Would you join me in a toast?

by noidea 20 Replies latest jw friends


    Noidea, at least you know you're in good company here.

    Too bad that they ambushed you. I know you probably don't care, but I guess it's that old set-up and being sucked in by their witch hunt game.

    Anyways, you are here with us, and no worries, you won't be shunned.

    Hope you're well Noidea.

  • Joyzabel

    <clink> may you enjoy the rest of your life and never look back!


  • Shakita

    Since we haven't opened our door to them, I guess we should be expecting a call like this too.

    I am glad that you aren't feeling too badly about the DFing. It is really just a technicality to them, you know. You are a lose end that they want to tie up. It is a cold and calculated process intended to put fear into those that remain. Must keep the masses in line with fear and intimidation.

    Congratulations on exiting a cult. Cheers!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Beans

    Thats hilarious! You gotta go just for the fun of it and show up at a few more meetings after to drive them mental.

  • shamus


    I wouldn't have personally played by their rules, but, oh well... if they ever did that to me, I would say, "I'll call you soon..." and never do...

    End of story.

  • calamityjane

    Raising my glass. Cheers.

    Welcome to the xjw brotherhood.

  • teejay


    You bet we will! Raising a glass to your freedom. There's a whole wide world out here.

    What pricks. They're losing members left and right and kicking folks out, too. stupid.

    Thinking of toasting... a story....

    An ex-JW buddy of mine in Dallas was out at a gentleman's club. He spotted some JWs from his hometown who'd traveled there for the weekend and who were out on the town. About four or five of them. Having a party.

    My buddy went over and, after catching up on old times (hadn't seen each other in several years) and learning the news of the upcoming nuptials, offered up a toast. Silence fell upon the seated Dubbies. Come to find that toasting was against their religion! Apparently it's okay to see nekked womenz running around all over the place and even get yourself a lapdance... but toasting? Nah! Jee-ho-ver don't like that.

  • SheilaM

    NOidea: Enjoy your freedom. <clink> we toast your new life.
    I would have hung up on them though LOL

  • JH


    The elders of your congregation seem desperate. They want to DF you without any proof of wrongdoing. They seem to be acting on higher level instructions. Pathetic indeed.

  • myself

    *clink *clink Here's to you sis. You have handled it well.

    I was on the phone with Paula when they called her to tell her they reached their decision. She was on her cell phone with me. I knew it was them when I heard her say " well that didn't take you long!" She remained very kind to them for the reason that one of them had been a member of her ex's family through marraige and she wouldn't have done anything to hurt him. She knew this was breaking his heart, he had always been as supportive as he could. They offered her the chance to send an appeal and to help her spiritually, but she let them know she didn't need it.

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