New Airport Scanner That Views You Naked!

by ISP 10 Replies latest social current

  • ISP

    'Nice Bombs Ya Got There'


    Associated Press Page 1 of 1

    08:33 AM Jun. 26, 2003 PT

    EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. - A scanner the government is testing for airport screening reveals much more than meets the eye to be comfortable for most passengers. :

    Susan Hallowell, director of the Transportation Security Administration's security laboratory, sacrificed a large measure of her own modesty Wednesday to demonstrate the problem.

    She stepped into a metal booth that bounced X-rays off her skin to produce a black-and-white image that revealed enough to produce a world-class blush.

    Her dark skirt and blazer disappeared on the monitor, where she showed up naked — except for the gun and bomb she had hidden under her outfit.

    "It does basically make you look fat and naked, but you see all this stuff," Hallowell said.

    The agency hopes to modify the machines with an electronic fig leaf — programming that fuzzes out sensitive body parts or distorts the body so it does not appear so, well, graphic.

    Another option would be to restrict the screener to a booth so no passing peepers can see the image, said Randal Null, the agency's chief technology officer.

    Null hopes to conduct pilot programs with the machines at several airports this year. A test run with volunteers at Orlando International Airport in Florida met with mixed results, he said.

    Some were uncomfortable with the technology — called "backscatter" because it scatters X-rays — while others proclaimed it "a whole lot nicer than having someone pat me down," he said.

    David Sobel, general counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, thinks most people will object to the technology.

    "The public is willing to accept a certain amount of scrutiny at the airport, but there are clearly limits to the degree of invasion that is acceptable," Sobel said. "It's hard to understand why something this invasive is necessary."

    Magnetometers now in use at airports cannot detect plastic weapons or substances used in explosives.

    With backscatter technology, rays deflected off dense materials such as metal or plastic produce a darker image than those deflected off skin. The radiation dosage is about the same as sunshine, Hallowell said.

    Backscatter machines have been available for years, priced between $100,000 and $200,000. They have been used to screen prisoners' families and South African diamond miners going home for the day.

    Rep. John Mica, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee on aviation, wants to persuade colleagues to focus research on technology that identifies items on people's bodies.

    "The chances of someone bringing an explosive on an aircraft by walking through a metal detector or in hand-carried luggage are very real," said Mica, R-Fla.

    Mica pointed out that Richard Reid, convicted of trying to blow up a trans-Atlantic jetliner with explosives in his shoes, walked through metal detectors at Orly Airport in Paris several times before boarding the plane.

  • ashitaka

    Frankly, I'd rather they patted me down. They don't need to see my schlong and belly in order to properly make sure that weapons aren't on my person. Just another invasion of privacy. Expect more and more of this.


  • ISP

    It will be another one of those airport jobs that some has to do I suppose!

    If you dont mind the feel down thing, dont think you can get away with anything. You might have large extremities that get noticed.............

    Drugs smuggled in breast and bum implants

    Traffickers are having drugs implanted in their breasts and bottoms to smuggle them through international airports.
    There has been a reported increase in the number of women discovered to have had the implants in the Colombian capital of Bogota.
    One surgeon was asked to carry out breast implants on a number of women on the condition he later travelled to the United States where he would 'operate' on them for a second time. The El Nuevo Herald reports he refused when a client revealed she wanted him to implant heroin.
    The first reported case involving cosmetic surgery in drug smuggling was in 1994 when a woman was caught on her way to the US from Bogota. She was apprehended after police noticed she had unusually large buttocks.
    Story filed: 14:29 Friday 15th June 2001

    Another interesting airport job!


  • Brummie

    The "Is that a gun in your pocket ?" gag just took on a new meaning huh, this could get embarrasing if one is having untheocratic thoughts about the air hostess.


  • Xena

    well I guess I could consider this as incentive to lose 20lbs before my next trip...............

    I am amazed at the lengths people will go to to smuggle drugs....I personally know of a person who put drugs in a tampon and inserted it for a trip (no pun intended) that indicates to me a serious drug problem!

  • Prisca

    I suppose I'll be the odd one out (I'm used to it by now) and say that I'd rather be xrayed than patted down by a stranger.

  • gumby
    I'd rather be xrayed than patted down by a stranger.

    Prisca.....I am no stranger and will be happy to pat you down.

    As for guys getting patted down by a stranger........As long as it's not a male......any female will work if you close your eyes.


  • ISP

    Yeah could always have a coffee before with the guy....


  • Country_Woman

    but it is not in colour....

  • AlanF

    I gotta get me one of these!


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