Are 'we' Rubbing the dubs?

by philo 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • philo

    Has anybody considered the possibility that the Internet community may be making life worse for dubs, as a whole, rather than better?

    I recently had a medical scare, went through testing, and scans. A doctor even called round my house uninvited to give me a hospital appointment! How scary is that? Now I am over the scare (I know what I have and haven't got) I can see that I have been more selfish in recent weeks. I have been treating people in my life less considerately because of my personal worries.

    It’s a stretchy metaphor - it's late. But does the 'war', which we wage against the WTBTS, result in it treating its members worse? Do you think 'we' inadvertently contribute to the hardening of doctrinal lines, making life more restrictive for Joe dub.

    If you think there's something to be said for this, where would you point the finger: shunning policies, information controls, education?

    Philo (who likes skydiving and doesn't mind being shot down, either)

  • terraly

    Hmm, well of course places like this are the primary reason (I believe) for the statements about the internet being an evil, dangerous place.

    Nonetheless, it really doesn't matter too much what they say, the world is getting wired and there's not too much they can do to stop it, or even stop the R&F from participating.

  • teejay


    i'm off to work, but your question Has anybody considered
    the possibility that the Internet community may be making
    life worse for dubs, as a whole, rather than better?
    me a little confused. is there a deep question here?

    "making their life worse" how? i'll try to remember to get back
    here later.


  • JAVA


    But does the 'war', which we wage against the WTBTS, result in it treating its members worse? Do you think 'we' inadvertently contribute to the hardening of doctrinal lines, making life more restrictive for Joe dub.

    I'm glad your medical scare is over, and hope you are doing fine.

    Concerning your question: If the "war" against the Tower means providing information about the Society and the harm the Society causes, that can only help Witnesses honestly dealing with their questions. Education is never the enemy unless the target is ignorance. In this case, it seems information can cause harm because the Watchtower enforces ignorance. However, lets continue this scenario:

    Information does not make victims, but the Watchtower Society victimizes members acting on information. However, the unfair treatment comes from the Watchtower Society--not correct information! Keeping quiet about the Watchtower is like a rape victim keeping quiet about the abuser. In the end, the abuser continues to abuse until they are exposed. I think the biggest crime former JWs can commit is keeping quiet about the Watchtower's dirty little secrets. In the end, that causes far more harm to "Joe dub" because the Tower thinks they're getting away with it without others knowing. That only encourages the abuser to become more abusive. As a result, Joe dub is likely to suffer more because the abuser is not exposed.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • philo

    Hi teejay,

    Rereading my post, I see it was not very clear. Let me expand a little for the sake of clarity.

    In times of war, populations, on both sides, are treated differently than in peace time. This is sometimes officially called martial law: the press is reigned in, propaganda may displace more balanced reporting, there may be curfews, food rationing, emphasis on martial education, and so on. The more desperate the war, the more intense these effects become.

    The WTBTS are at war (as Englishman says) with Narnia, or the world in general. Their population (the R+F) is consequently subjected to similar effects, and these effects are justified with: "there's a war on".

    So, by intensifying the war, offering overt opposition, as people like me do, are we contributing to the harmful effects upon the JW population. Are we providing the WT leadership with reasons (or excuses) to throw their authoritarian weight about, when without our opposition, they might not have those reasons (or excuses)?


  • Focus

    Did the economic, sporting and other sanctions (ignore the fact that many sanctions were got around) placed against South Africa in order to force it to modify its wicked apartheid policy hurt the indigenous blacks more than the whites?


    Were they nonetheless necessary (without regard to their efficacy)?

    Yes. As Nelson Mandela would confirm. They showed the world's condemnation and horror at what was happening. It gave strength to the oppressed within that country.

    The parallel is not exact, but..

    Additionally, the drubbing serves to keep many out of the clutches of the evil Borg. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE

    (Pragmatist Class)

  • philo

    Java, thanks for your comments.

    I think the biggest crime former JWs can commit is keeping quiet about the Watchtower's dirty little secrets. That causes far more harm to Joe dub then reporting the crime.

    If our opposition can dismantle the whole, or at least much, of the WT society, your statement seems true. But I do not see information as a universal moral good. Rather, I see it neutrally, something created and used by people to influence others, a force.

    I suppose it comes down to individuals. Given that 'wartime' restrictions are bad (a point not universally proved): are we helping enough individuals to exit the borg to justify contributing to the armoury of their leadership, which points inward on the remaining dubs?

    For me it comes down to my valuation of individualism over socialism, for battle over aquiescence, to be heard than to stay silent. And so I prefer to continue.


  • CornerStone

    Hello Philo,

    The only reason the WTS would have to throw their weight around is to maintain their doctrinal lies against the truth of the scriptures. There are so many "dead mens bones" that they have thrown behind the veil in their temple that they have to activly convience every R&F not to look there. As was brought out the enemy is ignorance. Ignorance is the GB's friend. The internet can be seen as a sort of "no spin zone" where the WTS can't blind people with absolute control.

    I agree that there probably is pain and suffering caused to JW's who are still in, and that the Christian thing to do would be to treat those looking in with kindness and respect, the same type of kindness and respect that we would want to recieve. Almost everyones faith is shattered to one degree or another when they learn the truth about "the truth". The only way to repair a shattered faith is with hope. For me, the scriptures have always been that source of hope. This may not be workable for others at this time, so the kindness of those here is a good starting point to some sort of recovery.

    As that war with the WTS intensifies and others "come a looking" on the net for answers hopefuly EVERYONE can offer some degree of comfort and human kindness. This will show the WTS for what it realy is; a false prophet, a false teacher, a false sheppard, and a false messiah.

    29I know full well that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock. 30Even some of you will distort the truth in order to draw a following.

    ACTS 20:29, 30 NLT


  • philo


    The parallel, as you said, may not be exact, but it seems pretty close. The question still remains though, is life better for the majority, (blacks and coloureds) now that apartheid is gone. My guess, an ill-informed one, is that life IS better for them now. You have also presented a case where the sanction (or opposition) has already had its effect, and a dramatic one. Regrettably and obviously, this has not yet happened in Dubdom.

    :Additionally, the drubbing serves to keep many out of the clutches of the evil Borg. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE

    Good points as ever.


  • JAVA


    But I do not see information as a universal moral good. Rather, I see it neutrally, something created and used by people to influence others, a force.

    I agree most information is "neutral" philo, but if I witness a crime and don't call the police or try helping the victim, I've made a moral decision--not a neutral one. It's just a thought . . .

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

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