All-time Worst Movie Sequels

by teejay 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SheilaM

    The Jason movies I mean how many times can they have this hockey mask dude kill people and do they NOT LEARN FROM THE FIRST 16 RUN>>>>>>>>

  • primitivegenius

    BIKER BOYZ............... pure 100% crap with a little eye candy thrown in to get you to watch it. what kinda dumbass is gonna race on a dirt potholed track and expect to ............................. ok im ranting........ trust me yall it sucked ass big time. better to paint your wall and watch it dry for entertainment or hook up the bug light and drink beer..................... more worthwile in the long run as well :D

  • plmkrzy

    Crocodile Dundee and his kid go to LA. The worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. The absolute worst! HORRIBLE!

  • fraidycat9

    Robocop(s) II and III

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    A couple more just came to mind.

    Aliens 3 and 4 - all the trouble Ripley went through rescuing that little girl in the second film only for her to be dead at the beginning of the third one!!!

    And I fell asleep in the cinema watching Beverly Hills Cop II - my mates woke me as the credits were rolling!!

  • Descender

    Heheh, it's impossible to please everyone. I had a preconceived notion of how "the Hulk" was going to be and it didn't hold up. He was a good representation of his comic book self but the story line and camera angles sucked as far as I'm concerned.

    On the other hand, I went to see Charlie's Angels 2 the other night and really enjoyed it. I didn't expect a realistic view of crime fighting or realistic stunts. I was expecting a lot of in your face action, jokes with sexual innuendo, and superhuman characters, which is exactly what I got. Whereas the 2 teen-agers behind us thought it would be a good idea to talk through the whole movie about how stupid and unrealistic it was.

    Basically, you can usually get a good idea from the previews as to what a movie is going to be about. If you don't like stupid movies with crude humor, don't see them and complain that they were stupid and had crude humor. If you don't like super heroes doing unbelievable stunts, don't see the movie and complain that it was to unrealistic. If you don't like movies about science fiction themes, don't see it and complain it was to out-there or had to many aliens.

    That’s my main annoyance when discussing movies with people. They always seem to bring up things that they didn't like about a movie, such as how stupid "Not Another Teen Movie" was, like they didn't expect it to be stupid from the previews.

    If people expect classical Shakespearean acting and a realistic plot to all their movies then I suggest just watching Documentaries or English films.

  • Valis

    Simon, I thought TMOKG was a great movie.

    I'm thinking the Highlander follow ups were a big disappointment for me.


    District Overbeer

  • riz
    The film called "The Madness of George the 3rd" was renamed "The Madness of King George" for the USA release because it was thought that American audiences would think it was a sequel and people wouldn't see it because they 'couldn't remember seeing the other two'

    Well thank jeebus there are more intellectually superior people looking out for us. This dumb American would have never figured out George the 3rd wasn't George Part 3.

    And thanks, teej!

  • rem

    Tremors II was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I think it went straight to VHS. Yeah, I liked the original Tremors movie. So shoot me!


  • happyout

    This wasn't really a sequel, but a remake, and it was hands down the worst movie I have EVER seen:

    The Mod Squad

    (with Claire Danes, Omar Epps, and Giovanni Ribisi).

    In the middle of the movie, I actually said out loud "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm still watching this" and the entire audience (what there was of it) laughed and agreed.

    MIB2 was also a disappointment, as was Speed2.


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