Kingdom Ministry Articles...June 2003. DO MORE, DO MORE, DO MORE.

by integ 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    All of the information in the June KM is for the Anointed only.The Disciples were the Brothers of Jesus,THE CHRISTIAN GREEK SCRIPTURES, is addressed only to them not to the rank and file,so those 8,000 or so wine and bread eaters have their WORK cut out for them.

    If the rank and file can't eat the bread and drink the wine,then they can't do the work of the Anointed,because all those verses cited are addressed to the ANOINTEDDDDD!!!!!!!!

    So,you brothers that are newly anointed stop by the infirmary and pick up your older brothers of the Lord and take them out to the field,even if you have use a cane ,crutches,wheelchairs to do it.Isn't that what you tell the rank and file to do,set the example,practice what you preach.

  • integ

    After reading the KM for June, is it any wonder why so many people in the org. are going nuts......The tremendous pressure put on these people to constantly preach, preach, preach. There was a sister who commented during this that said "You have to be ready to preach at every opportunity, even when you stop for gas, maybe you could hand out tracts to someone in line at the gas station, or start up a conversation with the person who is pumping gas across from you, or even rest areas". My drives ME nuts....And I NEVER even go out in service....AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.



  • larc

    Do they store this stuff on a computer and print it out from time to time? This verbiage is no different than what they wrote 50 years ago.

  • shamus

    Seriously now. How much frigging more can we all handle? It's already 24/7 with study, service, trying to keep above water with bills, no vacations....

    How can people still listen to this dribble? Well said by one comment here!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The August 1, 2002, Watchtower, page 18,paragraph 14, cautioned: "Our appearance should not be showy, bizarre, prvocative, revealing, or faddish.

    Ah yes. Remember the day. Anyone for service?

  • Mary
    Regardless of our circumstances, may we follow Jesus' example. How? By making the Christian ministry our main work.

    I also recall Jesus feeding the hungry, comforting strangers, eating with people "of the nations", healing the sick and raising the dead. Who decided that the ministry was His "main" work? Oh, I forgot; the All-Knowing-Goofballs-at-Bethel.

    I also recall Him turning water into THAT'S a job I'd like to have full time!

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