The Evils of Aluminum

by NeonMadman 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman

    Aluminum was an issue that became a real “tempest in a teapot” for the Watchtower. It influenced their teaching for almost 50 years and, frankly, created an impression among observers that their members were off-the-wall fanatics. For all those years, the Golden Age and other Watchtower publications took the position that aluminum cookware and utensils were one of the great health hazards of the 20th century. In effect, they waged an almost irrational war against the evils of aluminum. The crusade seems to have been based, initially at least, on the writings of Charles Betts, a dentist from Toledo, OH, who was not a JW. However, the Watchtower Society gave this issue far more publicity than Betts would likely ever have gained without their help. They actually published over 130 articles on the topic between 1925 and 1969. This is a great example of the Watchtower’s propensity to eagerly subscribe to theories of quack medicine and junk science.

    Now, some Witnesses were absolutely fanatical about this subject. Besides refusing to have aluminum cookware and utensils in their homes, some would even question the staff in restaurants about what cookware was used before deciding to eat there, or would demand that their food be prepared in non-aluminum cookware. Their position on aluminum was never formally repudiated. In 1969, however, the Awake magazine published an article that took a positive view of the production and many uses of aluminum products, without specifically mentioning cookware or referring to the previous view. Today, most Witnesses would be surprised to hear that the Society opposed the use of aluminum cookware for so long.

    Now, ironically, some studies today are suggesting a link between the use of aluminum cookware and Alzheimer’s disease. I suppose that any JW’s who hear about that might feel that the WTS is being vindicated, but there was no scientific evidence of that back when they were publishing their articles, and their accusations about the effects of aluminum were completely off the mark. Besides, if this had really been a case of Jehovah giving an early insight to his people, then why did they stop teaching it almost 50 years ago?

    This link is an article from the Golden Age magazine from 1936. You might get a good laugh if you read it today, but it illustrates how unreliable a source the Watchtower is when it comes to medical questions - like blood transfusions.

    Aluminum Poisoning Achievements - Golden Age 9-23-1936

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    When I was a child my parents would not allow anything aluminium into the house. They also would not let me get vaccinated. I was told it was poison and could kill me. Besides if I died because of some disease that could have been prevented by a shot I would be resurrected in the new system. My parents where perfect for this cult. Still Totally ADD

  • LevelThePlayingField

    Boy, the art work of the day back then. If that were to be published now, it would be an outcry. They ranted and raved about how bad aluminum is for several pages. It would almost be an entire magazine now a days. It's so silly of me now to ever think that these people had holy spirit. sheesh.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I'm not aware of any recent studies indicating that aluminum is a health hazard. It's still one of the active ingredients in antiperspirants and if there was any evidence to show that it was a link between it and Alzheimer's, you'd be hearing about it.

    I'm not sold on the idea that aluminum is entirely safe, but if so, it certainly hasn't been proven. Pertaining as to any vindication of the Society, even if it was right, it would be no more or less significant than if it had been published in the Christian Science Monitor. Ultimately it's the instinct of the editor, the research of its reporters and the confirmation of data and scientific results that result in the accuracy of its publication. Finally, it's the freedom to publish (governmental and corporate) that gives the publication its drive and interspection.

  • scratchme1010

    ...They actually published over 130 articles on the topic between 1925 and 1969. This is a great example of the Watchtower’s propensity to eagerly subscribe to theories of quack medicine and junk science...

    ...Now, ironically, some studies today are suggesting a link between the use of aluminum cookware and Alzheimer’s disease. I suppose that any JW’s who hear about that might feel that the WTS is being vindicated, but there was no scientific evidence of that back when they were publishing their articles, and their accusations about the effects of aluminum were completely off the mark...

    There's something I find difficult to understand about many posters in this forum. People keep talking about the WT teachings and stances on things as if they are based on actual reasoning or if there's any depth of knowledge to it. That is the phony bullshit WT propaganda under the glaze of education.

    The WT is a manipulative controlling cult. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN TEACHING ANYTHING. The aluminum thing in cookware is a display of how stupidly simplistic their mentality is. If people were to be away from aluminum they could never enter any building. Aluminum is pretty much everywhere in a lot of structures, in soda cans, in zippers, I mean, the presence of that element (one of the most versatile metals) is everywhere.

    I quoted this (what is quoted above), because again, the entire thing neglects to look at the entire picture. There is an entire political element in anything and everything that the WT does. What will be interesting to find here is what was the political reason to have such ridiculous stance on aluminum.

    Finally, and therefore, there's no such "vindication" about the WT being right on anything simply because they say it. The fact that they state something that turns out to be right doesn't make that filthy pedophile protecting organization any better. Nor does it change any of the other dirty deals and actions that such organization has taken.

    Furthermore, the relationship between Alzheimer's and aluminum is weaker than the claim that people are going to live 1,000 years. Aluminum is not only present in cookware

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well said Scratchme.

    Aluminium is after all the third most abundant element on our planet (by weight) after oxygen and silicon, brought to us lovingly by the same god who thought we would "also enjoy" beryllium, arsenic, mercury and plutonium.

  • WTWizard

    Aluminum is not that dangerous--especially in clad cookware. I have some very expensive cookware that has an aluminum core and stainless outer layers. The stainless is very hard and durable, while the aluminum conducts heat well. Aluminum is a relatively soft metal, hence it can wear easily and create tiny scratches that everything sticks to. Hence, it is difficult to clean well. Stainless is easier to clean.

    However, there is a time when aluminum can be potentially risky. Vaccines contain aluminum (and mercury). And, if you cook acidic food in aluminum, and leave it in the pot for a long time, aluminum will leach into the food. Stainless is far more durable in this regard. Stainless-clad aluminum will not leach into the food, and it will last far longer than solid aluminum and conduct heat better than cast iron or solid stainless. Aluminum utensils are not going to do that much damage, but they are softer than stainless (and are not as effective as silver at killing germs).

    So they say aluminum is the metal of Satan? Hardly. If you would ask me, I would say silver is the metal of Satan. Silver represents freedom from financial bondage. It is also the best conductor of both heat and electricity, and is one of the most reflective metals of all. It also kills bacteria and viruses that can cause disease, but is harmless to humans. As such, it is both a monetary and industrial metal that represents freedom. And Satan represents freedom.

  • WTWizard

    I will add that aluminum as a health hazard is rather wimpy. Yes, it can contribute to health issues. But so can mercury, fluoride, monosodium glutamate, and aspartame. Do you hear anything about those? I don't think so. Yes, straight aluminum cookware is rough and hard to clean. But, the fluoride in the water is the bigger health risk than the aluminum that may leach into the food.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Evils of Aluminium' - science, WT style.

    Great link that shows scanned pages of The Golden Age. It certainly is good for a laugh.

    And what about the WT's anti-vaccine stand, with their 'evil pus'?

    That one's not so funny for obvious reasons.

  • Simon

    It's pronounced Aluminium, not Aluminum (which to by Brit ears, sounds like someone with a stroke trying to say Aluminium).

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