Could you ever go back ??? What would the elders ask/make you do ???

by run dont walk 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Not meant to give anyone NIGHTMARES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure we will all answer no, but for the fun of it, what would have to happen for you to return to the Kingdom Hall,

    And what would the elders/judicial committee say to you if you wanted to go back.

    Do you think even if you returned with a new attitude, that you would always be "marked" by the congregation.

    Should get some interesting answers !!!!!!!!!!

  • breal

    Already attempted a return before meeting my husband and it was a heart wrenching, humiliating experience. No desire to repeat it.
    Not sure what the elders require of one trying to get reinstated.
    I believe that it would be very difficult if not impossible to really have a “fresh start”.

    Sometimes when I am back in Alberta I am tempted to take my husband and attend a meeting where it all began just to have a good laugh and give them all something to chat about for while….but it’s not worth it. As much of an education as it would be for him it’s simply not worth it. I wonder if they would try to convert him?

  • Prisca

    I think the elders would have a lengthy discussion about my rumoured apostate thinking. They would want to be convinced that I agreed that the JWs was God's organisation (dry retch) and that Jehovah was guiding us via the GB (puke).

    Of course, once you're accused of apostacy, you'll be marked for life. Anything you said would have to be totally pro-WT, lest someone thought you were starting to "think indepenantly" once again.

  • obiwan

    They would have to change so much, they would look like the Catholic church! LOL!!

  • berylblue

    There would have to be a Watchtower which had, on the cover, in big black letters, "WE'RE SORRY", and then devote the entire periodical to apologizing for the hurt and pain they've caused untold millions over the years.

    That's never going to happen. For me to go back, I would have to be convinced that my participation in that religion (meaning proseletyzing) would not lead to me being blood guilty, or guilty of inviting others to participate in a religion no longer approved by God. (At this point, I do not believe Jehovah approves of the WTS; I don't know much about Bible prophecy and never have but "evil slave" comes to mind). Currently, I feel association with the Witnesses would not only be wrong, but evil. I could never go from door to door promoting the WTS when it has commited such heinous crimes against innocent persons. "They" may have the "truth" (or some of the truth, or a bit of the truth), but their actions are far from faultless. I could never be a part of that.

    Sorry, once again, for my lack of eloquence.


  • xjw_b12


    As I've said before, If I happen to be driving past the KH and I see the sign says this.................

    " Reformed Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses " I'd probably drop in to say hello !

  • freein89

    Nothing could make me go back, and after all these years I have nightmares that I went back. Horrible nighmares that feel like I sold my soul to the mythical devil. Shortly before I DA'd an elder told me that if I screw up, the congregation would never forgive me-and boy did I "screw up". This is the same elder who is a dentist and he slapped my son across the face for crying when he had a tooth pulled. My son didn't tell me for many years because he knew I'd raise the roof. He was only 5 and his baby tooth wouldn't come out after the permanent tooth came in. We were still among the "faithful" at the time and that bastard slapped him across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. This is also the same elder who tried to make "sheparding" calls when I stopped coming to meetings and before I DA'd. He screamed at me and shamed me and I ran out of my own house to get away from him. So I repeat NOTHING could make me go back.

  • cruzanheart



  • Descender

    Let's see, for me to go back. A public apoligy to all those that have been hurt would be required. They would have to stop disfellowshipping and disassociation practices, lift the stupid blood conditions, not make it a requirement to go door to door, and have no hiearchy system.

    Also, they would have to stop teaching the witness belief as fact and allow people to believe and question whatever they wanted. You wouldn't be belittled or punished for your own personal beliefs and you would be allowed to come and go from the meetings whenever you wanted. There would be less public meetings and more get-togethers and where people wouldn't be scared to speak about what was on their mind.

    Basically, it would be a place to go so you could associate with people without fear of expressing your own ideas and opinions. Hmmmm, I guess it would be sort of like if everyone on this board made up the new improved JW religion.

    Anyway, whenever that happens, tell me and I'll stop in to see what it's like.

  • rocky220

    ummmmm, they don't want me to come back......I've changed you know....................rocky220

    [protecting pedophiles, sexism, and mind control are against MY religion!]

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