elders wives that gush all over you after you wake up and leave

by nelly1 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly1

    hello everyone, i havnt been on for a while hope all is well on here...

    wanted to relate i was working in public place recently and an elders wife saw me rushed up went on about how much she missed me etc and the door was wide open for me to come back...

    she said how are you and i said IM WONDERFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL in a really loud voice ...haha

    and i thought to myself my god when i was in that cong she never spoke to me more than once a month and only to say hello.....it really amazes me that soon as you leave they are all over you with all their gushing oh we miss you ( crock of shit)

    which is water of a ducks back with me..

    never ceases to amaze me she went on and on about welcoming back with open arms etc...

    what a load of bull shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in fact its the biggest load ive ever heard..

    anyway i made it plain i said i told your husband and many others : I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!" looking her right in the eye..that shut her up and she left...

    ahh venting is such a healing thing....

    hey how is everyone doing anyway and what major things have i missed???

    whats happening with the latest on the sex scandal

  • shamus

    Hi There

  • Soledad

    it was all that phoney gushing that made me decide to DA. I couldn't stand how people who would otherwise barely acknowledge me while I was in that all of a sudden were all over me and prying while I was inactive.

    I wrote my letter and made it clear to them once and for all that I was through, and to not bother me again.

  • Brummie

    Hey nelly1, good to see you again. lol @ the elders wife for pretending to look so happy to see you and yet failing so miserably


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Look at the eyes. Ever notice how there is no pleasure in them when people like this smile? The eyes are cold and dead.

  • Maverick

    Dear Nelly1: I have noticed that the Elders wives are big gossips. That often is the reason they embrace a person when there is 'trouble'. They want the dirt! The poor victim thinks these people realy care when in fact they just what the inside scoop on what is going on. My motto, "Never tell them nothing"!!! Maverick

  • dedalus

    Ah, yes, the fluttering elders' wives.

    Not long after I'd become inactive, I had to attend my Witness sister-in-law's wedding. An elder's wife cornered me and, her fat smiling face hovering in the air before me like some a geriatric Cheshire cat, inquired about my spirituality and discovered that, as rumored, I had not been to a Kingdom Hall in months. She then commenced "upbuilding" me with a little speech about the importance of attending all of the meetings, all five of them, for their wonderful "timely reminders."

    After a few awkward moments of this, I said, "You know, maybe I'd go to some meetings, if they all weren't so boring!"

    She flinched, as if slapped, and murmured, "No, oh no, we shouldn't say that, no, should never say that ..." and receded into the crowd.

    Anyway, that's my little elder's wife story.


  • ISP

    Hey Nelly! Nice to hear from you again! Have you been in touch with Matty and Spicey?!



  • DanTheMan
    After a few awkward moments of this, I said, "You know, maybe I'd go to some meetings, if they all weren't so boring!"

    She flinched, as if slapped, and murmured, "No, oh no, we shouldn't say that, no, should never say that ..." and receded into the crowd.

    ROTFLMAO!! The cognitive dissonance must have been unbearable for her!

    Fortunately I haven't had too many run-ins with JW's since I've left. If I do, and they start gushing about "coming back to Jerhover", I think my strategy is going to be to change the subject. "How do you like this weather?" Or, "A horse walks into a bar..."

  • blondie

    I am always suspicious of anyone who had never had the time of day for me who suddenly starts "gushing" over me. I know they are fishing for information. When I was an elder's wife, I gushed over no one and did not gossip about other's personal business. But I know what type you mean. They are usually bored to tears and have no status (what women does) but want status. The elders always said they learned more about what was going on in the congregation from the sisters than in any other way.

    DantheMan, changing the subject is the best way. You may have to do it several times before they get the drift. I also have some place to go or someone to meet, "I can't talk any longer, I have a friend to meet," then walk away.


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