Do JW wedding vows provide a "way out"?

by Gopher 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher


    That is an interesting post about "absolute spiritual endangerment", which is one of the Watchtower's allowable reasons for marital separation.

    This doctrine of "absolute spiritual endangerment" presents the dark side of the so-called "three-fold cord" that the JW's sing about. The third fold is not really Jehovah in practice, but rather the religious organization of JW's. They can dictate to you how to behave in marriage. The idea of "spiritual endangerment" allows the elders to make a ruling on whether a wife should continue to stay together with her husband. She probably cannot apply the "spiritual endangerment" rule without their consent.

    Therefore, the elders can subtly exercise more influence on the woman than even the husband. I know, I've seen it, and it has made me absolutely sick!!!!

  • garybuss

    Gopher, you wrote:

    She probably cannot apply the "spiritual endangerment" rule without their consent.

    She may be able to in some cases, but the elders will ALWAYS need to rubber stamp it with their approval. This doctrine is a loaded gun the Society has given the elders to segregate and isolate the members from elements they find not to the best interests of the Society.

    I am aware of one Witness lady, a pioneer who professed to be of the anointed classification, who was married to a disfellowshipped non-believer. Her husband was openly critical of the group. Her husband was a very hard working and honorable person in every way. By any reasonable standard, he was a fine, upstanding member of society and a good husband and father. When her husband gave his testimony to a local newspaper columnist about being disfellowshipped and shunned by the Witness group, apparently the elders determined her home life with her husband was unfavorable to the goals of the group and declared her husband an "absolute spiritual endangerment". Under those circumstances she was encumbered to leave the home if she wanted the continued favorable status in the group. A divorce followed.

    The husband did not want the divorce and later the Witness, now former, wife told him she did not want it either. This was all forced by the elders using the "absolute endangerment to spirituality" doctrine.

    This is just one reason why I know this high control religious group is divisive, invasive, and dangerous and should never be allowed near. As was just supported by the Canadian Judge in the Vicky Boer decision, the Witness people do not have freewill to make critical life changing decisions. The Witness people are taught to give over their choices and decisions by the elders and then the elders show up to invoke their own decisions on demand. The Witness people comply because they believe the elders are speaking for God and they believe the elders hold the keys to life forever on a paradise earth. To not comply is to die.

    Hope I was kind of on topic Gopher. Thanks for the thread. I always enjoy your posts and your kind insight. GaryB

  • Gopher

    Gary --

    Thanks for sharing that eye-opening experience about the way that the "spiritual endangerment" rule can be used by the elders to endanger the marriages of innocent people.

    This spiritual endangerment doctrine is a very interesting corollary to my original post about JW wedding vows and what they might mean. It shows that after the wedding day, the elders continue to exercise undue influence in the marriages of some of their flock. Of course the elders are only robotically following the directions of their corporate masters in Brooklyn.

    Brooklyn says -- "if some congregation member (or their mate) is undesirable, make their life miserable -- even act against their marriage. THAT will teach them to resist us in Brooklyn!!"

  • peacefulpete

    On a serious note, the spiritual endangerment grounds for separation is not grounds for divorce. The divorce ensues when the mates leaves and prays the other finds an "adulterous" lover so as to "free" them to remarry. Physical abuse can likewise be pursued, since the 80's, as grounds to separate. The technical difference between separation and divorce is the source of great emotional strain as many have left their mates on gounds of endangerment only to be unable to "prove" the estranged mate's adultery and thereby have "gounds for divorce". I know a woman who was a single mom for 15years or so wanting to marry a man she loved but unable to show public affection for because her estranged husband's whereabouts were unknown. Al we could do is tell her Jehovah was blessing her "faithfulness". Terrible things happen when people take control of other's lives by making policies that ignore reality.

  • Gopher

    Thanks for that post, Pete.

    I always thought, though, that if you could separate, you could divorce too. You just couldn't "scripturally" remarry. That's why divorce was not advised in such situations.

    I feel bad for those who are out of bad situation, on their own, and think that they must wait for a body of elder's approval before reasonably proceeding with their life. Such a grip the WT has on people, thinking that Jehovah will enforce everything the WT says.

    You're right... they make policies that "ignore reality". JW's...Just another man-made religion that dominates people to their injury.

    "spiritual endangerment" rule

    Point of curiousity....does this ummmm....rule.....need two witnesses????


  • peacefulpete

    No..This constitutes a free ticket to those who are wiling to claim that this is the case in their home. Of course the elders wpould expect to have seen or heard some pattern of apostate behavior or that the unbeliever was otherwise evidentally antagonistic to the JWs. But ultimately this allowance is not contested if the "victum" claims to be in "spiritual" danger. Remember tho that this does not provide grounds for a divorce in their eyes so that is another matter that is dealt with when the left that was left seeks a new relationship

  • VeniceIT

    OMG those vow's are SOOOOO retarded

    divine termination of the marital arrangement.

    what the hell, like it wouldn't just automatically be terminated, they have to put a clause in there so god wouldn't be detered by his plans 'cause some dumb quack forgot to mention that in the vows. hehehe how pathetic!!!!


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