An elder gave me that look

by JH 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I'm inactive since many years and I met an elder yesterday while I was driving in the city. I made my stop, and an elder passed in front of me driving very slowly and made a very sad and disapproved face. Although it lasted about 3 seconds, I could feel exactly what he was thinking.

    I felt as if I was a very bad boy not wanting to play knock knock on doors with them anymore.

    For the inactive ones, do you often get that kind of disapproved look?

  • Swan

    Yes. I can ignore them like they aren't important, but I usually smile. If I'm in a really nasty mood I give them a look of pity and shake my head.


  • outnfree
    I give them a look of pity and shake my head .

    heheh -- that's what I did the last time I saw an elder!


  • JH

    Now imagine for a second if I wanted to go back. That look would have made me think twice. A look like that meant, "we want to talk to you very badly and give you a hard time".

  • czarofmischief

    That look just makes me laugh, these days. My life is so much better with three extra days to do whatever I want.

    Plus, half these old fogies that kicked me out have kids of their own out now being lesbians and stuff = doesn't bother me, but it warms my heart to think how the old farts must be suffering...


  • Mary
    an elder passed in front of me driving very slowly and made a very sad and disapproved face.

    Why? Did you reject his sexual advances?

    You should've given him a wink, a grin and a wave, just to freak him out.........and then blow him a kiss as you're driving away.

  • Maverick

    Who is this person that you have given him so much power over you? He looks at you and projects his disapproval and you absorb it and let it eat at you? In the words of Cher from the movie Moonstruck, "Snap out of it!" You should look at him with pity and contempt! He should slink away from you! He's the poor dumb bastard not you! OK, OK, I'm done now! Maverick

  • outoftheorg

    Yesterday I had to go to the hardware store. I was looking around for which aisle might have the item I was after. I hear a voice behind me call my name and ask if I need help. I turn to look and it is the JW guy I see often at the local restaurant. He goes out of his way to shun me there and it almost always makes me smile at him. Apparently he has taken a job here. I smile at him and tell him what it is that I am seeking. HE smiles and with good manners takes me to where the item is. Stays there for a time and asks if I found what I wanted. I thanked him and assured him that I had. We parted and I paid and left.

    Now, do you think this is due only to his new job, or is he opening up to me? This is what I am wondering.

    A long time ago he tried to get aquainted with one of my girls. It didn't work out. So we have some history.

    It will be interesting to see where this goes.


  • Hamas


    Far from it, I often get my look in before they do.

    They were witnessing around my way the other day so I made eye contact, shook my head and said 'more fool you mate, more fool you' as I passed the elder and his wife.

    he he he

  • greven

    I am inactive but do not het funny looks. I do see quite alot of the youngsters still so maybe they are a little more liberal than older dubs. Still, most greet me...I might have an idea why btw... I tolled many times that I simply was to busy with my study at the university...maybe after I graduate their stance will change... who knows....


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