Do You Support Sanctuary Cities?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Public funded legal council, language classes are offered here. I have even seen " learn Spanish " signs. And there is a difference in legal migrants eho wait for visas and those who sneak in

  • Simon
    They railed about how immigrants add spice to a community etc..

    They do. They are also nothing whatsoever todo with illegal immigrants other than acting as cover for, and potential victims of, their former countrymens' behavior.

    People always do this switcheroo trick by flip-flopping between legal and illegal immigrants when it's discussed.

    Few people are truly anti-immigration completely. What people want is controlled immigration and protection from spongers and criminals - the very ones who are going to be the illegal immigrants because ... well, if they genuinely qualified and were law-abiding, they would be going through the legal methods.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    Sure, if the sanctuary cities have a wall around them and you can go in but you can't get out.

  • smiddy3

    This is a new one on me ? have I been living in a bubble ? is it just a USA thing ? And how many cities are their that are S.C. ?

    pardon my ignorance .

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Smiddy - the general trend is that sanctuary cities are Democrat cities.

    Take San Francisco. SF is a sanctuary city (I think). It also has big problems with crime such as theft and people defecating in the street. Yes, you read that last bit right.

    I'm not sure if Baltimore is a sanctuary city or not but it also has similar problems because it is a Democrat-run sh*t hole.

  • minimus

    It simply defies all logic to push for these cities. Why should anybody protect lawbreakers?

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