JWs who come here

by larc 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    I find it curious when JWs come here. I would not want to go into any room or place and debate people who knew much more than I do, yet they do it. I guess the scripture, "pride goes before a fall" fits people like this.

    Over the past three years I have seen several JWs. Most only last a short time. They make assertions that simply can't be supported. I remember one young women who asserted that God always had an organization, all through history. That one was pretty easy to challenge. She never did respond to me, and left shortly thereafter.

    Of the JWs who have visited, I liked You Know the best. Yes, he could be very difficult, but he was tenacious. I miss him. I wonder why he left. I think it had to do with the fact that with a number of clues, people were starting to figure out who he was and where he lived.

    Well, those are my thoughts. What do you think about this phenomina?

  • hillary_step

    Hello Larc,

    I find it curious when JWs come here. I would not want to go into any room or place and debate people who knew much more than I do, yet they do it. I guess the scripture, "pride goes before a fall" fits people like this.

    It seems to me that many of them think that whatever they say is right by default merely because they are 'good' Jehovah's Witnesses. Their leaders tell them everything outside of the WTS is tainted by Satan, and of course WTS literature is the measuring line for all universal learning from algebra to Armaggedon.It does not seem to enter their heads that many of us who post to this Board throughly researched matters before we left the WTS, not afterward.

    Best regards - HS

  • little witch
    little witch

    Do no evil, do what is good.... Romans 12; 9.......................in any translation.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sword of Jah, like other Witnesses who have been on her briefly and to a lesser extent You_Know are the kind of people who like the idea of being Jehovah's Witnesses, but they (for one reason or another) can't or won't make the commitment. But since they stay "true" I think they feel that gives them moral superiority.

    I also think they fall into the trap of thinking since they feel this way (JWs have the truth) then everyone should feel as they do, AND should fall in line quickly and easily. There is also something to be said for doomsday cults having arrogance based on they know something we don't. They're the special "saved" ones, whilst we are doomed.

    I do think sometimes the Witnesses pop in to throw us a bone and are actually offended that we don't kiss their feet in gratitude.

    Edited to add: You_Know did indicate on his last post that he had been spoken to about posting on "apostate" websites and so had to stop or else.

  • IslandWoman

    I think JWs who come here are not too different from many of us who post here.

    Some are confident, some are lost, some are arrogant, some are humble and sincere, some are loving, some are looking for trouble, some think they can save, some want to put down.

    We are not too different from our "old" companions, imo. :)


  • minimus

    Any JW that posts on this site is either not a good JW, period! Or one who THINKS he's smarter than anyone else so is qualified to fight against "apostates", or without knowing it is simply trying to get as close to finding out the truth about the "truth" and ignore the "slave's" commands. Most of those that have posted here are not very good defenders of the WTS. That's another reason the Society feels it is unwise to get involved in these sites.

  • rocketman

    Too bad about You Know......in a way, I kind of liked the guy. I think quite a few of us did.

    I still theorize that he runs that E-Watchman site, but I guess that's not really so, though the writing style seems to be similar to YK's.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Min with the level of "education" in WT teaching getting lower and lower it would be incresingly difficult for them to defind the faith.

    I think some really want to "save" some of us and then once they are here realize we are all lost causes LOL

    I think too that some leave really fast because they realize they are treading on very dangerous grounds and that the turth really isn't.

    I have an uncle who is fanatical about anything he does. I think he would make a good You_Know, Stubbornly propounding his brand of truth and not really answering our responses to him because there is no response

  • larc


    Yes, they think they are "right by default", because they accept everything written and said to them from the platform. When someone says, "wait a minute, that makes no sense", their programming is thrown off track.

    Your point about research materials before we left is well taken. Most of us here know more about the religion than the vast majority of those in it.

    Big Tex,

    I like your term, "moral superiority". That is sure what that they have, and it is based on a foundation of sand, not rock.

    Island Woman,

    I agree that there are different kinds of JWs who come here. I try to be kind to them as much as I can be. The one's that I object to are those who are full of pride and castigate us for our choices in life.


    You noted that they are not good defenders of the WTS. That is because it can't be defended.

  • greven

    I think they are curious, looking for conformation that we are wrong afteral, defending their viewpoint etc etc. Surprise surprise most of us had solid reasons to l;eave and are not afraid to debate them. We should however keep our goal in mind: to inform them. We are not here to de-convert them. We should inform them. Then when they can see both sides the choice is up to them. It doesn't really matter whether they leave or stay. At least our goal has then been accomplished: their choice has become an informed one. And that's what counts.

    So don't jump on SOJ or Scooby as soon as they show their faces. They have made an informed choice at least, something most JW's are deprived off.


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