Kingdom Ministry Articles...June 2003. DO MORE, DO MORE, DO MORE.

by integ 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    The Christian Ministry- Our Main Work

    1) All of us have various kinds of work we must do. Providing for ones household is a divine requirement.( 1tim. 5:8) However, the work involved in that divine requirement should not overshadow the work of Kingdom preaching and disciple making.-Matt. 24:14; 28:19,20.

    2)Jesus provided a model for us to follow in "seeking first the kingdom"(Matt. 6:33; 1 Pet. 2:21) Though having little materially, he was fully absorbed in doing his Fathers' will. He exerted himself in giving a witness at every opportunity. (Luke 23:43; 1 Tim. 6:13) He urged his disciples tp have that same interest in the harvest work.-Matt. 9:37,38.

    3)We can imitate Jesus' example by striving to live a simple life that CENTERS on the Christian ministry. If we have the neccessities of life, let us heed the Bible's counsel not to go on acquiring more and more of this world's goods. (Matt. 6:19, 20; 1 Tim. 6:8) How much better to seek to expand our share in the preaching work! If we face challenging circumstances, may we exert ourselves as Jesus did, not allowing the cares of life to overshadow our main work of declaring the good news of the Kingdom.

    4)Even those with many responsibilities give priority to the preaching work. A brother who has a large family, holds a responsible job, and serves as an elder in the congregation says: "I view the ministry as my career." A pioneer sister says: "Pioneering is worth far more than a successful secular career."

    5)Regardless of our circumstances, may we follow Jesus' example. How? By making the Christian ministry our main work.

    *Please add YOUR comments, I will use this thread to post the rest of the articles in this issue of the June KM. Check back for more.

  • qwerty


    Nothings changed then, from the time I believed all they said.

    Thanks for the reminder.


  • Nosferatu

    This statement doesn't make sense:

    let us heed the Bible's counsel not to go on acquiring more and more of this world's goods.

    This world's "goods"? Somebody in the writing department has been drinking. This is a clear statement to stay away from things that are good.

  • integ

    Be Diligent in "Bearing Thorough Witness"

    1) Like Jesus and many other faithful servants of old, the apostle Paul was a zealous preacher of the good news, "bearing thorough witness" regardless of the setting. Even while under house arrest, he "would kindly receive all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God to them and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with the greatest freeness of speech"--Acts 28:16-31.

    2)We too can be diligent in "bearing thorough witness" at all times. That includes witnessing to people we meet in our travels to and from the "Give God Glory" district convention and while in the host city. --Acts 28:23; Ps. 145:10-13.

    3)Incidental or Informal Witnessing? Is there a difference? Yes. Something that is incidental occurs merely by chance or without intention, as if it was not planned or is of little importance. That certainly does not describe our ministry. As was true of Paul, giving God glory by our witnessing is important to us, and it should be our intention to give a witness wherever appropriate in the course of our travels this summer. However, the manner in which we approach others can rightly be described as informal---that is, relaxed, friendly, and unofficial. This approach can produce good results.

    4)Prepare to Give a Witness: Paul had to make opportunities to witness while under house arrest in Rome. From his place of lodging, he took the inititative to invite the local Jewish leaders to his house.(Acts 28:17) Even though there was a Christian congregation in Rome, Paul learned that the Jewish community in that city had little firsthand information about the Christian faith. He did not hold back from "bearing thorough witness" about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

    5)Think of all the people you may contact in your travels who have only a passing knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses. They may not even know that we offer free home Bible studies. Be alert to opportunities to witness to those you meet while travelling, making rest stops, refueling, shopping, staying in hotels, eating in restaurant's, using public transportation, and so on. Determine in advance what you might say to initiate a conversation and to give a brief witness. Perhaps in the days ahead you can practice by witnessing informally to your neighbors, relatives, workmates, and other acquaintances.

    6)You will need a supply of publications to use when witnessing informally. Which ones? You might use the tract 'Would you like to learn more about the Bible?' Point to the first five paragraphs, where various reasons are given for reading the Bible. Show the COUPON on the back for requesting a free home Bible study. When you find a responsive person, offer the Require brochure. In anticipation of meeting people who speak another language, take along the booklet 'Good News for all Nations'. Page 2 explains how to use it to give a witness. If travelling by car. you may be able to take along a few other basic publications for those who show real interest in the Kingdom message.

    7)Consider You Appearance and Conduct: We must make sure that our conduct, as well as our dress and grooming will not give others a wrong impression or cause them to 'speak against' Jehovah's Organization. (Acts 28:22) This applies not only while attending the convention but also while traveling and during leisure time. The August 1, 2002, Watchtower, page 18,paragraph 14, cautioned: "Our appearance should not be showy, bizarre, prvocative, revealing, or faddish. In addition, we should dress in a manner that reflects"reverence for God.". That gives food for thought, does it not? It is not simply a matter of dressing appropriately when attending congregation meetings[ or convention sessions] and then throwing all caution to the wind at other times. Our personal appearance should always reflect a reverent, honorable attitude because we are Christians and ministers 24 hours a day.

    8)We should dress modestly and with dignity. If our appearance and conduct always reflect our belief in God, we will never fell obligated to hold back from witnessing informally because our personal appearance leaves something to be desired.---1 Peter 3:15.

    9)Informal Witnessing is Fruitful: During the two years that Paul was under house arrest in Rome, he saw good results from his witnessing efforts. Luke reported that "some began to believe the things said" (Acts 28:24) Paul himself evaluated the effectiveness of his "bearing thorough witness" when he wrote: "My affairs have turned out for the advancement of the good news rather than otherwise, so that my bonds have become public knowledge in association with Christ among all the Praetorian Guard and all the rest; and most of the brothers in the Lord, feeling confidence by reason of my prison bonds, are showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly."---Phil. 1:12-14.

    10)Last summer, after spending the day at the district convention, a couple had a fruitful experience witnessing informally to a waitress who asked them about their convention badge cards. They told her about the convention and also about the hope the Bible holds out for the future of mankind. They gave her a tract and explained the free home bible study arrangement. The woman said that she wanted someone to visit her, filled in her name and address ont he back of the tract, and asked the couple to make the arrangements. What success might you enjoy this year being diligent in "bearing thorough witness"?

    11)Thoroughly Advance the Good News: Imagine how happy Paul was when he heard that fellow Christians were imitating his zealous example! May we do all we can to advance the good news by witnessing informally about our Bible-based beliefs as we also benefit from this summer's district convention.

  • Nosferatu
    Show the COUPON on the back for requesting a free home Bible study.

    LMFAO!!! How much is a Bible Study without the coupon? I think "cutout" would have been a better choice for words. The writing department is full of drunks.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Did you guys notice their Jehovah was only mention once? And that was not direct, only ''Jehovah's Orginization''. They used to say it so many times in one paragraph, that I thought they were trying to ward off demons!! LOL

  • ashitaka
    5)Regardless of our circumstances, may we follow Jesus' example. How? By making the Christian ministry our main work.

    UGH. Makes you a little ill. They don't give a damn about the real working man. They're essentially saying, f***'em. Let all those poor bastards who can't afford to feed their kids find a way to go out in service. We have to pad out numbers!


  • BluesBrother
    "Pioneering is worth far more than a successful secular career."

    Where have I heard that before? I even bought into that once in early 70's , left my job and entered "The finest profession" - it didnt last long, my partner moved , I got fed up and got my old job back.

    But they still trot out the same old line. What does one of or relatives think who pioneered in the 1940's ? She is pushing 90 now and Armageddon still hasnt come

    Will they ever learn??

  • acsot

    There certainly isn't a lot of thought put into those KMs these days! I remember the same info, particularly points 3 and 4, from a couple of years ago! What a load of drivel!

  • bluesapphire
    Even though there was a Christian congregation in Rome, Paul learned that the Jewish community in that city had little firsthand information about the Christian faith.

    HA!!! Are they admitting that the Roman congregation wasn't going out in service?? Too funny! They actually acknowledge that not all the early Christians participated in the "ministry."

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