Evil slaving at District Conventions.

by avishai 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    I don't think it would do any good. Most (if not all) JW's simply ignore opposers at conventions. I would be surprised if someone actually left the org because of opposers spreading the truth about the truth at conventions, but I guess it might happen.

    I think Internet sites are more effective, but there are so many of those already...

  • Aztec

    I would do something kind of inconspicuous. If I had the time and money I would print up brochures that looked like JW brochures and had mostly inane and inocuous fluff (kinda like REAL JW brochures) and have links to silent lambs and other sites (this one included) on the back under the subheading "Relavant links". We know most dubs are online anyway...LOL! I would leave these all over hotels that are in the area. The bathrooms and lobby would be excellant places. Well, that would be my passive agressive approach. :) ~Aztec

  • avishai

    Aztec, you beeeyootiful evil genius you!!! I think I will do just that.

  • Aztec

    Well avishai, first, thanks for calling me evil..LOL! Secondly, my sister works at Kinko's so she might be able to give you a discount. :D ~Aztec

  • jws

    Along the lines of Aztec's suggestion, how about something like business cards with this site's address on it? The name alone "jehovahs-witness.com" almost sounds like it'd be something legit for JWs. Put them on car windows. They'd be small enough that their security might not notice them. And, it's plain and simple. No hint as to anything anti-JW. They'll have to actually come to the site to see what it's all about. Where, in the privacy of their own homes, they may not recoil and may stick around and read a few postings.

    Don't know about the JW-like brochure. The majority of JWs aren't going to be tricked into thinking it's one of theirs and read it. They know their own literature - and most of them (I suspect) don't read it unless they need to. Unless they thought it was an advanced copy of a new release. In which case, if they release a tract, you could go to an earlier assembly and get one and mock it up so it still looks real. People who might have heard about it from other JWs might see it and go for it, anxious to soak up any new light, and feel privileged to have it before the release.

    Aside from that, even something that has their slogans may interest them. They'd know it wasn't theirs, but might be intruiged by some other people having similar beliefs and read it to see what it's about. If I was a JW and saw a brochure that said something about living forever in paradise, I'd be going, hey, that sounds like us. Who are these people? And I would read over it to see how similar they are.

  • TresHappy

    I went to a convention years ago where someone hired a airplane to fly over the stadium with some phrase about 1975. I didn't think much of it at the time, but that's a cool, but expensive way to get across your message.

  • Mulan
    Who was it that drove around w/ a big sign on his car about silent lambs?

    I think that was Richard Rawe, at an Eastern Washington District convention.

    Also Outnfree did something similar a couple of years ago, passing out flyers about the Dateline show. That was great.

  • cruzanheart

    How about this: prepare a booklet ahead of time, the size of the ones the JWs pass out, containing info regarding child abuse, 1914, the UN scandal. Then, in the big cities where there are more than one convention, go into the first one and get one of the new releases (they ALWAYS have a new booklet or tract). Scan the front and back, cover the booklet with the scanned cover, and take a batch back to the convention, or to the next convention. If you're really cheeky, you could take a box over to the book room area and tell them the brothers in the back thought they could use a fresh supply of booklets to pass out.


  • freedom96

    Well, you know, if enough of us took the time, we could definately have an effect on the assembly. What strategy? I don't know. But if enough of us act, it would make a difference.

  • Francois

    Why don't you - NOW - arrange to get on as many radio talk shows in the assembly town as possible during the assembly? You'll reach far more people and do far more good, and you'll be exercising your free speech rights. You can tell 'em like it is till you're blue in the face, then. I have significant reservation about how much right you have to walk around in the venue itself with such a t-shirt.

    You can likely walk around across the street from the venue, but not on that which the JWs have rented. They have a leaseholder's rights, and those can be pretty strong. But your constitutional free speech rights are stronger as long as you're not standing on their leasehold.

    I like the radio idea myself.


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