Dutch judge rules that elders are not entitled to hide behind clergy-penitent privilege

by Anders Andersen 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot
    smiddy3 - "I wish more judges would come to the same conclusions..."

    Pretty sure it's coming, bit by bit.

  • Hotpepper

    Expect the branch office in this country to close fast.

  • Reboot1979

    Spot on!

    Using clergy-penitent privilige as an excuse to protect people that do no deserve protection and expose the congregation and community to unecessary risk is disgusting.


  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well done common sense and pragmatic Netherlands!

    "Clergy penitent privilege" is the sort of thing the Watchtower would have mocked the Catholic Church for in the past. However if it helps the WT get out of a legal fix, then like a flash, they are all for it.

    The governing body of the JW organisation are hypocrites and pushing their luck.

    WT leaders, why not be honorable men and say you were very wrong and admit that your rulings hurt people? We are not talking about slight hurt, it is often grievous life-long psychological problems burdening vulnerable members.

    Do something different JW organisation! Admit you were at fault -- not hide behind Christendom's antique get out clauses. Shame on you. Your actions publicly demonstrate that you actually do not care about the welfare of your flock.

  • lancelink

    Wonderful comment Half Banana, I totally stand with you on this ! Thank you.

  • smiddy3

    you were very wrong and admit that your rulings hurt people? We are not talking about slight hurt, it is often grievous life-long psychological problems burdening vulnerable members.

    Not only just hurt people ,but give them a death sentence with their unscriptual blood doctrine .

    The scriptures show that when a life is at stake ,human life took precedence over the law.

    The soldiers who were starving failed to bleed the animals before eating them.

    And their was no punishment to them.They were excused because their lives were in danger.

    1Sam.chapter 14

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