Old board member here..an anonymous thread; Depression-a little help please

by aspiration 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • aspiration


    I am a long time member of the board, but I am too embarrassed to put this under my username. If people 'discover' who this is, please keep it to yourselves. Simon, my apologies, but please understand why I created the username. I really want to keep this anonymous, and this messageboard can be pretty damned valuable at times. I just don't think I could talk about this if people know who I was, which includes talking about this with someone in person. Thanks, simon.

    I was a JW, but have been out for years. I have friends and family on the board, so I don't want them to know how I'm feeling. I'm known as the strong one, (mentally), and it's embarrassing to talk about this with them.

    I really don't know what I'm dealing with right now. I'm calling it depression, but I don't know if it's that. I just can't seem to get out of bed anymore. I don't want to leave my house. I'm having trouble going to work, although I enjoy my job. I love my wife, and we have a great relationship, but I just don't feel anything anymore. I feel dead. I used to love nature, reading books, writing. I used to have a voracious appetite for knowledge, now I have trouble watching the simplest sitcom on TV. I haven't been to work in a couple of days. I'm almost afraid to get out of bed. I feel totally and completely exhausted. My body and mind seem empty, like the gas just ran out and I'm stranded on a road in a desert. I drink all of the time now, a symptom of what I've been feeling for a long time.

    The drinking really does nothing except affect my own perceptions. In fact, I find that I am much more positive and industrious when I drink, which I believe is classic alcoholism. My wife likes it when I drink, because I am much more calm, and can find the gumption to get off the couch. I complain less, and for a while I escape the banter of the world (again, classic alcohlism). I am normally a pretty balanced person, and treat my wife and family with respect, no matter what kind of inebriated state I'm in. In fact, most of the time, they can't tell when I've been drinking. I just feel different in my mind. It seems like, at least for the time that I'm drunk, I feel normal again, like I did when I was a kid. I feel warm, the sun looks like it used to, the books I have seem readable again. I feel young. Still, I'd prefer not to drink, and find some alternative method to rid myself of what I'm feeling. I don't want my liver to turn into swiss cheese. (and yes, I did feel this way before I started drinking.)

    I don't feel suicidal, because I've been there and I know what that's like. I also dealt with severe depression in my youth, and what I'm feeling right now feels nothing like that.

    I'm over my JW issues, so I don't think that's the problem. I don't even think about it. My home life and extended family life is pretty good. No complaints there. The job is a pain at times, but it is good work and I am highly respected there. But, I just can't seem to do anything that pleases me anymore.

    As for my relationships with other people, I can't say I have one negative relationship. Everyone in my life values me, and has come to lean on me. I work very hard to please them, to make sure that they are happy. I am dreadfully worried that my wife will find out about this, and it will make her sick with worry. You see, she is not entirely emotionally stable; she has many issues, and I am the one thing that roots her. If she feels she can't turn to me for help, then I don't know who she would turn to. She has attempted suicide in the past, which is a concern of mine. I never want her to feel that way again, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure of that. Telling her about my weakness will not help her. I would rather go around feeling destroyed for the rest of my life than upset her. I love that woman.

    Still, one of the problems is that now that the JW fight is over, now that JWs play no role in my life, I feel dead. It's like the feeling described in All Quiet on the Western Front, after the main character comes home from battle. He feels alien, like the purposes he used to have were unimportant and dead, and the only thing material is the battle.

    I am wondering if anyone on the board can give me some advice, thoughts, on taking drugs like Paxil, or how therapy works (if it works). I can and do go months without a drink, so don't suggest AA. It's just lately that I've had no enjoyment beyond the bottle. Besides, I am an athiest, and the garbage that AA spews out would just make me angry. I want to get to the root cause of my problems, not just deal with the symptoms.

    I just feel like my body and soul are exhausted. All of my former inspiration is gone. I feel like a marionette with broken strings.

    If anyone has anything to say, please do. And if the naysayers could stay off the thread, I'd appreciate it. Comments along the lines of "pull yourself together" are not necessary. I already tell that to myself 100 times a day. It doesn't work, although I didn't do an acutal study on the matter.

    I've come to respect a whole lot of you on this board over the several years I've been here, and would value your advice.


  • cruzanheart

    (((((Aspiration))))) I am so sorry you are feeling -- and not feeling -- this way. To this lay person it sounds like a classic case of depression. I would highly recommend a psychiatrist, because they can prescribe medicine, and talk through your reasons for depression. I agree that after the JW fight to be free is over it can be hard to find motivation, kind of a "what do I do now?" feeling. You need a professional to help you. And if it's possible, try to find one who doesn't think that one drop of alcohol makes you an alcoholic. I agree you are having some problems with that right now, but some mental health professionals go kind of overboard on it. At least they do in Texas -- maybe it's a Baptist thing.

    Please, please, please keep posting to let us know how we can help.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    First things first

    See your doctor. Pick up the phone and make an appointment and get a full physical to rule out medical problems.

    Once that is done and you find no cause for how you are feeling, check into psychological possibities.

    Depression can take many forms. What you felt when you were younger is not necessarily how depression will feel as you get older/more mature.

    Also the alcohol although it seems to help is actually a depressant so while you think it is working it might be making it worse in the long run. Until you find out what is going on think about not using until after all tests are in.


  • SpiceItUp

    first hugs to you...

    Next it may sound a little unorthidoxed and even corny but hear me out... try yoga.

    The meditation may help you dig deep to the root of the problem...not to mention it will also be physical to get you more energized and motivated. It might even take away the urge to drink as much. i went to yoga and it helped me stop smoking even though that wasn't the reason I was going.

    Make sure you are eating balanced meals. Force yourself to eat of you have to. When depression sets in either poeple eat too much or not enough. Both can be disastrous. The way you described yourself sounds like you need more nutrients and vitamins to help you function on any level.

    However please also get some professional counseling help. They do work.

    I wish I could suggest more but please if you can do it without drugs please do. The dependancy on drugs is not a solution....they only mask the symptoms.

    hugs again...whoever you are.

  • teenyuck

    {{Aspiration}} I agree with Nina and Lee. Please see your doctor. He or she could also recommend someone you could talk to. I don't think AA is the answer either. Especially if you are an atheist.

  • TheSilence


    I wish there was something I could offer you other than words. I would certainly suggest finding a therapist, but find one that you're comfortable with. If a therapist has a style that makes you uncomfortable they are unlikely to be effective, in my opinion. The only other advice I can offer is that it sounds as though you feel without a purpose now that your fight to get away from the organization is over. Perhaps you simply need a new fight, something to focus your energies on. Is there some cause you feel strongly about? Homelessness, cancer awareness, youth programs? If you were ever a part of the quick builds for the organization is there some skill you could offer Habitat for Humanity? Could you walk to help make people more aware of cancer? Could you donate your time to a big brother/big sister organization? There are so many things to dedicate your energies to if that's what you need.

    I don't know that this will help, it's simply what I read into what you've written. Please get some help. If you ever need to talk my personal email is [email protected]. I wish there was more I could do. You will be in my thoughts.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Dear Aspriration

    You are having the classic symptoms of depression dear. I have it too, and I know exactly how you are feeling. I am sorry to hear you are suffering, I know it sucks. And I would not worry about the drinks to feel better, it is simply self-medicating, a fast way to feel better.

    I have used paxil, and other anti-depressants. They help lots of people, and they are readily available. Depression can be triggered by stressors, like a change in jobs, loss of a loved one, etc.

    It sure sounds like you have been through alot, and leaving the dubs can be very traumatic, because EVERYTHING changes. It effects friendships, family, and even your daily schedule is thrown for a loop, after attending all the meetings and all, one could find it hard to replace all that time that used to be filled.

    I would encourage you to see a doc as soon as possible, and see about some meds. I would also encourage you not to feel ashamed over this. I know it is hard for a man to admit he isnt feeling all that strong, but you are in good company.

    Best wishes to you sweetie. I am thinking of you, and will keep you in my prayers. I don't know who you are, but God does, and I hope you feel better soon!!!!

  • Billygoat


    When I get depressed, some of my best therapy is having a great "bonding" conversation with my husband. Mostly my crying, explaining my heart, sitting in silence and him just being there. Sometimes giving advice, but not always. Although he's never experienced depression himself, he fully understands when I get like that I NEED his unconditional love and support. He is great about listening to me, hugging me, taking me to dinner, making me laugh, buying me flowers, making love to me...everything that makes me feel valued. I urge you to speak with your wife about this. As scary as that may be, the "strong" ones are allowed to not be strong at times. And when they share with others it makes the whole family unit stronger, even though the "strong" one is weak.

    You are in my prayers friend,


  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    I am with Nina on this. I think the fact that the drinking improves your mental state is a good sign that there is a need for the right medication. When I took Zoloft I did have one side effect that bothered me - no desire for sex. It doesn't mean it will affect everyone the same. There are so many new medications now - Effexor and Wellbutrin are also good for giving you the motivation and drive to get up in the mornings. PLEASE see a doctor. Even a regular MD might be able to prescribe Wellbutrin which has helped my sister a great deal.


  • freein89

    My Dear Aspiration,

    I am so sorry, I recently had a bout with exactly what you are describing. It does sound like depression to me, the deadened feelings are classic. Paxil works great, but I think you need medication and some professional help. My husband wanted me to get help, I called my doctor and up-ed my dose for a while, I have been on the Paxil for almost 10 years. It allows you to feel again, you may have to tinker with the dose-too much makes me sleepy, not enough gives me the heeby-jeebies. I have been using Dr. Phil's book and HOT DAMN but it works. Go get a copy of LIFE MATTERS, I can't emphasize enough how great it is. Start the book and see how you feel in a couple of days, first you get instant results, but you must settle in and do ALL of the work for lasting results. If you don't start feeling better, get some help, get a copy of the book for your wife too. You will also need a big fat notebook for the work. Share the healing with your beloved, you both deserve it. You can do this.

    I know what it feels like to not want to leave the house - been there, all you need is to see the doctor for meds and get the book!!!!! Go from there, if its not working do something else, I know you can do this-tell yourself I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY and mean it. You might have to fake it at first, but soon you will mean it. I've never been in the chat room, if you want to do that, have a little back and forth, I would be happy to share, no I would be THRILLED to share, it means alot to me, I want to help, truly I do.


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