by Tallyman 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SlayerLayer

    It was such a long presentation, but about an hour and a half into it there was a Lt. Col. that said he participated in the cover up of a crash in Norway or somewhere, where they recovered the craft and several bodies. Of course, they killed the only survivor of the crash.

  • Tallyman


    Yeah, ever since I saw that 'Winged-Globe' symbol (the earliest representation of the UFO) on the cover of the Pastor's Werks,
    I smelled a BigTime Kover-Up and started work on my Kult Konspiracy Theory on how the Watchtower has done a Dastardly Deal with the "Aliens". Hey, remember "Mulder's" post on the old H2O about what a householder told him out in the field service? - A Top SeKret Kollaboration between the Watchtower & Aliens & Government Black Operations, to bring in the "Paradise" earth with free energy, elimination of disease and poverty and pollution, ... but with the major side effect of being part of a Slave Population in the Hold of the Ruling "Elite"... or some such!

    Hey, and don't even get me started about those Underground Bases at Wallkill and the Gigantic Flying 'V's over Patterson.

    - - -

    TR, yep, I think you're talking about this AWAKE!

    The Watchtower has a long tradition of viewing "jehovah" as an "alien" who resided on a star with a fleet of starships... but of course, it depends on your definition of what an "alien" is...

    - - -

    And like I was telling Hippi this morning in an email:

    I've been keeping up with this "modern mythology" for a long time.

    The "suppressed technology" aspect of it, is the most interesting to me.

    And I just LOVE the High Principle of Full Disclosure, in action.
    (Ray Franz really harped on it in his Crisis book)

    Can't say I agree with all of Dr. Greer's methods,
    even though he IS a Carolina Boy... in fact, I think he shows
    a certain naivete about the phenomenon... but I have to admire
    his tenacity at putting together that conference yesterday.
    I mean, you want "heavy hitters" and "credentials" ... ? ...
    well, I think he delivered the goods.

    Whatever the UFO mystery is, and WHO-ever is responsible for it,
    it is not a hoax, in my opinion.

    Man, just looky how the Internet hurt The Kult, especially
    the leaders, by Disclosing schtuff they wanted to keep secret.
    Well, that applies to these "Ruling Elite" and the secrets
    and the technologies they wanted to keep suppressed.

    If I was a member of that "Elite Class", I'd be getting nervous
    right about now. Hmmmmm.

  • hippikon

    In the past I've always associated abduction stories and UFO sightings (even stories from friends) as Hallucinations, Natural Phenomena, Mass Hysteria/Hypnotism, Media Hype etc. Neve ever considered it seriously but this made me think twice. There have been some notable hoaxes recently and this seems to be just too "Incredible" to be any else. The point about these things only crashing In the USA I know is strictly speaking incorrect – The Point I wanted to illustrate was why is the Military always able to get to these sites and cover it up. It all just sounds a little too incredible.

    But I remain open minded yet skeptical.

    From the "Doubting Thomas" Class

    "But it does move"

  • neyank

    This sounds like a case for the Art Bell Show.
    Interesting subject. That's for sure.
    Will we (humans) ever find out what these things are and where they're from?
    Possibly someday.

    Did they have anything to do with the early religions?

    There are many people from every corner of the globe that claim to have seen
    some sort of flying disc.
    There have been reported sightings of very large flying V shaped craft.
    Could it all be a hoax?

    What would we say to someone that told us that they have seen a UFO?

    Interesting indeed.


  • hippikon

    It's not April the 1st is it!

    The initial gut feeling about this UFO thing is kind of like when I first discovered the "Truth". Why can't everybody else see this! What is wrong with the world? Why wasn't this on the 6 o'clock news? I gotta get out there and tell people about this! – So there is a sceptical feeling of deja vu about this.

    Now that I am resigned to atheism for this to come along just seems a little too convenient! It’s almost like the proof of atheism I’ve been looking for!

    I agree that if live evolved on earth why not elsewhere. I’ve always discounted UFO – Conspiracy theories as the lunatic fringe. The same way I viewed JW before I got suckered. So I’m not going to get carried away with it just yet

    There are certainly more eyewitnesses’ accounts of UFO visitation than there are living eyewitness accounts of say the great flood!

    "But it does move"

  • metatron

    It's amazing how much of this stuff the general public
    is unaware of - how the whole subject is effectively
    ruined or smeared by people with an agenda to keep it
    secret. On the other hand, I realize that it might be the
    most ethical thing to do to keep the matter away from
    full disclosure. Many people are not prepared for proof
    of extraterrestrial life (like The War of the Worlds
    panic). I've read stuff by Greer on and off - some of
    it is really chilling. There was a sister I knew who had a
    bible study with a widow whose husband died while working
    in military intelligence in a foreign assignment. He told
    her that it's all true, the government knows it.

    There have been suggestions that a religious leader like
    the pope might be the first to breach the official
    secrecy, gently. The French government issued an amazing
    private report a couple years back (the "Cometa" report)
    that criticized US secrecy and said an ET explanation
    for UFOs was the most likely hypothesis.

    Now that, would be an interesting way for the WTS to


  • d0rkyd00d

    Actually, if everybody remembers correctly, aliens may have already been found. remember the possible fossils of those small bacterial worms on mars? i believe that's what they were. i personally do believe in aliens. the thought that they don't exist is quite depressing to me. i've wondered why for a long time, but i guess the reason is i want to believe there is something better than this world out there, somewhere where i can still be human ( not angel ) that i can find peace, prosterity, and a beautiful planet waiting for me.

    My uncle's sister works at area 51. remember how long the controversy went on as to whether or not it existed? unfortunately, i don't know her at all, but i'm sure she wouldn't answer my questions if i did. anyways, where did the advanced technology for the stealth bomber come? there are some pretty convincing tapes i've seen...guess i refuse to believe ALL of them are hoaxes.

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • ianao

    It's really good to see this stuff come out into the open. It's had coverage from ABC, NBC, BBC, and other newspapers.

    It's just about time that this crap quit being tabloid news. Too many people have seen something.

    As I recall, if the Disclosure folks can get the US Congress to look into this matter and give protection, many more witnesses will come forward with EVEN MORE evidence.

    (I knew there was a reason to blank out most of the info on the Blue Book documents when they were declassifed!)

    More news coverage:

    ABC News.com

    Washington Post - Joel Achenback

    BBC News

    From AP/UPI:

    http://www.vny.com/cf/news/upidetail.cfm?QID=183316 (bottom story)

    Fox news:


    WJLA Los Angeles



    (Scroll down to 'UFO GROUP WANTS X-FILES OPENED')

  • unclebruce

    You guys are all so cool.

    Tally is that Awake! For real? LOL

    royal reptilian blackhearted alien saucer-pilot unclebruce.

    Newsflash - Page 12 of yesterdays paper had an article about a couple video taping for half an hour the antics of a 120kg 1.2meter long Panther type cat in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. These creatures are of great interest with over 40 reputable (dare I say scholarly) sightings in the last 30 years. Mainstream media have poo poo'd these events and the ancient aboriginal legends of the 'Dooligal' that roam the Great Dividing Range from New Guinea to Tasmania. (Warigul in Victoria)

    That this film wasn't aired on mainstream TV is no surprise - it's too clear (now being studied by wildlife officers from National Parks and Forestry Dept) There is much yet to learn, new plant and even ancient tree species are still being found here and there are still undiscovered creatures on this earth to find let alone out in the far black yonder. (About two or three large mamals are discovered each year, besides the hundreds of sea-creatures and plant species.)

    Hippikon: There is much more to this than Roswell. I have read just about everything I can on the UFO subject. Yes there is a widescale cover-up. We often forget we live in a world ruled by military men. I was born and raised close to Australias area 51. (note the recent unmanned flight from area 51, which doesn't exist, to WRE (weapons reasearch establishment), Edinburough SA,which does exist) Australia has long been the testing ground for US and UK hardware from inter-continental ballistic missiles to the A Bomb and electro-magnetic pulse, lazer and Tesla tecnologies. Many of the most high tech weapons systems in the world are developed and tested in the Australian deserts. Sounds like you haven't heard of the UFO flaps and astonishing things that have happened around these tests and bases.

    Contrary to popular jibing most UFO sightings come from very credible witnesses, trained observers like airline pilots and astronomers. Travis Watson and Whitley Streiber? Who knows, but it does no harm to examine and learn.

    As an entry point to this fascinating area I'd recommend reading up on Aircraft, their manufacture and flight characteristics (boundry layer ellimination etc..) .. we don't want you getting frightened of swamp gas filled balloons from Venus (the official Roswell explaination) mmm ... majestic bullet anyone?

  • JanH

    I think this brilliant commentary said it best:

    "A group of people who believe in UFOs held a press conference this morning that established beyond the shadow of a doubt -- that reached levels of credibility so high as to constitute actual proof -- that there really do exist people who believe in UFOs.


    We have to decide, as rational people, which is the more likely scenario:

    1. Intelligent creatures have piloted spaceships across trillions of miles in response to our discovery of nuclear weaponry. They hide, except when they decide to show themselves. Secret forces within our government have masterfully covered up the alien presence for half a century, duping the media and the scientific community, although sometimes the cover-up is imperfect, which is why, at Safeway, you can buy Chef Boyardee Flying Saucers & Aliens canned pasta. People like Steven Greer, the crusading emergency room physician, have seen through the lies and are going to help us reach the era of cosmic brotherhood.

    2. Some people believe in things that aren't actually true.

    You make the call."

    See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4199-2001May9.html for the excellent article.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

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