New Here Also- Thoughts on the current state of JW

by secretjw 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • secretjw

    By the way, hello! I'm new here. I am a baptized Witness... I've been around it most of my life. I've been baptized for a while now.

    Just as a topic of thought, what do you think is the current state of the Society/Jehovah's Witnesses today? It seems like we're in the last days.... but then again, the last days have been going on for 60+ years! While I think the beliefs and atmosphere are generally good (I say generally because I don't think JWs are any different then people in the world (at a basic level)- we're still imperfect people with different personalities that will clash), I think that there could be room for improvement. I'm just curious if any other Witnesses feel that, while this is probably "about as good as it gets" in terms of religion, is it the absolute and concrete "Truth"?

  • Gopher

    Hi secretJW,

    Interesting name! Welcome, hope you hang around here, learn and discuss.

    My feelings are that although the movement may have started out with good intentions, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, that the JW's (along with most other organized religions) have become what J.F. Rutherford proclaimed, "a snare and a racket".

    Actually, according to JW teaching, we have been in the last days 87 years. They wrote in the WT magazine (as recently as 1989 I believe) that the preaching work of the last days would be wrapped up in the 20th century. That was one of the more recent of a whole string of failed predictions, which leaves the Society spiritually bankrupt in the minds of many thinking people.

    Add to that the gobbly-dook teaching on blood transfusions (what fractions are allowable, what are not, does the average JW really know?) and the upcoming exposure of the WTS policy on harboring pedophiles within the organization (see for more details), and what you have is at best just another man-made organization.

    Then on top of that you have the cruel and unusual punishment of shunning of the wrongdoers or doubters, and how that separates friends and families, robbing some of Christ's sheeplike ones of the right of free association, and it becomes downright bad.

    I'll stop so as not to hog the whole conversation. But you'll see out on this board the life experiences of many who put their whole hope and trust in this organization, believing it was leading them to the Promised Land, only to feel let down for reasons that they have honestly and clearly documented.


  • Jimmer

    Ditto Gopher!
    I'll add one more thing.
    Remember the Boreans? Search the SCRIPTURES for truth (lay aside any man-written material--hint, hint) If you find that difficult, then you must ask yourself, "Where is my allegiance? God or the Watchtower?" Let God show you the way, not the Watchtower or any other controlling organizations.
    Hey, I speak from experience. (Been there, done that.)

  • Carmel

    hey secret,

    to answer your question that wasn't asked, No it's not as good as it gets, (ie JW's are clueless when it comes to what other religious groups have over them) and No they do not have the "absolute truth" (ie it's true for them, but that's relative isn't it?).

    I'm always amazed that Jws and most ex's still repeat the mantra that all religion is a racket and/or Jdubs are the best amongst a lot of bad apples. Shows to me how much people continue to parrot the line even if they left the source of the indoctrination.

    carmel who's been there and done that

  • serafin

    may 22, 2001

    Hello Friends,

    This is my first posting on this forum, therefore, let me just say greetings to all and I hope our thoughts exchange be productive to us all. Yesterday i visited my mom and dad whom are Jehovah's Witnesses. My mom is a regular pioneer and my dad a ministerial servant. I (by choice) asked to be "disfellowshiped" for reasons I may some day post here for your amusement, (too long of a story).
    Anyway, there was another Jw visiting my parents, and we were all sitting out the patio and the conversation suddenly turn a bit bitter, once I "attacked the mother organization as the appostate that I am". My dad said, after a two hour heated debate on JWs false phrophesies...(excuse the spelling)..."that is why Jehovah took your daughter..because you left the organization". Now, one of my twin daughters passed away four years ago due to neurological complications because of a seizure, my father reasoned that her death was caused by Jehovah..siting king david adulterous example with batsheba..(again excuse the spelling)...who gave him a child who later died...the argument, as I said became bitter because of their inability to respond neither biblically nor logically to serious questions I have laid before them. why am I commiting this bitter experience to writing? well, so you may "see" the extent a JW will go to protect their false "truth".

  • Gopher


    Welcome to the board. I am glad you posted here. I think you will find a good outlet for your thoughts, as well as support and understanding if needed.

    I too am DF'd and have parents in the organization. We haven't had a confrontation regarding the merits of JW's, partly because they live halfway across the country from me.

    I am so sorry that you lost your girl! I would go nuts if I lost my daughter. No way to replace anyone, they're each one special. And of course Jehovah didn't take your daughter. It's just like when Jesus healed the blind man, and was asked "who sinned, the man or his parents?", and Jesus replied that NEITHER had sinned. Physical problems just naturally happen!

    But of course it's easier for them (the believing parents / relatives) to take the anger and disillusionment and cold-heartedly use it against you, adding insult to tragedy! I'm so sorry.

    It's no use arguing with hard-core believers. It may just be best to drive them nuts by (1) living a happy, well-adjusted life (like the Society says you can't do after you leave spiritual paradise, haha), and (2) showing unconditional love, in response to any hate and anger that the believers show you.

    Best wishes, hope to hear from you again!!


  • LDH

    Serafin and SecretJW,

    My heart goes out to you both--for entirely different reasons.

    Serafin, I'm so sorry that you were told that--I have an 11 yr old daughter, and I too was told cruel things would befall her because I chose not to be JW.

    Secret. My heart goes out to you because if you stay on this board, what you will learn will shock, hurt and anger you. And that's just the beginning.

    PS-I'm 32 raised in the truth, left two years ago--currently inactive.

  • esther


    I am so sorry about your little girl. The pain of losing her must have been increased vastly by your father's untrue statement.

    You said "as I said became bitter because of their inability to respond neither biblically nor logically to serious questions I have laid before them"

    Your parents can't respond biblically or logically because of the mind control of the society. The mind control puts up a barrier to anything threatening their belief system. That is why there are so many meetings for a JW to attend. Preparation for the meetings also helps to keep them under control.

    I agree with Gopher that your best response would be to live a happy well-adjusted life and show unconditional love, in response to any hate and anger that the believers show you.

    Welcome to the board, and I hope that being here will give you peace and a feeling of belonging


  • Thirdson


    while this is probably "about as good as it gets" in terms of religion, is it the absolute and concrete "Truth"?

    As a former JW, raised in it, baptized and active publisher for over 20 years, ex-elder too...I say NO. It is not as good as it gets. In fact it is a poor excuse for a religion and you should get out a bit more and investigate other religions. Sure they are full of the same imperfect people and have many of the same problems you'll see at the KH's. But you will find just as much if not a whole lot more love shown outside JW's and shown to all people regardless of race, sex, income and most importantly belief system. Go to the innner-city church that provides food and shelter to the homeless and ask do JW's do anything better? What about after school reading programs, adult education, health clinics and legal services for the poor. How many of these facilities does the WTS provide?

    I don't have to say anything about the concrete truth, just stay around here for a while and read. Do take part in the discussions, we all welcome your thoughts and input. But don't be like me, I waited 20 years to get my head out of the sand, take a look around.



    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • TMS

    The Divine handling of the whole David and Bath-Sheba situation has been a frequent morning coffee topic for my wife and I.

    Putting the matter in its most succinct form:

    The average adulterous, murderous Israelite would have faced inevitable stoning. Not only was David not stoned for murder and adultery, his innocent offspring paid the ultimate price for "his" sin.

    While succumbing to the advances of a rich king may have been somewhat understandable, Bath-Sheba was no innocent victim, either.

    Theoretically, the same God who directed the handling of this ancient situation thusly, presides over the DF'ing of teenagers today for "the errors of youth". Remember, whatever is "bound in heaven, is bound on earth."

    But back to your Father's ludicrous comment about Jehovah "taking" your daughter. Perhaps, this was something said in anger and exasperation. Do we really want to worship a god who would do something like that?


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