Is Russia Bluffing?

by Fisherman 39 Replies latest social current

  • waton

    Anony Mouse, perhaps you have never lived in the independent Soviet (Russian) republics stretching from Finland to Baku, or liberated by the Red Army.

    Russia is an imperial power, emperiling its neighbours. Trouble is for the Rubel , that these distinct nations may be small, but not pushovers like the areas colonized by England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany.

    Of course Russians are suffering because of this at the fringes of their empire, but the population deserves a continued break from millennia of expansionism, A break it got after the Gorby era.

    mir instead of more slav. please.

    PS: leave the cats, (leopards), at home. you might need them there, they burn like the Ts.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @waton: wouldn’t it be nice if the world operated like that. Russia and Germany both want to expand their empires, this has been true for literally centuries. The best outcome for everyone is if small regions keep a national identity independent from both empires and don’t become deeply involved with either side, which was where Ukraine misstepped.

    Yes, the USSR fell, but the drawing of the map in the 20th century, in Ukraine and the Balkan was a lot like late 19th century Middle East and Africa, carved up by third parties like the USSR, US, France, England and the (West) Germans in their self interest.

    Ukraine has been at war with itself for years, Russia simply took advantage of a weakness in the west (Biden). Had Ukraine allowed the Donbas to become independent a decade ago (although that would cut into oil revenues for companies like Burisma) I don’t think Russia would’ve had gone this far.

  • waton

    Anony Mous, sadly as these small nations have learned, neutrality will expose them to the constant threat of yet another military action. Even with any settlement of the current invasion of the Ukraine, this sword of Damocles will keep hanging over the perimeter of the presently contained empire.

    Sad that the Russian people so long-suffering, of a rich and vast territory, are among the least prosperous of all Eurasia. They deserve a standard offered from Spain to Japan. The current adventurism, will set them back again from that noble goal.

    Biden, the democrat? if Trump had his way, America first would let "Russia be great again" too.

    Strange how it turns out, that right wingers that are supposed to favour a strong nation, could allow others, that strive for that, to be destroyed. (it is a Vernichtungskrieg again)

    where do you think the citizens of Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine identify with, or would rather end up, in the Dakotas, Saskatchewan or Siberia. ?

    No, Russia is not bluffing, they would lure invaders into the interior again and nuke them there.

  • Fisherman
    No, Russia is not bluffing,

    According to a news report, US and Germany are sending weapons. So that’s a call. But remember how the economic sanctions backfired and it is the. US people that are feeling the economic sting. The weapons will be used to unalive Russian soldiers so at least the parents of those boys want vengeance too. Unless they have Russia over a barrel, expect another sting. If the country wasn’t in such bad shape, maybe you could believe they know what they are doing but when you look at the economic disaster and other touches of Russian tats, it makes you feel uneasy and waiting for something worse to happen— but who knows.

    By the way, I went Hemo Dopet for something What a waste of time.

  • notsurewheretogo

    US, UK, Germany & others away to send their best tanks to Ukraine.

    Russia's response? We will destroy the tanks. Thought they said previously that sending these types of weapons would result in the attack of said nations supplying them.

    Bluff has been called....I'd expect in the months to come more tanks and eventually superior aircrafts.

    Game over Russia...they have lost and simply do not know it yet.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Game over Russia...they have lost and simply do not know it yet - well, I sure hope so.

    And yet it's very strange the way pricks such as Boris Johnson talk about Putin and the Kremlin. When Boris wants the West to give more tanks, it's all about how ruthless and mad Putin is, with no respect for human life and with no scruples. Mention nuclear war to Boris however, and then it's all about how Putin wouldn't ever do it.

    So, which is it? Does Putin have scruples or not?

    Is Putin mad or not?

    Western propaganda is almost as batshit crazy as Russian propaganda

  • TonusOH

    They clearly feel confident in sending tanks, which seems like an escalation. Then again, they've been sending large amounts of munitions and equipment, including the systems that have been allowing Ukraine to bomb Russian units from afar. And they've been training Ukrainian troops in some of the NATO nations.

    If they're wrong... it was nice knowing you all.

  • punkofnice
    Tonus- If they're wrong... it was nice knowing you all.

    Yeah. See ya.

    I'm hoping, given that our politicians are such self serving, narcissistic filth, they will wish to remain in their luxury far from the madding crowd, rather than become toast.

    IMHO, the trouble is, there really in not much democracy. We will just have to sit and wait to see if mushrooms sprout or not. We have no power to change things.

  • Fisherman

    Everybody has nuclear weapons not just Russia. But and thats a big but

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The tanks haven’t been delivered yet, the Biden admin is now saying they don’t even have the Abrams tanks and it may take up to a year to get the delivery arranged.

    Likewise Germany’s 10-15 tanks is both not enough (just a token), apparently the Ukrainians aren’t trained on the equipment and have no clue on how to use them in battle and the delivery is likely ‘not to happen this year’.

    So for all the ‘provocation’ it seems to just be a media stunt, neither Biden nor the Fourth Reich (EU) seems to be willing to actually provide any support and we know Russia has now amassed and plans to invade with a force 10x larger than what they did last year and Russia can literally throw another few waves of that size.\

    Meanwhile Ukraine is so desperate, it is forcing conscription on older men, women and even men from groups like Crimean Tatars in territories they have re-occupied, there are many videos of the Ukraine military invading homes and forcing any male they find, even snatching them off the street to put into the meatgrinder. That is besides any support they are burning in the disputed territories with major war crimes.

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