It's my round

by ballistic 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I can't choose ... Margarita, Red Vodka, Red Martini, Baileys, Red Martini, Beer, Beer, Beer, Long Island Icetea .... Hmmm, you may choose for me tonight.


    Dutch District Overbeer

  • nilfun

    I could really use a margarita right about now...

  • Ravyn

    mmmmmm so many choices...... how about a bourbon sour or something sweet--- a Sugar-Daddy shot?

    or a pink lady--LOL my mom used to drink those! Or a rootbeer float, or a jaggermeister and coke....

    a screaming orgasm is nice too...but it is more of an after-dinner drink.....

    I love gin martinis...but I dont like them very dry...and lots of olives and those salty little onions....(maybe I just like olives and onions pickled in gin....)

    Guinness, Bass Ale, Dos Equis, Harveys Bristol Cream, single malt whisky(Glenfiddich is my favorite).....

    Ravyn of the I can drink almost anything class

  • Ravyn

    hey thunder ever try Guinness non-alcoholic ? It is called Kalibur and it is very good....I even made a non-alcoholic Guinness with it and a spoon full of that Postum roasted wheat stuff the mormons drinks instead of coffee(it tastes like liquid pretzels to me...)


  • worldlygirl

    Vodka martini, straight up with an olive. Hmmm.... I think I really WILL have one of those now.


    I'll have a CC Classic (double) with Canada Dry Ginger-ale.


  • nowisee

    tanqueray martini up/olives. hubby is designated driver and drinks diet coke.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    A BIG glass of red wine please, or a pint of anything local and some cheese and chips; cheers Ballistic- where are we anyway?

    My favourite pub...

  • termite 35
  • rocketman

    Schmirnoff Ice.

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