The Jehovah's Witnesses religion founded upon aggressive opportunistic people.

by Finkelstein 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Taking a reflective look back onto the founders of the JW religion such as C T Russell and J Rutherford we can see very opportunistic people who were avowed to themselves more so than being actual true bible interpreters and adherents.

    Indication of that is just how closed in these men were in their individually devised theology such as Pyramidology, End Times doctrine, Jesus has returned and so on, where there was no effort to substantiate these claims from outside sources by other Christian religious organizations .

    C T Russell was not an trained bible theologian by any imagination he just absorbed any outside information that he thought was engaging or provocatively interesting and went about publishing what others had found or expressed.

    J Rutherford was one these people who was lured into what Russell was preaching and saw what the WTS was as a publishing house and grab it including the money that Russell had put into it.

    The literature circulation and distribution continued on from him, what is realized now is the WTS/JWS preaching Gospel work is not an faithfully accurate preaching according to Scripture.

    More or less the WTS leaders created a working cult around its own public sales representatives in the pretense of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Opportunism is the conscious policy and practice of taking advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles or with what the consequences are for others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives. The term can be applied to individual humans and living organisms, groups, organizations, styles, behaviors, and trends.

  • Finkelstein

    Al little more explanation on opportunistic human social behavior.

    • Power: according to Lord Acton's famous dictum, "all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". If there are only weak sanctions against unprincipled behaviour, this creates a setting where opportunist behaviour can flourish, and if the positions of people are very unequal (in terms of power, wealth, status, knowledge or strength) the possibility exists that some will take advantage of the disadvantage of others.
    • Advantages: the prevalence of opportunist behaviour is likely to be influenced by the perception that the pay-off or advantage of engaging in it, outweighs possible disadvantages or penalties. Opportunism is facilitated if the situation permits an actor to appropriate the gains or advantages to be had from an activity to themselves, while shifting the costs, blame and disadvantages to others. This may be regarded as unfair competition.
    • Predicaments:The propensity of opportunist behaviour is influenced by the general life-situations that people find themselves in. If one's own position is strong and secure, it may be much easier to be an opportunist – because if it would result in losses and failures, those losses and failures can be easily sustained given the resources available. Conversely, a person's existence may be so precarious, that he has "nothing to lose" by seizing any opportunity available to benefit himself. Opportunist behaviour can be self-reinforcing: if there is a lot of opportunism, then not to be opportunist oneself would mean that competitors take advantage of that, and therefore people can be forced into an opportunist role as a defensive strategy.
    • Resources: if a new bonanza (an abundantly available resource, or market) is discovered, accessible or opened up, people may try to "grab what they can" without regard to the consequences for others, perhaps with the thought that if they do not avail themselves of this opportunity, others will (and that if others do, it disadvantages them). Examples might be a gold rush and the tragedy of the commons. In this case, opportunist behaviour may be facilitated, especially if precise rules for how a resource should be distributed are lacking, or if it is unclear who really owns it, or if proper use cannot be enforced.[10]
    • Information: opportunism is facilitated in the absence of relevant information, knowledge or awareness about the interests and values involved in a situation or activity, making it difficult to identify and judge all the consequences in pursuing an opportunity. This could be due to deliberate disinformation. Self-interest may be followed because it is unclear or undecided what other interests are at stake, or because a shared morality is lacking. If the situation is one where shared rules are lacking, where it is quite uncertain what the relevant rule to apply is, or where everything is very uncertain or chaotic, plenty of scope exists for opportunist behaviour.[11]
    • Competition: in a situation of intense conflict, competition or war,[12] it may be that people will do anything to survive, win, retain support, or defend themselves, never mind the principles, ideals or beliefs they had. Ordinary laws and "rules of the game" break down, creating new opportunities for those positioned to take advantage of them.
    • Awareness: if people are for some or other reason deceiving themselves about the real consequences of their actions, they are more likely to initiate or condone opportunist behaviour; if they were more aware, that wouldn't happen to the same extent. Opportunism is facilitated if for any reason there is a low level of awareness that it is happening. Perceptions of the strengths and vulnerabilities of others and oneself may play an important role.
    • Success: opportunism often involves the presence of a very strong desire to be popular, to exercise influence or to succeed in making gains. That motivation can promote the urge to win something "by any means necessary", even if it means to "cut corners" and do things not consistent with relevant principles. If people are for some reason motivated "to do anything at all to achieve success", they are more likely to engage in opportunist behaviour for that very reason.
  • sparky1

    I agree that these men were opportunists. May I also add that they were god-intoxicated, self deluded, narcissistic, self promoting, grandiose religious fanatics that felt that god almighty chose them as his mouthpiece. A very dangerous combination, indeed.

  • redvip2000

    I would lean more on the side of these folks just being plain deluded. Aggressive and opportunistic implies that they knew it was all bullshit but they were in it to take advantage of people.

    It's quite possible that both Russell and Rutherford actually thought they had the truth, especially Russell -- I do think he was in it because he truly was looking to find the truth about the bible.

  • Bad_Wolf

    On Russell I think he may have been sincere. Rutherford absolutely not. The way he claimed he had God's authority, all commands from Jesus not him, his prophecy of 1925, the princes, etc. Then how vehemently he denied making those and blaming everybody else when it was in print. Then how he went to seize more control and kick out any who point out his lies and false prophesies. Rutherford knew he was full of shit and laughed all the way to the bank with his first class lifestyle.

  • Finkelstein

    One thing to note is that if Russell hand't dumped so much money into the WTS , Rutherford probably wouldn't have gone after the control of the WTS as he did, bar the failed doctrines expressed previously by Russell.

    He would have probably just continued on being a lawyer, but there was so much more available at the WTS.

    Money and power does indeed do strange things to men.

  • Finkelstein

    When one looks carefully at the JWS religion you can see, stupidity , ignorance corruption, exploitation, manipulation, coercion and lying by the top leaders of the Watchtower publishing house, you can also see the damage these personal endeavors caused to a segment of the general population..

  • waton

    This is happening at the congregation level too. Voracious Predators seizing the top harvesting territory.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes Waton the elders are the controlling mechanism or part of the power structure to which the JW religion is created from the general public.

    They also have to support and obey all the laid down rules of conduct and behavior relating to being the upmost righteous , some good but a lot not.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Opportunists are worse than criminals. Because an opportunist can be a family member or friend that sees an advantage and takes it no matter who is hurt or takes a loss. You just don't expect it. The world is rife with them unfortunately.

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