Do you LONG to be disfellowshipped?

by nicolaou 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    I understand where you're coming from Blondie but I've felt for a long time that to DA would be the wrong thing - for me anyway. I'd feel as though I were still acknowledging their rules and procedures. After six years of inactivity and absence I don't feel the need to make that additional statement. Screw 'em.

    Importantly, if I were to DA I would, without doubt, be viewed within my family as the protagonist, the one who actually caused the split, that I brought any subsequent shunning upon myself and my family. However, if I am DF'd for simply speaking my mind that is something my JW family will have to justify amongst themselves. The burden will be upon them to rationalise their behaviour towards me.

    Perhaps it may help them think a little.

  • dobbie

    I would rather they d'f me than me d'a, i think it will make me feel better about it, i know they don't announce it from platform anymore, which one it is but i still think its better that way cos i don't want to cut myself off from certain ones, but if d'fd they will cut me off first(though why the though of that seems better i can't explain!)I have reached the point where i am either in it or not, there is just one function in a few weeks i am having where i want jws to come to then i am going to live how i want and with so many jws at my boys school and in my husbands family it will only be a matter of time, so yes i have reached that point now where i am wanting them to do their worst, so i can get on with my life, and to be honest they'll probably be glad for me to go, i've been in and out for years.

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