Doubting the Trinity and Paradise

by ClassAvenger 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RevMalk
  • RevMalk

    ok, haha, Let me rephrase that.

    Judging from the various translations, and their inaccuracies. I don't trust any version enough to bet my life on them. I talk to God on my own, I believe what I believe, and for the most part, I won't let even the Bible waver my beliefs. For me to put any faith in any portion of the Bible, it has to be so clear cut, obvious, and consistent throughout the Bible. I don't buy into these things where something is said once, and people believe it as Gospel. Like the Jws do for example, take things out of context, base doctrinal issues that destroy people's lives and what not on a single scripture. In other words, I take the Bible as a nice 'guide to life', but beyond that I wouldn't trust to believe it as Gospel in full.

    Rev ----------

  • RevMalk

    wait, you just said you agree with me that Jesus/Jehovah is not God the Father...... what's up with that? LOL.

    I believe Jesus/Jehovah is one in the same and the Creator. I also believe Jesus/Jehovah is God's actual son, his offspring, not a creation. Rev ----------

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    RevMalk said:

    wait, you just said you agree with me that Jesus/Jehovah is not God the Father...... what's up with that? LOL.

    I need to clarify my beliefs a little bit.

    I believe that Jesus is NOT The Father.

    I believe that Jehovah is The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit. Three Persons who all share the Name Jehovah/Yahweh, who are all in Unity as One God.

    RevMalk said:

    I believe Jesus/Jehovah is one in the same and the Creator. I also believe Jesus/Jehovah is God's actual son, his offspring, not a creation.

    I also believe that Jesus is the Creator, and I believe that The Father is the Creator, and that The Holy Spirit is the Creator.

    I believe that Jesus is Eternal. He has always existed and always will. The Bible does say that He is the "Only-Begotten Son".

  • RevMalk

    well, we're not that far off in our beliefs. Rev ----------

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