Hair? The long and the short of it!

by Maverick 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    Aztec I can't believe you said smooth heads! Boy are you leaving yourself open for some interesting interpretations! Not that I'm complaining mind you.

    Thanks dedalus, but as 'busy' as I am if I looked like Fabio I'd be DEAD! Maverick

  • COMF
    What about the hubbies that go bald... I say if appearance is important to the couple, they maintain it together--the man stays healthy and vibrant

    Yikes! 'Scuse me, Orbit, I've gotten lax. I'll start growing that hair back right now! Sorry for being a slob and deciding to get lazy and go bald.

  • GentlyFeral

    COMF, you just demonstrated that I'm not a lesbian yet still bisexual

    Let's try this again....

    etaoin shrdlu

  • OrbitingTheSun
    Yikes! 'Scuse me, Orbit, I've gotten lax. I'll start growing that hair back right now! Sorry for being a slob and deciding to get lazy and go bald.

    Hey now! I never made an implication that bald men are lackadaisical or sloppy! I understand that hair loss is beyond one's control (in both men AND women...) and I think bald is attractive. My point was that married women that cut their hair short and/or gain a little weight are no worse than married men who "let themselves go." You obviously have not let yourself go, so what's the worry?

  • COMF
    My point was that married women that cut their hair short and/or gain a little weight are no worse than married men who "let themselves go."

    My point was that going bald has nothing to do with a man letting himself go. As you noted, it's not choice we make, nor the result of laziness. Rest assured that the vast majority of us would not be bald if we had a choice. Since we don't, we make the best of it.

    Gently Exuberant Mama, you know I've had the hots for you for years, and all based on your mind. Okay, okay, maybe that one pic of you helped a little. :) Just can't get past that enduring marriage of yours like the ladies can. Oh... and the half a continent...

  • SpiceItUp

    You totally made me think of that crazy Hippie Musical (that I just love love).

    Personally for me the first thing I look at on a man is his hair. I like it to suit him. I also like to be able to run my hands through it (can't stand a man that over processes his hair to where it all stiff and gross). Tehn o the other side there are some men that I have noticed that look graet with no hair. It all depends on the guy.

    On the flip side. I have always had long hair (it doesn't seem very long because of the curls but when wet its quite lengthy). I do my best to take care of it. Its not as healthy as I would like but I'm workin on that. I have never looked good with short hair so I don't know if I would ever go very short.

    and because I am totally surprised that noone has posted this:


    performed by James Rado, Gerome Ragni and The Tribe

    She asks me why,
    I'm just a hairy guy.
    I'm hairy noon and night,
    Hair that's a fright.
    I'm hairy high and low,
    Don't ask me why, don't know.
    It's not for lack of bread, like the Grateful Dead, darlin',

    Give me a head with hair,
    Long beautiful hair,
    Shining, gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen,
    Give me down to there hair,
    Shoulder length or longer,
    Here, baby, there, momma, ev'rywhere, daddy, daddy,

    Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair.
    Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair.

    I let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees,
    Give a home to the fleas in my hair,
    A home for fleas (yeah)
    A hive for bees (yeah)
    A nest for birds,
    There ain't no words for the beauty, the splendor,
    The wonder of my

    Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair.
    Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair.

    I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy,
    Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty,
    Oily, greasy, fleecy, shining,
    Gleaming, steaming, flaxen, waxen,
    Knotted, polka dotted, twisted, beaded, braided,
    Powdered, flowered and confettied,
    Bangled, tangled, spangled and spaghettied.

    Oh say, can you see my eyes?
    If you can then my hair's too short.

    Down to here, down to there,
    Down to there, down to where it stops by itself.

    They'll be ga ga at the go go when they see me in my toga,
    My toga made of blond, brilliantined, biblical hair.
    My hair like Jesus wore it,
    Hallelujah, I adore it,
    Hallelujah; Mary loved her son, why don't my mother love me?

    Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair.
    Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my

    Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair.
    Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my
    Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair.
    Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair.

  • teenyuck

    I am trying to convince my husband to just shave it off. He won't. NO comb over, however, it is getting sparse on top and really bothers him. He got lucky though. His younger brother was totally bald about 5 years ago.

    I like the smooth look. Though I realize it would take much more work. It looks great COMF...Jean Luc would be proud!

  • Aztec
    I can't believe you said smooth heads! Boy are you leaving yourself open for some interesting interpretations

    Interpret that any way you want!


  • obiwan

    i like long hair on women, it gives me something to grab onto!

  • OrbitingTheSun
    My point was that going bald has nothing to do with a man letting himself go.

    This is true... I don't really consider men with shaved heads "going bald" anyway. They have conquered their baldness and appear more confident because they aren't holding on to their hair. My best friend isn't balding and probably never will, but he shaves his head anyway because it's comfortable for him and a lot of women like it.

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