Some Black Muslim Beliefs

by MrMoe 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LDH

    Skin color aside, Mr. Moe, I don't know why you can't believe this. It's the same old hate, wearing a different shirt.

    Weren't you raised to be civil to "worldlings" but you "hated" them? Isn't that what all JWs believe? You should be nice to worldly people, but you must "hate them" as Jehovah "hates them." After all, they're all going to DIE at Armegeddon.

    She just found a different factor to color.

    Some hate on religious grounds, some hate on skin color, some hate on sexual orientation, some hate on ethnicity.

    It doesn't surprise me any more. Tell her she's a hypocrite, because she's working for a white man's company. I lay you odds. Tell her to go start her own little business and learn to be self sufficient like Elijah Muhammed taught. Tell her she's a loser, and you don't like her either.


    Fed up with hate, Class

  • Abaddon

    I'm always confused by people in a minority adopting a polarised stereotypical response to discrimination.

    Just because some ignorant morons form religious factions that promote white supremacy, doesn't mean forming another religion that is essentially black supremasist is a good idea.

  • Hamas

    Malcolm X was a racist white man hating negro.

    The religion he founded is based on hate.

  • teejay
    Malcolm X was a racist white man hating negro.

    Technically, Hamas, you are right. In his early years he was exposed to the Nation of Islam and that religion did indeed teach racial hatred, calling white people "devils." But, long before he died, he learned many things about his religion. Just like ex-JWs, he learned that the leader Elijah Muhammed was a corrupt old man and that many of the things he'd been taught were lies. One of those lies was that white people were devils. So, Malcolm left the Nation of Islam.

    The religion he founded is based on hate.

    Malcolm X never founded a religion. For a time he was a member of one that Elijah Muhammed founded back in the thirties.

  • donkey
    When will the world grow up? When will people start behaving like humans?

    We have a better chance when humans quit believing in in non-human imaginary friends and using the belief in the imaginary friends to justify bullshift!!

    Donkeyshift...not bullshift....YEAH!!!!


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