"That's not the Jehovah I know..."

by under the radar 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Sometime in late 2014 or early 2015, a video of Tony Morris giving a talk about giving one's all was released by the Borg. He was belittling those who had one excuse or another for doing less than (he thought) they should. He mocked those who relied on the thought that "Jehovah knows my circumstances and he doesn't think any less of me" or some such. He then sneered, "That's not the Jehovah I know."

    Does anyone know the exact date of that video, or maybe have a link to it or at least that particular excerpt? I recently cited that statement to a die-hard JW and was immediately challenged to prove it. You know how they claim anything negative is an "apostate lie." I'd like to be able to show them the actual clip so they can see for themselves exactly what he said.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

  • Diogenesister

    Was it the same speech he gave in (I think Italy?) Where he was talking about tight trousers? I think the person to ask about it is either Atlantis or Kim Brookes. They would know.

    I recently cited that statement to a die-hard JW and was immediately challenged to prove it.

    I also remember it! Funny sometimes I get the feeling exjws know more about their religion than current members.🤔

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes. If something doesn't comport with their rosy view of their precious religion, they file it under "That Never Happened."

    Perfect example of managing cognitive dissonance.


    I may have posted about it. I’ll have to look. I remember that talk. It was disgusting. Tomo is a pompous ass.



    This might be what you’re thinking of…🤔



  • skin
    I recently cited that statement to a die-hard JW and was immediately challenged to prove it.

    Yes, i have done that, but on another subject, subject was being not allowed to hold hands during the congregation prayer. (This new light was published in a WT study around 2005), I was told no way would the GB ever say that, so I got them to look up the WT where the GB did say it. They read it, they then turned to me and said in a blamful way, " this totally makes sense now, you made it sound like it was bad".

    I had to walk away shaking my head in disbelief.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Thanks, everyone! The videos I found online don't say exactly what I remember hearing (That's not the Jehovah I know!), but they do say something very similar. A paraphrase, if you will. It is possible that he gave this talk more than once and the exact wording was not the same every time.

    If I find the exact video I'm thinking of, I'll post it here.

    Thanks again to everyone's help and comments!

  • BluesBrother

    “this totally makes sense now, you made it sound like it was bad".

    I have had conversations with Witness friends where they just could not see the point. I pointed out some WT misquotes and looked at them and said “I don’t see that they did anything wrong “

    What do you do when there is none so blind as those who will not see!

  • Vidiot
    under the radar - "...He then sneered..."

    What, like this guy?


    I do recall a similar talk where Tomo Da Turd said, “That’s not the Jehovah I know…” It may be the same general subject from another year or Convention.


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