel a lot of anger at your father. To create a climate of fear in your family is not only ignorant, but it's wrong. It prevented you from being able to share something tragic and something wonderful. And as for the JC, well Eman would delete what I would say about them.

    But I think I also feel sorry for him. He doesn't even know what he's missing. You're a fantastic person with a lot to offer, and he doesn't realize what he's got. I can only hope that one day he wakes up and sees what is right in front of him.

    Thanks for the story.


  • pettygrudger

    (((Carrie))) - I love ya! That must've taken a lot to post. And look at all the family you've gained! Not to mention a very beautiful young man such that your son is!



  • Aztec

    Chris, thanks for the response. I know you had an even worse childhood than I did. Some people just should not have children! I do have to feel a bit sorry for my dad. My grandmother was and still is a really cold, unloving woman. I would've hated to have her for a mom! I was fortunate to have a mother who was at least supportive of me. I have some resentment towards her because she did almost nothing to stop my father. Alot of it was done when she wasn't around though.

    All I can do is try and be a good mom for my son. I know you are doing the same and you have a lovely wife to help you!


  • riz


    you are awesome! I'm glad you're here.

  • expatbrit


    Thank you for your post. You endured a tough childhood and emerged from it as a blend of strength and goodness. You should be proud of yourself.


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