Do You Support Sanctuary Cities?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • waton
    they voted the morons in

    S: given the gagged politically correct dialog in election campaigns, voters are not able to express their opinions, these cities are not Switzerland. The total "nay" voters might actually be in the majority in a minority government result. Refugee cites against the wish of the silenced majority.

  • minimus

    I wonder how many people who may have voted for a democratic official Believed that they were voting for a sanctuary city. I would hope to think many people did not expect that to happen because it ruins their cities

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I luve in a metropolitan area, one city is pro sanctuary but i cannot vote there. My suburb is sanctuary in practice, but not officially

    My opinion is police enforce local laws, mugging, rape, .murder and all , leave fedwral law to the feds. Things like sneaking aliens out of jail to avoid ICE is wrong.

    Individually i have liked the Mexican s i know, problem is mot the the world can move to US, or europe or down under. There are also non assimilated ghettos now

  • minimus

    A lot of people hate ICE. A lot of people hate law and order and police.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    My understanding of a U.S. Sanctuary City is that crime and criminals are not tolerated but individuals won't be sought out specifically because of their immigration status. They believe that's the Federal Government's job

    Sanctuary cities aren't exactly welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms. The hope is that existing illegals will not be afraid to report crimes that they are aware of or have been victims of, use health facilities and enroll their children in schools, for fear of being deported.

    Studies have shown that in sanctuary cities, there is still a general distrust of the government by illegals and the sanctuary status of the city they are in, has little effect on improving it's crime rate or it's economic situation.

    I'm not sure why a local government wouldn't want to assist the federal government with enforcement of immigration laws of the country they are a part of and claim to support.

    I don't imagine there is anywhere in the world where I could just sneak in with my family and somehow expect to put my kids in the local school and take advantage of the medical services etc and not be asked/told to leave ( I'd move to Tahiti if I could do that, LOL! )I'd expect that the lot of us would be apprehended and eventually deported. That would be part of the risk I took. Yet when people do this, rather than blame the parents for doing something highly illegal, there are those who criticize our government for enforcing it's laws and the problems that arise when the existing system becomes overwhelmed.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Are we talking sanctuary cities or welfare to immigrant cities?

    My friend in Surrey, B.C. tells me that in his apartment there is a refugee family that is receiving $900.00 per child every month. That's 5 children x $900 = $4500.00 per month. and that's only the kids. Rent paid and other money going to parents.

  • Jehalapeno


    Signed: a Mexican.

  • Simon
    My understanding of a U.S. Sanctuary City is that crime and criminals are not tolerated but individuals won't be sought out specifically because of their immigration status. They believe that's the Federal Government's job

    But they go beyond that, even when asked by the federal government to detail someone they refuse to. Some actively work to undermine the efforts of the federal government.

    Sanctuary cities aren't exactly welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms.

    The end result though is that this is what happens. Where would you chose to go if you were an illegal immigrant? Somewhere that advertises that they won't arrest you for it? Somewhere that promises free housing, food and healthcare?

    Then people claim those things don't attract people? How could they do anything else?

    I don't imagine there is anywhere in the world where I could just sneak in with my family and somehow expect to put my kids in the local school and take advantage of the medical services etc and not be asked/told to leave

    Exactly, how stupid are western countries - we even hand out free houses and money, all paid for by local workers who are taxed to death and told there is nothing in the jar when they need help, it's nuts!

  • silentbuddha

    I have in-laws who live in Rockville Maryland. Pretty high-end area. They are Immigrants, they are liberals, they have great careers.

    Back in 2012/2013 they all yelled and screamed at me about how close-minded I was for not thinking sanctuary cities were a good idea, and how it would be a problem. I was an ignorant d-bag in their eyes, and a xenophobic American. They railed about how immigrants add spice to a community etc.. etc.. etc...

    A few years later they are closet republicans and are irate at how badly immigrants are eroding the values of the city, depleting resources, destroying schools and bringing in huge amounts of crime. Gang members in 5 star schools, graffiti appearing everywhere, drugs, and the feeling that a multicultural city is being torn to shreds.

    I told them, "you thought everything was fine and dandy when Obama was selling you the sob stories, well now you get to deal with the aftermath".

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Israel didn't have sanctuary cities. Cities of Refuge were basically a large prison-town as a result of negligent homicide. Deliberate murderers just got the death penalty.

    Sanctuary cities today are really a country breaking its' own laws and ultimately shooting itself in the foot.

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