new rules concerning disfellowshipping/ disassociating after you have stopp

by quinah 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    There should be a 1-800 number to know your status in the congregation. Wouldn't that be fun. Just enter your congregation number and name, and you could get information from a voice box telling you if you're DF'd or not.

  • RubaDub


    From what you briefly stated here and have read at other times, it sounds like you want to keep your family relationship (as I do).

    In that case, "stay below the radar." By not attending meetings, something relatively minor could get you in big trouble. Just don't do things that obviously would be "worldly" like Christmas decorations, going to another church, etc.

    It seems to be working well that way for me and my evil, satanic, condemned, Catholic wife. (love her so much)

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • ThiChi

    ""There should be a 1-800 number to know your status in the congregation. ""


    I cracked up when I read this....but hey, you make a really valid point!

  • quinah

    jh lol the idea of a phone no to see if youre disfellowshipped has cracked me up . There ought to be an automated service giving ratings for elders from dire to waste of space!

  • quinah

    rub-a-dub thanx for the advice, I`ll keep low for a while yet , so no wild xmas parties for me then!

  • nicolaou
    "stay below the radar." By not attending meetings, something relatively minor could get you in big trouble. Just don't do things that obviously would be "worldly" like Christmas decorations, going to another church, etc.

    Yeah, I've been doing that for over three years now RubaDub, it's starting to wear a bit thin. To be honest I would almost welcome being disfelloshipped. Despite all the trouble and heartache it would bring at least I could drop the pretense and just be me.

    Welcome to the board quinah, you have a lot to think about.


  • shamus
  • shamus

    Sorry about the three posts, everyone. My mouse screwed up, and things were a flyin' everywhere! Anyways, welcome to the board!

    It wouldn't suprise me if they invented that rule.... they're absolute monsters and would like nothing more than to see us all get DF'd asap. It just shows how self-righteous they really are, and how they act like pharisees.

  • shamus
  • drwtsn32

    I do not think they can DF you without you sinning against the organization. I have heard that you can be DA'd if you admit to two JW's that you no longer feel you are a JW. That's why it is important not to say that if you're ever grilled by elders and you do not want to be DA'd (because of family, etc).

    You can also be DA'd if you join another religion, get involved with politics, join the armed forces, and some other stuff.

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