The Bible Code

by m0nk3y 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • qwerty


    It says this..........

    The Present UN division over Iraq will be healed after the war by the creation of the Image of the UN Beast, which image is an expanded UN Security council with 10 Permanent Members with reduced veto powers. This will occur on July 25th - 27th 2003, 666 BLC days after 911.

    As of March 17th 2003, the 48 hour deadline declaration for Saddam, the Beast of Revelation 17 "was but is not and yet will be present". It was the 8th King but is not the 8th king yet will be present as the 8th king along with the image which exercises its authority, when this image appears.

    The Image of the Beast, being an image of a 10 horned and 7 headed beast, itself has 10 horns and 7 heads. These are 10 months of power and 7 months of headship, making a total of 17 months of power and headship before it hands over to the UN Beast. So the image comes into existence in 2003Tammuz (2 July - 1 August 2003), the 17 months are 2003Ab to 2004Chislev inclusive. The General Assembly controlled UN beast takes over in 2004Chislev and gets 42 months of authority to act, which run from 2004Tebbeth to 2008Sivan The 10 diadems on the 10 horns are the 10 kings of Revelation 17 in the case of the image of the beast.

    Sounds very WTBS ish to me, I wonder if they are XJW's.

    If they get that bit right I will be back to read some more!


  • Abaddon

    Look, this is really really nothing, just statistical silly-buggers, a shell game to skin the credulous. Using the same techniques another researcher;

    McKay found assassination "predictions" in Moby Dick for Indira Gandhi, Rene Moawad, Leon Trotsky, Rev. M. L. King, and Robert F. Kennedy

  • Gopher

    This "hidden code" rubbish is just another way to make the Bible say what someone wants it to say. The illogic of it all boggles the mind.

  • Simon

    Some bits of the bible code are interesting. It's roughly ...

    The first 5 books of the bible are claimed to be the direct word of god, transcribed letter by letter.

    Every 49th letter of the first 2 books says some word and every 49th letter of the last 2 books says the same word backwards. Both point to the middle book.

    Every 7th letter of the middle book spells out God's name.

    (it's something like that, I may have some of the details wrong)

    Apart from that, taking certain numbers and every nth character will spell out things like names of American Presidents, Generals in WWII and so on.

    It sounds impressive until you nivestigate the statistics and find that this sort of thing works for any large work of fiction and, in fact, any large number of random letters.

    Still, fascinating stuff.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    No such creature.

    But several people make money selling books.............

  • badolputtytat

    Interesting that they never find the prophecy until after something like that happens, and the 'things to come" prophecies are always like five or ten years away.. . after you BUY the book and forget about the whole thing.

    I mean, you never read something that says "according to this code the world will end in the next 48 hours, sell all your stocks". They made a bloody fortune selling the Prophecies of Nostradamus and you spend all this time reading about prophecies that were fulfilled a hundred years ago. They said he predicted the twin towers too, based on one little quatrain... but if this is the case, why wasnt some guy running around on Sept. 10th, saying "clear the building"??I mean a population of how many million? Somebody shoulda read the book right?

    Question: How many elders quit their jobs on the year the end was to come? If your so sure about the end... why bother hitting the time clock?

    I know, I know, nobody asked me... I'm going away now.

  • m0nk3y

    Actually you raised some rather obvious and extremely valid points badolputtytat


  • peacefulpete

    The Bible "code" is an ancient mystic delusion. The Kabala was based upon the belief that the sum of knowledge was hidden in the Torah. Naturally this lead to some doctoring of the wording to "confirm" this hypothesis. Intersetingly the WT does seem to endorse the acrostic idea to some extent. The book of Esther was a fable that was popularized due to it's endorsment of the Persian festival of Purim by Jews. It was not regarded as inspired by many Jews. Apart from the numerous ridiculous historical and textual impossibilities, one common objection to even viewing it as a religious work is the absence of references to Yhwh or just "God" for that matter. In an effort to support the inclusion of it in the OT, the WT in the SI book mentions that acrostically the name YHWH appears in the text 4 times. The statisical probabilty of these comon letters and the inconsistent method of calcuation for these 4 occurences is enough for me to dimiss it as coincidence, however it is not impossible that a Jewish priest who was fond of gemetria (numerology/acrostics) worked the text a bit to lend support for his favorite story.

  • ninecharger




    AND ON

    Just as you thought you had escaped all this Witless crap...

  • Librajag67

    I read that Bible code book and it scared the s..t out of me. According to this bible code there will be another huge attack on N.Y. in 2004 with missiles and there will be a nuclear holocaust in 2006 that will destroy most of the earth. I'm not really sure what to think of it but I hope it's not true

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