Just So's Ya Know...

by Inkie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inkie
    "Truly I say to you that all things will be forgiven the sons of men, no matter what sins and blasphemies they blasphemously commit."

    --Mark 3:28.

  • be wise
    be wise

    (erm) does the bible cover every base? It's very confusing.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Duly noted.

  • Princess


  • little witch
    little witch

    and that scripture was????????????????????????

  • riz

  • Inkie

    And that scripture was?????????? ... Mark 3:28.

  • shamus

    It would be nice if there was a point...

  • Ravyn

    well then I guess even Jehovah's Witnesses still have a chance...right?


  • AGuest

    Dearest Inkie... the greatest of love and peace to you, my dear brother in Christ!

    What a WONDERFUL verse, is it not? For some, truly liberating. It is unfortunate, however, that response to it has come in the forms it did from those who think they don't need to know such a thing... rather than those for whom that statement was made. (Arrogant species that we are: we assume everything said or done... is meant for us personally, while in truth, that depends: on whether it is something we wish to receive... or not. If not, then most likely, it wasn't FOR us. But try and get us to see THAT little truth...)

    But I understood your INTENT... and it was "good". It was from your heart, well-meaning and for those who have been enslaved by the "hatefulness" of religion for SO long, that they feel bound, even though they may have left religion. Why is that? Because religion has played SUCH a big part in "condemning" good people... imperfect, but well-meaning people... that no way can they be convinced that they are not... doomed. The verse you've quote here, however, might go a long way in helping such ones be "set free," help them to know that although earthling will (unauthoritatively) judge and condemn, the Son of God won't... at least, not the way many have been led to believe. Rather, like his Father and mine... he, too, is merciful... full of loving kindness... and slow to anger. I know this to be true, because I have received such mercy and loving kindness first-hand. It is for that very reason that I come here, to share what he continues to give ME... with those who are also wishing, thirsting... and hearing.

    Again, peace to you, dear one.

    Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,


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