Are there any JWs in here?

by natred 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • natred

    Being bought up in this sick twisted orginization for many years I sypmathize for all of you who are brainwashed into believing it is the truth.ITS NOT! Its an organization full of scared helpless people,social outcasts,freaks,weirdos,power seeking old men,hypocrites and desperate charmless middle aged men attracted purely by the women. I hear also a large number of Peaodaphiles and now murderers? Jeez...
    The only sane people in the org are the poor people who have been dragged into it, due to their parents own insecurities and then not allowed to leave. It really makes me sick, and all the poor people whos lives get messed up due to this cesspitt you call a religion.
    And you have the gaul to call the rest of DECENT humanity the Wicked world. Twisted, completely twisted. BE STRONG, believe in yourself, leave, think of all the lies. I mean did we all miss the bus? cos i aint seen no Armageddon, dont believe what you are told,its a good world out there,filled with mainly good people, real people,living real lives, in touch with their own mortality.Its a far more satisfying way of life,live for today,cos you sure as hell aint going to live for ever.I am sorry if this sounds bitter, i want to encourage people not happy with the org to have faith n themselves, and live a real,truly fullfilling life. You can be good Individuals, far more important than a hypocritical orginization claiming to be so damn righteous and good.

  • Camay05

    I totally agree with your post. That sad thing is JW children are throw into the religion and refuse to do any research outside of official Watchtower reading material. They grow up confused and afraid. I have attempted to enlighten by boyfriend but he is totally
    brainwashed. ITs really SAD. I have started to leave out file folders marked the TRUTH in hopes he will take a peak. There is really
    not alot you can do when it comes to beliefs of the Soul and eternal life. THey have a strong hold on familys and they dont want to believe any thing but the wtbts.Hopefully he will wake up.Most are tramped and lost. ITs kinda like someone talking bad about your mom or dad you just dont want to believe they are evil yaknow.

    I have attempted to pick away at the organzition by asking innocent questions in regards to there beliefs like " How come you dont believe in the cross" then show him at least 6 diffrent scriptures form his own BIBLE that Jesus did die on the cross and not a tree or stake. I know it seems childish and sneaky but its working slowly.
    (I think)

  • Fredhall


    Since when you became perfect? Is it when you left the truth?

  • dark clouds
    dark clouds


    welcome i'm sure you'll have fun blowing off steam here. . .
    its quite therapeutic and a good place to reconfirm what you have already figured out. . .

    avoid the riff raff it seems to linger in some threads. . .


  • philo

    Right on natred, and welcome!


  • beroea

    Take care your anger dont take your commen sense. Feelings are good but are sometimes a blinding factor.


  • natred

    Hey fed hall, did i ay i was perfect, no i dont think so.
    You obviously fit into one of the aforementioned categories,
    probably a scared social misfit.....prick

  • georgefam

    I dont understand whats going on here. would some one tell me where there is a site for people who are happy to be known as JWs, and are not going to be bombarded by well meaning others whoare not JWs. THANKYOU

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome to the board Natred. Well said. Many here will agree with you whole heartedly, myself included.
    You might want to try the official site of the WT. Also there are some hard core witness discussion sites, the names elude me. Hope you find what you are looking for.

  • princecharmant


    Lettin' off steam, aren't you? Could you in all honesty qualify any set of people that way? If you stopped being a JW, wouldn't it make some sense to respect those who opt to remain?

    I am a Witness, for how long I don't know. But I pray not to spew as much hatred against anyone or any group of people as your post has clearly demonstrated.

    Or maybe you're just trying to provoke discussion. Maybe.


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