July's watchtower leaves out some important info from a quote!

by stavro 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kpop

    Thank you for this!

    Excellent stuff! I am going to email a bunch of people!

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    No - by quoting an outside source it gives the pretence of suggesting that the article is an open and transparent document, supported by secular sources. It provides a faux aura of being serious journalism.

    I agree kc99....

    That has always been their M.O...... and usually, they do not even give you the title of the book, the author, the page, the paragraph...

    Just nebulous pieces of "believe and you will be saved" crap.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    stavro... thank you for posting this, it totally shows them up for what they are!

  • AverageJoe1

    The Watchtower misquoting someone? Really? That's a new one to me!

  • stuckinarut2

    Konceptual99: They rely on the lack of research done by the vast majority to allow the potentially embarrassing editing of the original quote and it's context to slip by unnoticed.

    Yes, sadly, 99% of witnesses WILL NOT look for the actual quote from the original source if it has been quoted in the society's material! They will just take it as factual and correct BECAUSE it is in the material.

    The other 5% who DO research the original, end up on forums like this with us!

  • sparrowdown

    Dubs take things WT says on face value and why wouldn't they, WT proclaims itself as the only honest true religion. It sprinkles just enough little truisms and logical fallacies around like fairy dust to sound as plausible as fake news all the while lying their butts off.

  • sparrowdown

    I notice our resisdent rep from WT legal dep Brother Richard Oliver is strangely silent.

  • sir82

    Is someone on the inside trying to get a message out? Or are they really that naive?

    I often wonder if it is "option A".

    The politics of 20-30 years ago was that the Writing Dept. were the "liberals" and the Service Dept. were the "conservatives".

    I don't know if that same pattern still holds. Well, I am 100% certain Service is still hard-right, but I don't know about Writing.

  • undercover

    Marking, to find later

    Thanks for the reference

  • blondie

    As a researcher part-time, I know that professionals use quotes attributing the one being quoted, who they are and their credentials, and where you can find that quote published.

    When I started doing research part-time, I looked at the WT writings with an educated eye, realizing that my instructors and employers would have asked for more and wondered why the WTS did not since at the time all WTs and Awakes were accessible to non-jws, not the limited access to the WT study magazines.

    So it prompted me to do some research as practice. I would have gotten a terse comment from my instructors as well as the WT writers.

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