Who of you here know someone in Bethel who is leaking information?

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • hillary_step
    yes...but I've learned to "keep my own counsel".



  • truthseeker

    sorry guys, I didn't mean to write the question that way, it was really meant to be a yes/no answer. Guess I got carried away.

    And no, I am not a spy for them.



  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    If you want to start people thinking you are a WT mole, you asked the right question.

    Of coarse there has to be Bethelites and COs, and DOs, that are leaking all sorts of information, they "all" can't be that stupid to really think it is God Organization.They all have private computers and internet access, many I'm sure have been deprogramed and are looking for a way to settle the score. I'm sure the GB must feel a great deal of discomfort in the knowing that they have many traitors in there mist, that are just waiting, and watching, for opportunity to expose them. They can't sow lies and falsehood and expect those who find out they have been lied to, not to give them the same treatment.

    Suspense, and intrigue are in store for the cunning liars of the GB.

  • shamus

    The bethel boys tell me everything.... oh wait! I mean the apostates... sorry!

  • little witch
    little witch

    By the way, Truthseeker if I didn't tell you somewhere else on the boards, WELCOME!

    Now how 'bout those Colts?? LOL

  • cyberguy

    You bet, "truthseeker,’ I still have some high-level contacts at Bethel. However, there’s no way I’d tell you who they are or post their names on this board; you can’t expect me to do something like that do you? I’m not DF’d or DA’d (yet), but I made a lot of "heavy" contacts while in Bethel some years ago (including several of the GB, 1 had been my CO for 5 years, and Dan Sydlik and wife spent a 2-week vacation with me in the past). Of course, the folks "spilling the beans" at the present moment don’t realize that I’ve posted some of their comments on this board. If they did, I’m sure they wouldn’t talk to me anymore. I realize that you'd probably like to get a better feel for the accuracy of some of the posts, but I simply can't do that!

  • uriah

    OKAY, Okay ding dong man I'm the spy - happy now.

    There are people in bethel who know things, yeah really. But they aint-a tellin', nosireee.

    But I is, see cos I'm and apostate sob hiding and writing and a listenin; and a posting on this site, no sir I jest not.

    Move a bit closer to your screen and I'll whisper the name,

    it's ....

    "Bang Bang"

    ... ahh thems got me ma

    Thems theopolice have shot me dowwnnnn.............

    And so the rotted corpse of Apostoman was taken away and buried in lime by the Freddies never to sullie the great corpration again.

    The End

    Yes, Britain can rest easy tonight Watson (puff puff)

    Indutiably Holmes (patriotic and bloody good british music fades in) (Roll credits)

  • integ


  • AlanF

    There are plenty of people in Bethel leaking information. Most of them have holes in their heads.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    If you want your own personal leak at Bethel all you need to do is grease a palm. I kid you not. If you want two leaks just grease two palms. If you want a truckload of leaks just bring a truckload of grease.

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