Installed a Wireless Network

by Undecided 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I just finished installing a MS wireless base station and remote wireless computer to the internet. My grandkids don't have an internet connection so they come over at my house and tie up my computer for hours, sometimes for 8 or more hours at a time. I have another computer in the other bedroom, so I hooked it up to my road runner connection. It took several hours to get it to work, it never works like the instructions says. Anyway I like the way it performs, just as fast as the base station. Now to get the file sharing feature to work. I've never had any experience with networking so it should be fun.

    I didn't have the money for this but you don't live but once so I put it on my credit card. It only cost $130 bucks.

    My renters just moved out and that is where I get my spending cash for the month, any one need a one bed room house for $275 a month?

    Ken P.

  • Simon

    When we finally were able to get broadband, I ended up getting a wireless router for a bit of extra security (NAT Firewall) and also to avoid having wires strewn all round the house (I'd have the whole house CAT wired but Angharad wouldn't let me )

    It's very neat and works a treat. Much nicer being able to move to whichever room doesn't have the kids (to get some peace) and Angharad can do her coursework undisturbed.

    Just make sure you have enabled any WEP encryption otherwise anyone driving nearby coudl hook up to your system and potentially access your files !

  • xjw_b12


    Wireless is definately neater, but be sure you have all your security protocols turned on, and I would suggest you install a firewall, or else my friends and I will be sharing your home network with you !

  • Undecided

    I installed the firewall, but it's not a problem here where I live. I don't think many people here have any computer savy. Of course I could be wrong.

    Ken P.

  • drwtsn32

    Here's how you should secure a wireless network:

    1. Turn on 128-bit encryption
    2. Use MAC filtering
    3. Change the SSID and turn off SSID broadcasts

    WiFi encryption can be broken. MAC addresses can be spoofed. SSIDs can be guessed. But if you do all three things, you should be pretty safe.

  • onacruse

    Katie and I have a hard-wired network. We considered going wireless, but it was workable, and cheaper, to use CAT5.

    blueyes stayed with us this last weekend, after MeetUp. He's an EE and has his laptop set up for wireless. Just for kicks, he checked out our "wireless neighborhood," and he detected 4 signals from wireless modems. Only one of them was secured.

    As he explained it, he could use any one of those three points to access the Net, and the IP address that showed up would make it look like it was being done by the owner of that modem.

    I like hard-wired


  • drwtsn32


    Hard-wired is better if it's practical. However, my house is not wired for CAT5 and it would be a pain in the arse to do it. In addition, the portability provided by WiFi is very hard to resist. My wife's laptop has an integrated WiFi card and it's great being able to go anywhere in the house or around the house and have Internet access.

    If you secure your WiFi network correctly, other people will not be able to see it with NetStumbler or otherwise use it.

  • enigma

    What state you in?

  • plmkrzy

    The strangest thing has been happening since I started using my laptop, I have nothing but problems getting online with my desktop. I get online for an average of 5 or 10 min. then lose the connection. The only thing that stays online now IS the laptop. Always something.:(

  • Abaddon

    At home I get DSL broadband off my neighbour through his server, via a 50m cable run of CAT5 running along an outside wall of the apartment, into a switch and thence to desktop, a laptop, plus a cable in the livingroom long enough to reach the balcony.

    Setup Cost; nothing... oh, okay, €30 for a five port Linksys switch..

    Monthly Costs; nothing

    WiFi can wait; and as I see security issues in the customer service extracts for a well known network company and a firewall company, I double plus emphasize; sort out your security. As with (most) virus damage, it's only a problem if you let it be.

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