Dearest Siegswife...

by AGuest 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DJ

    Acts about prophesy. Aguest, you are simply distorting the truths in the bible.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Just droped in to say hello.

    Hey where's siegswife?

    And who is Sieg?

  • AGuest

    I am not sure to what YOU refer, dear DJ... and peace to you... but you are correct, Acts 2:18 IS about the prophecy... that which was prophesied by Jah-El... and took place FIRST, during the 1st century. That prophecy, however, states that "in the last days," my Father would pour out His spirit... even upon His WOMEN SLAVES.

    I profess than I am such slave... that this is the "last days" of THIS "generation;" I do not know how many "generations" are left, for I do not know the day... nor the hour... as my Lord, the Son, has not told me... for he does not know, either.

    It will end when the Father shuts the "Door" that is my Lord, thus, ending my Lord, the Spirit's cry, along with his Bride, to "COME!"

    Believe that you will: Spanner asked a question and I answered it. I also included words recorded by Luke to support my answer.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • siegswife
    As regards the same word being used to name a false god... dear Lea, you "know" me... to some degree, too. I would NEVER say such a thing unless I heard it from my Lord.

    Shel, I know you wouldn't. I wasn't even questioning that and I think you've explained what you mean.

    I wish people wouldn't use a thread addressed to me to attack you.

    I always enjoy you posts even if I don't completely understand what you're trying to say sometimes. Try not to be sad, OK? It'll all work out.




  • onacruse
    I wish people wouldn't use a thread addressed to me to attack you.

    Hmmm...if this was intended as a private message from AGuest to siegswife, then why was it posted in a public forum? And why did AGuest merrily proceed to respond to the other comments, instead of saying "This is a private matter?"


  • siegswife

    I guess you have a point onacruse. That doesn't mean I have to like it though, does it?

  • AGuest

    Peace to you! I started this response sometime earlier... but chose to post the "shorter" responses first. Again, peace to you. You have made some very serious statements with regard to me, and I would like to respond to them... and to thank you for allowing me. Because by means of the statements you've made, you have granted me the opportunity to bear further witness to the TRUTH... as I know him... and hear him:

    These are some things that Aguest's voice has taught her.

    Indeed. For although PAUL is recorded to have said that all SCRIPTURE is beneficial for teaching... my LORD, the Son of God... and the one closest to him... the one to whom he gave his "revelation,"... his beloved apostle, John, apparently said otherwise:

    "But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in MY name, THAT one will teach you... ALL things... and bring back to mind the things I told you." John 14:26

    "The voice of strangers they do NOT know... MY sheep... know... MY voice." John 10:5, 27
    "As for YOU, the anointing that YOU received from him remains IN you, and you do not need ANYONE to be teaching you about all things, and is TRUE... and is NO lie... and JUST AS IT HAS TAUGHT YOU... REMAIN in union... with HIM." 1 John 2:27

    "... for ONE... is your teacher." Matthew 23:8

    She does not test these inspired utterances with the word of God in the bible

    Your statement is false, for I indeed I "test" them by the word of God... who truly IS the Word of God:

    "Sanctify them... BY MEANS OF THE TRUTH; your Word... is TRUTH." John 17:17
    "I... am the TRUTH." John 14:6

    "So the Word... became flesh." John 1:14
    "And the name he is called IS... the Word... of God." Revelation 19:13
    "... and you will know... the TRUTH, and the TRUTH... well set you free." John 8:32
    "Therefore... if the SON sets you free... you will truly BE free." Romans 8:36

    nor does she see that Jesus warned us about those who would teach a different gospel and those who would claim "I am the Christ"

    I indeed see such a thing... for there are MANY "false christs"... as well as "false prophets." But with regard to your false accusation, my Lord is recorded to have said, "the holy spirit, which the Father will send in MY name, THAT one will teach you... ALL things..." If such spirit comes to me IN CHRIST'S NAME, saying "I AM THE CHRIST" (funny how "I am" means nothing now, yes?)... what would YOU have me do? Deny that it is so?

    Yet, there are "many"... even some here on who claim to be the Christ himself... returned. Literally. Yet, I do not see you debating the issue with them...

    We are commanded NOT to listen!!

    Again, what would YOU have me do? I ask you... what did PAUL do? Ananias? Acts 9:5, 10

    Because YOU live in fear and lack faith, so should I?! How does that work, exactly? I tell you, truly, just as I have told you: do NOT listen to me... for I have not asked you to. Rather, I have said to you... and anyone else who has ears to hear... GO TO THE ONE... WHO SPEAKS HIMSELF. Don't take MY word for! Rather, listen... to HIM... for such was the command from the Father from the very day such One received holy spirit. Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 17:5; Acts 3:20-26
    That has been and always will be the "message" that I am to deliver to Israel, and all those who go with them:

    KISS... the SON!

    In Galatians it says if anyone teaches a different gospel, let him be accursed.

    First, I would say to you that I have NO problem carrying my torture stake. None whatsoever. If it was good enough for my Lord, then it is good enough for me. If you deem me accursed... then hang me on a stake. I go willingly.

    Second, I would say that in his letter PAUL indeed said such a thing. But I would also ask you... teaches a different gospel from WHOM? Did not Paul himself teach a different gospel than the 12? In fact, did not Paul teach a different "gospel" than even my Lord? I tell you, from time to time, he did.

    Matthew 23:89; 1 Corinthians 4:15-17

    Did not the older men from Judea (who WERE "christians"... by means of holy spirit; yet, they still preached circumcision...) teach a different gospel from Peter and Paul? Your Bible says they did. Acts 11:1, 3; 15:1, 2, 7

    And are you not teaching a "different" gospel from others with whom YOU disagree... those who brought a "different" gospel to YOU? Indeed... you are!

    I bring the "good news" according to that which I received FROM the TRUE "chosen one" of JAH... His "mischa": the GOOD NEWS that he is ALIVE... and SPEAKS... to all who are HEARING... so as to say to them "COME!" I bring no other good news.

    Below I have listed some of the things Aguest has been teaching us that come from this voice:

    And I thank you for the opportunity to respond to each one... truly!

    * Jesus is a hymen.

    THIS IS A METAPHOR. My Lord... is the "curtain" that separates us from "entry" into the Ark... of the New Covenant. One cannot enter such Ark... and therefore cannot come to the Father... without going through him. Yet, was Jesus literally a CURTAIN, a piece of fabric hanging from a rod? Again, even the writer of Hebrews used a metaphor.

    Thus, the Ark (arche)... is the "womb" (another metaphor) of my Father's "free wife" (another metaphor)... the "woman" (who anthropomorphic) who was "barren" (another metaphor)... but then gave birth (another metaphor) to a male child (my Lord, born... in the manner of the SPIRIT)... and will yet give birth to a nation (another metaphor)... which metaphors are used to assist our HUMAN understanding and COMPREHENSION of "spiritual" things.

    Unless my Lord was PIERCED... there was NO WAY in... unless someone were to climb up "some other place," in which case such one would have been a thief... and a plunderer... attempting to take what was NOT his to take. It was a metaphor... which things are used throught the ENTIRE Bible... repeatedly... and consistently. Isaiah 53:5; Hebrews 10:20

    * The holy spirit is semen.

    THE Holy Spirit is my Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:17 (see NWT Ref. Bible footnote); Acts 2:4; John 14:23; Romans 8:9, 10; 1 John 5:6; John 14:6
    "Holy spirit"... spirit or LIFE FORCE... which is "holy"... or CLEAN... is the blood of God, as well as His reproductive and regenerative power. By means it, my Father, through Christ... BEGETS children. He beget His Son, Adam... with His "slave" wife, the earth. He beget Israel by means of the Law Covenant... which was ratified by the presence of His SPIRIT... among them. He beget my Lord with Mary... in the flesh... by MEANS of His holy spirit impregnating her... and He beget my Lord... IN THE SPIRIT... by means of His holy spirit bringing forth LIFE... from the spirit realm... his FREE wife, Jerusalem Above. John 1:32; Galatians 4:26; Revelation 12:1-6; Acts 2:18, 38; John 20:22
    God begets... in a manner UNLIKE earthling man. For when MAN "begets"... semen is SPILLED. When JAH begets... it is... CLEAN: nothing... is spilled. Even YOUR Bible uses the word "semen" to describe what God does: have you not read the word SEED?! What is the Greek word for "SEED"? Try SEMEN! Leviticus 15:16-18; 32

    * Jesus Christ's Human Body was SINFUL, it was born in sin.

    Do not put words in my mouth: I did not say my Lord's flesh was born in sin. His conception... was clean! However, my Lord was SENT... in the likeness... of sinFUL man... born of a FLESHLY woman. That is why he had to COME... through a fleshly woman... so that he would HAVE sinFUL flesh. There was no other way for him to "inherit" it, for if God had simply created him as He did Adam... and could well have DONE that... my Lord's flesh... would have been sinLESS.

    HE... was sinLESS... in that there was no sin... in HIM. His body was not HIM... but merely a vessel. Just as yours and mine is. And the vessel that he was sent in... the "garment"... was "befouled"... because it took on OUR sins. However, once that body... that "garment" was put OFF... he was given a CLEAN GARMENT... a spirit body... a WHITE robe... to cover his "nakedness"... his SPIRIT... which is openly exposed... before GOD. Romans 8:3; Hebrews 4:13; Revelation 3:17, 18

    * Jesus Christ was a sick man, He had leprosy.

    I spoke the truth, just as I heard it FROM the Truth. For he carried OUR sins... manifested in sickness in HIS body... the vessel prepared by God to DO so, which vessel also included ears to hear (God)... and eyes to see what is unseen. HE, my Lord, became unclean... in his FLESH... because he TOUCHED that which was unclean. However, because he was CLEAN... in the SPIRIT... that which he touched... BECAME clean. Isaiah 52:14, 15; 53:2-4, 10; Leviticus 13:2-17; Zechariah 3:1-7; Luke 5:12

    * All Christians will become gods in the same way that Jesus is a god.

    Psalm 82:6; John 10:34, 35

    * The Holy Spirit is Jesus.

    Please see above... and see 2 Corinthians 3:16.

    * The holy spirit [no capital letters] is God's power, God's blood, and God's semen.

    Please see above.

    * Adam's body was created SINFUL by God [God created sin].

    You err in your statement, for Adam's body was created sinLESS... and this is what I have said.

    * Jesus is "a god".

    Indeed, he is. But there is actually to us only one God the Father. 1 Corinthians 8:5

    * Jesus was created.

    Indeed. Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14; Proverbs 8:22

    * Jesus did not make Heaven and Earth.

    My Lord was the MEANS by which my Father made ALL things.

    * People who DO NOT believe in the True Jesus can be saved if they do enough good works!

    First, the righteous one does not live... by means of works... but by means of FAITH. And such FAITH... is SHOWN... by its WORKS. They are NOT, however... works of LAW... which the scribes and Pharisees tried to burden the people with... but works... of faith born of LOVE.

    Noah's entire household was saved... not because of THEIR faith... but because of HIS. Lot's entire household could have been saved... not because of THEIR faith... but because of HIS. Rahab's entire household was saved... not because of THEIR faith... but because of HERS. Cornelius' entire household was saved... not because of THEIR faith... but because of HIS. Which faith was... in all cases... demonstrated.

    * People who believe in a FALSE CHRIST can be saved if they do enough good works!

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a "false christ." Are you saying that ALL of them will be destroyed? For my LORD says that to the extent one does it to the least of his brothers, they do... to him. And such "doing" can put one in line to inherit the kingdom. My Father shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it. Just as my Lord said: "You must LOVE... your enemies."

    * There is no soul/spirit that leaves the body at death.

    Pardon me?! WHERE... did I say such a thing? The soul and the body are indeed separated at death! For those who belong to Christ but die, the body returns to the dust, but the SPIRIT... returns to JAH. For those who do not belong to my Lord... their body returns to the dust and their SPIRIT... awaits resurrection from Hades/Sheol. Ecclesiastes 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 8:59; Revelation 6:9, 19; Revelation 20:13

    * The Bible has been corrupted and perverted and is NOT God's Word!

    Jeremiah 8:8; John 1:1, 14; Revelation 19:13

    * The New Testament (except for Revelation) was NEVER Inspired by God!

    Luke 1:1-4; 24:27, 32, 44, 45; Revelation 1:1, 19

    I would ask everyone who wants to help Aguest be free to pray for her!

    I have been set free... by the One who SET me free... the TRUTH... God's SON... whom I KNOW... whose VOICE I know... and who knows... me. John 8:32, 36; John 10:3-5, 14, 27; 1 John 5:20

    Again, I want to THANK you, dear DJ... for giving me this glorious opportunity to provide a reason for my hope! To the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and to His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be the might... and glory... forever and ever! So be it!

    A slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


  • onacruse

    siegswife, note how AGuest finishes the last post:

    Again, I want to THANK you, dear DJ... for giving me this glorious opportunity to provide a reason for my hope!

    So, then, this thread isn't a private matter between you and Aguest, is it? No; it's being used as an opportunity to spread your (apparently) mutual "gospel."

    So be's fair for me to offer my opinion too;

    You guys/gals can talk until you're blue in the face about your night-time escapades with Jesus (or whoever/whatever it is), but that doesn't prove diddly-squat to an "unbeliever" like me. Your personal "revelations" are so bizarre (imo) as to scare off all but the most intrepid fans of pure fiction.

    If what you present here is how "God" communicates with humans, then "God" should be committed to an asylum.

    No personal offense intended to any of you,


    edit to add: siegswife, I just reviewed some of your threads/posts, and saw nothing that would justify my insinuation about "mutual" gospel. I apologize for mischaracterizing you.

  • DJ


    I am weary of your nonsense now. You deliberately left the John 1:1 thread because you were offended by Undisfellowship's abillity to correct your babble with the bible. There is nothing new here that you stated but I suppose you needed a new stage for your performance. I see many flaws in your arguments as any child of God can see as well. You deliberatley ignore that by the word of God the heavens and earth were made. "By means of" is leftover watchtower rubbish. Your John 1:1 thread failed and you latched onto to siegswife because you saw an opportunity to get out of the mess that you created and steal away attention for yourself to further promulgate your trash. You make God a liar when you ignore Isaiah 44:24 and Job 9:8 and Collosians 1 and Hebrews 1:10 and Psalm 33:6 and John 1:1 (Johannes Greber's version is your preference) and the list goes on and on......Sorry for the offense siegswife, but it was not intended to be private on a public forum such as this.

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