"Love Never Fails" ... Really ?

by Finkelstein 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iwantoutnow

    In my 50 years as a JW, I never saw any time that Shunning was a "positive" thing.

    Though I do know of 2 people who were shunned due to addictions (one was for smoking, one for drinking).

    The shunning by their friends and family worked great! It crushed their world, and at a time they needed family more than ever, they both (in different decades) chose suicide to cope with their pain.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    It is not a personal choice you are told to shun someone for some unknown " sin" and if you do know some details like with a family member you also recognize the lack of being even handed that goes along with it

    One of the GB illustrated it as someone freezing---slap him awake, force him to get well. The real way to save him is to surround him with warmth

    Another was likened to a traitor to your country-- regardless your politics some are Patriots t ok you standing up to injustice

  • Finkelstein

    It crushed their world, and at a time they needed family more than ever, they both (in different decades) chose suicide to cope with their pain.

    Iwantoutnow your so correct and that's why today's professionals in understanding human sociological behavior involving people who are in trouble shouldn't be abandoned.

    To do so is the opposite of love and compassion.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    After discussing Love for three days they should be able to show it more violently than ever.

  • Finkelstein

    What really is more important than love between individuals or mankind is love of the organization to which JWS belong to, loyalty in this sense is synonymous with love.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    "Loving Hatred Never Fails"! District/Regional Convention.

  • nicolaou
  • Tameria2001

    What I'm finding quite funny about the 2019 District Convention is that there are several that have canceled their locations, and had to have them in another location at quite some distance away. So far I have heard of one in New York, Washington, and Canada who all did this. About the only thing I heard was that the Watchtower can't get the price negotiated to their liking. I'm not quite sure what is going on, but I'm hearing rumors of this also going on in Europe as well. I really do hope I can find out more on what is going on.

  • Vidiot

    "Love Never Fails", huh?

    Maybe someone at WTHQ is a closet Nicholas Sparks fan.


  • Finkelstein

    Maybe all of this public awareness of JWS having problems of pedofillia cover up the stadium owners are upping the price for JWS ?

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