update on jw grand parents trying to steal my babies

by larrynbabies 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I hope tomorrow goes well for you and you can think clearly through all the accusations and lies.

    The more they try to defend their faith the more ridiculous it will sound to the judge i'm sure- and don't worry about if everything's been 'heard' by the judge - it will have been.

    I'll be thinking of you all day and am really looking forward to the happy outcome

    lots of love to you all x

  • larrynbabies

    I have just got home it has been a very long and trying day. We will not recieve a finding until July 4th and written arguments are to be given to the judge on the 24th of june with a final report from the G.A.L. on the 17th of june. I do need to say that prior to the hearing I heard that judge jackson will not allow religous testimony or references to religion in his court room. This was very troubling to me as this was a major point of contention in our case. You, I hope, will be happy to know that by my coming to this site and from some of your responses and your concern that I found a ruling from the appelant court in hamilton county Oh. Prater vs. Prater that ruled, testimony that directly effected the the impact on children due to the influence of religion is allowed. I copied the information and read through it carefully and found the ruling. I provided this to my Lawyers. They used this in the trial which allowed us to present our case.

    Although we will not recieve a final ruling about my babies until July my attorney's told me the judge made a comment in his chambers before we left that he honestly feels that Megans parents would alway's find some sort of excuse not to abide by any court imposed visitation. That was the first indication I have had from the court that was even close to promising.

    The issue of shunning was covered in great detail. This is one of the most severe forms of punishments that the organization passes to it's members and the impact that this practice has on it's members is devastating. This practice destroyed my Megan and has virtually destroyed me and I have never been a member. I will not let it destroy my children.

    I know the war hasn't been won yet and I feel that I have been through a war at this point. I can't help but be encouraged by the comment made by the judge. I don't want my babies to go through the hell that many of you and Megan have. This seems like a battle that is being fought house by house family by family court room by court room. The cost measured in pain, lack of personal freedoms and the deaths of many people must be accounted for. It seems that in each individual case that this mountain is bigger than anyone of us can climb by themselves. It is with the help of this site where we can ALL come together with our indavidual thoughts and experiences and gain the strength to fight against the tyranny of an organization that holds so many hostage.

    No matter how this turns out my babies and I are forever within your debt.


  • bluesapphire

    WOW! That sure was a good sign that the judge actually said that and he is 100% CORRECT! Amazing that he could see that!

    Is the Watchtower somehow involved in this? I wouldn't think they would want the shunning issue or testimony against their religion brought in just in case of a loss. Sets bad precedent for them. But the more lawsuits like these, even though it's personal, the better for the future fighting against this corporation.

    Someday it's going to have to realize that the shunning practice is going to have to end end end ... otherwise disaster!

    Good luck to you. I'm not much of a prayer but I will hold you in my thoughts. Keep us updated.

  • Mulan

    Very encouraging news. Thanks for the update Larry. I sure hope Megan's parents stay consistent. Maybe you have a fair judge after all.

  • DJ


    Hi...and thanks for remembering to update us. I thought about you today while I was onmy front porch and I asked God to hold you close and keep you focused and give you courage and strength. I also asked Him to take hold of your situation and let what is best be done for your children. I know He heard me. I feel so badly for you and you feel like you have been in a war because you have, my friend. You know it is the middle of June so, hang tough. I would like to offer you some advice about watching yourself over the next few weeks. I say this because sometimes there are some who will check up on you to view your lifestyle, etc. without the children. You did it! It's over and now is time to take care of yourself. I love the picture. It sounds very encouraging. The judge seems to have paid attention, after all! Please keep us posted. I will be checking this board in early July for the decision and to congratulate you, God willing..Take care, dj

  • lovinglife

    I wish you and your children all the best! ((((((((((((((Larry & babies)))))))))))))) I'll be watching for your update...good luck!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'm really pleased for you Larrynbabies.The comment on visitation rights that the judge mentioned does give hope, and well done for finding the Prater v Prater case.

    I too, will look out for your next post and wish you and your 'babies' lots of love.

  • larrynbabies

    I am glad to say that the nightmare is over I have just won the custody battle for my babies I will get them back this sunday I want to tell everyone who has supported me through the last few months thank you. Thank you for all of your kind words. There were times when I was very down and I know that I will never get over the loss of my babies mother but you have helped me in ways I cannot express. You truley are a godsend I will never forget.


  • bluesapphire

    ((((larrynbabies)))) I am truly happy for you. I have tears in my eyes. You lost your babies' mother but you have them and you will treasure them I'm sure.

    As for those "grandparents" I spit on their faces! Hypocrites!!!

  • LyinEyes

    Congrats Larry and Babies,,,,,,,,,,,,, what a party you must be planning...........whooooooohooo,,,, I just knew it would have to turn out in your favor. Thank you for letting us know, as I was beginning to wonder ,,,,,,,,,,keep in touch , even thou I know you will have your hands full. Hugs and best wishes ,,,,,,,I am sure that Megan is smiling , knowing her babies will now have a chance at the life she didnt get .

    This victory is also a victory for Megan, even thou I didnt know her , seeing her pictures and knowing your story, Larry,,,,,,,, has really touched my heart.

    ((((((((( Larry, Babies, and Megan)))))))))))

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