White Social Justice Warrior Dies at Hands of Black Killer

by Hecce 27 Replies latest members politics

  • JW_Rogue
    BLM is built entirely on lies like "hands up don't shoot". They want to declare all police bad simply for being police, and all white people guilty simply for being white. That seems like the ultimate manifestation of racism and I don't understand why anyone would want to support it other than that it feeds into their own existing prejudices.

    Each new police shooting is used to rally support even before the facts come out as to whether it was justified or not. The actual facts mean little to nothing, the group just wants support. I believe a rational argument can be made that police violence has gotten out of control and steps should be taken by the federal government to make sure state police are trained in the best procedures to avoid these cases. I don't ever see that being proposed though, so that leads me to think that this is about a larger racial narrative with no end in sight.

  • Spoletta
    Simply labelling the source isn't an argument.

    So I should start trusting the Watchtower to provide me with accurate information?

    it's happened too much lately where police that have not done anything wrong have had their lives ruined by some racist fanning the flames through the media who are complicit in it.

    So, if someone dares challenge the police reports they're racist? The media should only report the police's side of the story?

    Yes, they are a racist terrorist group.

    Your opinion, not a fact.

    BLM is built entirely on lies like "hands up don't shoot". They want to declare all police bad simply for being police, and all white people guilty simply for being white.

    Again, your opinion, not fact.

    I believe a rational argument can be made that police violence has gotten out of control and steps should be taken by the federal government to make sure state police are trained in the best procedures to avoid these cases. I don't ever see that being proposed though, so that leads me to think that this is about a larger racial narrative with no end in sight.

    I agree with the first part of your statement. However, if you Google Police Training Needs To Change, you'll see that many people think we need to fix this, which to my way of thinking indicates an awareness that this is an actual problem that needs to be dealt with.

  • Simon
    So I should start trusting the Watchtower to provide me with accurate information?

    Well, that would be going completely the other way so effectively just the same thing - judging the accuracy of something based on who says it is a poor measure and makes for weak arguments either way.

    So, if someone dares challenge the police reports they're racist? The media should only report the police's side of the story?

    No, but equally just because someone claims to have been racially targeted doesn't mean that they were.

    Your opinion, not a fact.

    Opinions based on facts are the best kind of opinions. Better than opinions based on feelings or wishful thinking or just outright bias.

    Again, your opinion, not fact.

    Well now we get to an example of an actual verifiable fact. It's been established in court that the "hands up don't shoot" claim was an outright fabrication.

    That's why my opinion is what it is - because it's based on the known facts.

    However, if you Google Police Training Needs To Change, you'll see that many people think we need to fix this, which to my way of thinking indicates an awareness that this is an actual problem that needs to be dealt with.

    "many people think" isn't a reasoned argument, it's based on who has the bigger mob (and is what BLN is often all about).

    I do think US policing is poor compared to some other countries but I also think the change that some are calling for is unlikely when you have a country with free access to firearms and sizeable segments of some cities where criminality has become the norm and education & bettering yourself is looked down on.

    Are black people overrepresented in the US prison system? Yes

    Are they all there due to racism and miscarriages of justice? I doubt it very much

    Are some people given a raw deal because of their color? Probably, although I think their treatment usually correlates more to their wealth (lack of) and social position (lack of) than directly to color. Color is often a pointer to why they are making bad choices.

    Unfortunately, the message from BLM is "give up, don't try, nothing you do will make a difference" when that is simply not true. The factors that can make the biggest differences in your life affect both black and white people:

    Be born into a two-parent family

    Complete high school at the very least

    Don't have children before you're married / stable

    (if you've seen any Ben Shapiro talks you'll recognize those)

    It's a cycle that repeats - people born into 'bad' families (bad as in "make bad life choices") make more bad families. People born into good ones make more good ones. The roles aren't fixed though.

    Right now the message of BLM is a bad one for black people and the constant "you are white so bad" rhetoric is ultimately alienating people IMO (a large factor in the last election).

  • Berengaria

    "White Social Justice Warrior Dies at Hands of Black Killer"


    Is this the thread to post random crimes from across the country?

  • bohm

    Spoletta: in all fairness, I believe we may hope to see a mexican sexcriminal or two, and a white victim. All races are then represented and there is no reason to suspect racism.

  • JW_Rogue

    "White Social Justice Warrior Dies at Hands of Black Killer"

    "Unarmed Black Man Shot By Police"

    Both headlines prove absolutely nothing about race relations in America.

  • nonjwspouse

    I see the crime problem to correlate more with income level than race. A low income area is more likely to have crime.

    That describes most inner city/urban low income areas.

    Is there a racial % that is dominant? Yes. Why? That is what some people try to blame on one skin color/race in today's world, today's society. Is this blaming thought process, a racist thought process? Absolutely.

    Does it help the low income area people? Not one iota.

  • Hecce

    I see the crime problem to correlate more with income level than race. A low income area is more likely to have crime.

    Then an easy solution should be working on raising the income level on those areas.

    Why, is this so difficult to achieve?

  • nonjwspouse


    Then an easy solution should be working on raising the income level on those areas.

    Why, is this so difficult to achieve?

    One big reason is the huge percentage of single parent families, many with multiple children. The fathers of welfare mothers are almost forced out of the home, or never there to begin with, partly due to the higher "income" and generational acceptance the mother gets when single, as opposed to being married and supporting themselves. This is in any race, not just one.

    Why are so many non citizens able to have intact families, work hard and sometimes fully support themselves? There are jobs when the non citizens are easily able to get them.

    I have witnessed too many of the welfare accepting members of the low income culture behave as if they are owed the welfare, and take what is not theirs without any problem. Mid and High income people are not immune and those also commit crimes, sometimes much worse crimes, and also are jailed. But overall, as this thread began with. A large proportion of those jailed are from low income areas.

    I personally believe the marijuana possession crimes are way overboard and need legislation to stop the jailing of those with it. There is a high number of those in jail as well, too many.

  • Hecce


    Thanks, a heck of a nice post.

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