Finally they came to my door!

by Beans 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    Well it was a Thursday night and I see these two sisters walking up the street, my after thought was what the hell are they out on bookstudy night? So then the doorbell rings, BINGO my wish has come true after a year of reading I get to ask some door knockers some deep hearted questions!

    As they went into there spiel I had a major flashback, they were saying the exact same thing I recall my father saying 30 years ago "we are living in such a terrible world" and I said to them WHAT, this is a great place to live, we are in a great country living a great life! Oh they couldn't wait to disagree! So then I went into a 10 minuite barrage of questions and scriptures and bambuzled them and there faces dropped and they could not answer my questions!

    So this led to there question "so how do you know so much"? Are you disfellowshipped? So at his point the lead servive sister wanted to leave and I got the other one hooked on answering questions. But I was relieved to know that sister #2 says there may still be hpe for me to come back YEAHHHHH!!!

    I hope I get a shepparding call soon!


  • avishai

    Bad luck for them, you have GOT to be one of the VERY last people in the world that the wts wants anyone to talk too. Your site knows them better than they do!
    Beans rules!

    p.s, thank you, thank you, thank you for your site. It was a lifesaver a week or so ago.

  • Beans

    Thanks avishai, but I can't take all the credit for the site I only contribute to it! It is run by another member here named Quotes my life long pal!

  • shamus


    When she asked if you were disfellowshipped, "What are you talking about? Disfellowshipped? What does that mean?", and got all shocked... "wow, if you're going to be weird and start asking weird questions like that out of the clear blue sky.... "

    Where do they get off asking such a question? God, they have no grasp on reality, do they?


    Beans: one never knows.

    I'm sure you deluged them with some very intense thought-provoking questions.

    With that being said/stated, who knows what seeds of possible dissent you may have planted.

    As far as 'shepherding calls', I have to wonder if I'm going to be next.

    Recently, I have taken it upon myself to contact persons from my old congregations to see whether or not they are still JWs.

    It has been, about 20 years, but it'll be interesting to see/hear if I receive any mail or phone calls from former acquaintances during my J-dub years.

    I've been to "Quotes" site, and it's very GOOD!!!

    I may not be the scriptural doctrinal genius that I once was, but that doesn't mean I'm asleep at the wheel either.

  • shiloh

    Beans, I'd be really interested to hear some of the questions you asked and scriptures you quoted.

  • obiwan

    I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when they got into the car. I can just imagine the conversation.

  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole*** I had to make comment on this and I am curious on why? Just to let you know I was a former Ministerial Servant and current member. I am trying my best to exit without causing so much of a seen. My very last talk was a # 5 and i didnt even talk on the subject that was select. I lectured my hall about not having love and remaining in their cliques. When people confront me now and ask me about the org I must say I often quote them Ray Franz's ideas and advise them to really study. If you were a member before, you must have some idea what is in store for you. If you truly know the bible you must have come across some conflicting information. For example, we studied the Revelation book at least 6 or 7 times throughout the years in book study, what came of all the stuff that was predicted and told to us now that the Soviet Union no longer exist? How can an organization take Christ position as mediator between god and man? If Christ words we recieve are perfect and we recieve spirtual food from him and he is perfect, his words are perfect then how is it we need new light and the old books like Revelation is no longer valid and old? I struggled with this and the elders told me not to questions the organization, this is when I awoke and began to look at what they wrote and had us study. I have told many to beware and be sure this is what they want to do and that is to surrender themselves to men and a mans organization because it is us who burden our lives with all the constant pounding of their rules but not Christ rules of love.....***the mole****

  • Cadaver


    LOL. Dit they ever came back or something, or maybe they will.


  • Beans

    I asked them about Lev 3:17 as it states to abstain from FAT and BLOOD, so I asked why do you not abstain from fat as it is clearly stated equally to abstain from that and why only half of the scripture is obayed? They gave me some bull about fat was meant to be burnt, a load of crap answer!

    I first asked if they believed that only JW's would only be saved at Armageddon and they said no, and then they later said that yes JW's would only be saved and showed me a scripture saying this then I refered them to John 3:16 and there like yeah but bla bla bla! So then I said what kinda GOD would kill 6 billion people? More dropped jaws eh!


    Canadian District Overbeer

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