How many of you were disfellowshipped?

by Oxnard Hamster 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I have just faded away. I will not allow them to label me.

  • liquidsky

    I am a fade way too.

  • breal

    DF'd. Still not sure what the actual reason was.

  • Sunnygal41

    ME ME ME!!!!!!! (I was glad to go!)


  • Kenneson

    Disfellowshipped in 1966 for apostasy. I had strong leanings toward the Deity of Jesus, plus questioned needing the W.T. to understand the Bible. They are mere humans, even as I am. Also, who consisted of the unbroken line of Witnesses after the Constantinian Church was established? In other words, fill in the gap until Charles Taze Russell. And if there were Witnesses all along, what makes him so special?

  • Swan

    I sent them a letter, so in their eyes I am DAed. Of course, maybe I was DFed. I don't know. I wasn't there for the announcement and I really don't care what they have as my status. All I care about is I'm OUT OUT OUT! Yeaaahhhhh!

    Tammy (can you tell I'm happy?)

  • IronGland

    I have no idea what my status is. I have not been contacted so I assume i'm not DF'd or DA'd.

  • Princess

    We faded away for seven years. Last December the elders came a'calling and decided we were unworthy so they made an announcement. We went to hear it. Seems we DA'd ourselves. Funny, I don't remember writing a letter...

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    plus questioned needing the W.T. to understand the Bible. They are mere humans, even as I am. Also, who consisted of the unbroken line of Witnesses after the Constantinian Church was established? In other words, fill in the gap until Charles Taze Russell.

    Yeah, why should I have to believe every little thing some person tells me, especially when these people have made mistakes in the past? I brought that up, and they gave me the light keeps getting brighter line of garbage.

    As for the gap until Russell, I wondered about that myself. If only JWs are saved, then what about people before the organization was formed? I asked this question several times and never got a straight answer.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    DF'd. Still not sure what the actual reason was.

    You mean they don't always tell you the reason? That's stupid. What if you're innocent? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? If nothing else, let the person know what he or she is being accused of.

    Geez, the more I hear about this group, the happier I am I decided to stop fooling with 'em.

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