What's The Worst Thing a "Friend" Could Ever Do To You?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Lie about you to other people; support other people's lies about you to protect themselves

    That is the worst!!!!!!!! I've had that happen.

    One of my very best friends is a compulsive liar. I've known that about her since we were in our 20's. I know she lies to protect herself and her kids, but she is the most loyal, generous person I've ever known. We have been very close for over 30 years, and even though she remains a JW, she assures me that she will never abandon me, even if we get disfellowshipped. But, I have to take all the things she tells me with a grain of salt, and try to figure out which thing is really true. I can usually find out through my second son, who is best friends with her second son.

    I also had a good friend turn on me because I wouldn't tell her confidential corporate information, from the company we both represented. She had told someone that I knew the scoop and would tell her. I wouldn't. I had been advised by the attorneys and the owner of the company to tell no one (I was involved in a bit of corporate espionage back in 1996............where I uncovered dirt on the head of the company in Malaysia). It was very nasty business, but I kept my mouth shut. Two years ago, they had me sign papers that I would never reveal it. I signed. But my friend would never speak to me again, and hasn't to this day. Some friend.

  • heathen

    Mulan-- I thought my friends sucked. Those people sound as cold blooded as any snake I've ever encountered. I like this thread. MY FRIENDS SUCK . I hatem I hatem I hatem. Stomping my feet on the floor like Herman Munster .

  • BadJerry

    I think it would be that if I told a friend something that was confidential and they abused it.

    from IMANALIENTO logging on to hubbys ID

  • DevonMcBride

    It was the friend that brought me to this web site that really hurt me. I started researching the JW's when I found out he was studying and my research led me to this discussion forum.

    He is a JW, I'm not. Before his baptism he lived a very normal and worldly life. He grew up in a poor household with lots of problems. I helped out his family anyway I could by giving them support (emotional and financial), being there when they needn't someone, and helping them with opportunity. I did this sincerely because they were such nice kind-hearted people who deserved success and freedom. I showed him true love and kindness, not the phony love the JW's give. Right after his baptism, the elders told him to stay away from me because I asked him some questions about old WT publications. After everything I had done for him and his family, he broke all ties with no explanation. He didn't return phone calls or answer letters.

    The ex-JW's on this site probably understand why he did this but it left me feeling hurt, used and betrayed.

    I hope someday he takes the blinders off his eyes and realizes what a terrible friend he was.

  • MrMoe

    lie or be dishonest. That is the ulitmate insult.

  • KGB

    This is a question I have been waiting for, for a long time. I had a friend who is disfellowshipped, his wife is still a JW. For years of our friendship the JW`s tried and tried to break up our friendship, but we were pretty tight as good buds go. We were both baptized in a baptist church together, we golfed every chance we got, we fished together and almost anything we did outside of our jobs and our families we paled around. Very tight ! I thought !

    After pounding the fact that dateline was airing a show about JW`s molesting children into my JW mother and interfering with my JW mothers studing with my brother they decided to turn the table on me and make me to be the child predator. They went to my friends wife and to him, someone that they are not even supposed to speak to and told him a bunch of made up lies about me. His wife said he (me) is not allowed in my house again and so being he has not ever spoken to me again. I don`t kow if any of you know how it hurts to loose a good friend like that but he was my best friend in the whole world. He is a poster here too and all of you know him, I will not say who he is because even out of all of this I still think of him as a brother and a friend. I don`t know if I can ever overcome the loss of my friend it almost feels like he has died. I can only say that I pray for him and hope that someday something will change.

    Its just too bad that the dubs don`t know the real Christ and what his true teaching is which is Love and forgiveness, and I hope that my love and forgiveness will bring my friend back.........God Bless you my FRIEND I miss you very much !!!!!

  • minimus

    I hate "friends" that support you to your face and talk about you behind your back. I feel that most Witnesses are conditional "friends". If you are to be viewed as weak or not good association, then those "friends" will shun you if they are told to. So much for friends, huh?


    I have learned to deal with the hurt caused by my so called friends. I can always make new friends. But what about your family? How do you cope with the situation when it is your family that treats you soooo bad?

  • minimus

    Nappy, I agree that your family should pretty much automatically be your friend. If you can't count on your mom, dad, siblings and relatives, who can you count on???

  • Wolfy

    I can relate to this question.. I had a so-called good friend turn me in to the elders about something I had done years before. We had been talking about some of the crazy stuff we had done in the past. I get a call a couple days later from an elder in his hall. I had a JC of 5 elders and ended up getting put on reproof.

    To this day he doesn't understand why I want nothing to do with him. I have a couple close friends. I have learned that you still have to be careful about what you say even to your best friends.


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