Why do CO's always have such big fat briefcases?

by truthseeker 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Hi truthseeker

    When I saw your topic, what first sprang to my mind was the "enforcer" COs that I've encountered. The first one was a guy by the last name of Collier...came up here to the Pacific NW (USA) in the early 60s...on some kind of mission. I was only in my very early teens then, but I distinctly remember the hushed voices and concerned looks on everybody's faces. As for him, his expression was like a man who'd just had a colonoscopy (no kidding). Heads rolled, servants were removed...a thorough "cleaning out."

    Then there was a CO by the name of Brandt...came through in the early 70s. A demoted DO, as I was told. Proceeded to ream each and every one of us at the servant's meeting. I was so incensed that I submitted my resignation as an MS the next day.

    They can take their fat briefcases and...


  • Austrian

    An elder/friend of mine, who is now DF'd, told me when I asked him that question, it was because he carried all the files from my judicial commitees in his bag. We got a good laugh out of that...

  • rocketman

    When I was Congregation Secretary, I bought a fatter brief case, because besides the usual meeting publications, I carried various forms (like Pioneer applications and such) around, and it was handy to have some stuff with me at all times rather that kept at home or in the congregation file.

    The CO carries his various outlines, the pubs needed for his visit, etc, I'd imagine. Frankly though, I'm not sure what else he'd carry that would require such girth. But, sometimes a slimmer case is just not enough. More compartments are needed.

    Frankly, it was a pain in the butt carrying that stuff around, and I was very glad to return to my regular case after someone else took over the Secretary's post.

  • Brummie

    Sex toys?

  • Mary

    They need a place to put their sandwiches.

  • undercover

    I knew an elder(elder, yea, right, same age as me) who had an enormous bookbag/briefcase. It had to be the kind that encyclopedia salesmen used. I know with this guy, he carried it to look important. I remember running microphones and having to sidestep that monstrosity because he kept it in the aisle.

    A funny story on brothers and their briefcases: I knew a guy who wasn't a JW but had a relative who was. This relative came to town to visit and was asked to give the Sunday talk. My friend was invited to hear his relative speak. He agreed, showed up at the hall with a Bible, but as he came in and saw all the brothers walking in carrying bookbags and briefcases, he felt out of place. So he went back out to his car and got his work briefcase out of the trunk and came back in with it so he would fit in. He still loves to tell that story.

  • sandy

    LOL @

    An elder/friend of mine, who is now DF'd, told me when I asked him that question, it was because he carried all the files from my judicial commitees in his bag. We got a good laugh out of that...

    LOL @ Undercover. Your story made me laugh too.

  • xjw_b12

    Fat heads


    Fat Briefcases

  • SheilaM

    Their porn collection of course

  • little witch
    little witch

    12 spoons for spanking

    11 watchtow'r magazines

    10 exedrine tablets

    9 forms for filing

    8 dirty pictures

    7 contact numbers

    6 pads of paper


    4 new world translations

    3 county maps

    2 old gum wrappers.....

    and a pair of boots for when the sh*t gets deep !

    (sung to the tune of twelve days of christmas)

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