Please sum up the last decade in JW history

by oldskool 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldskool

    I used to be a member of this site, but jumped off a good number of years ago (08?). I don't have access to my old email, so I'm using a new account.

    Anyway, I was baptized JW in late 90's. DA'd mid 2000s.

    When I left there were three meets a week plus field service. Book study was in somebody's home, theocratic school, service meeting, weekly talk, watchtower study. Four magazines a month I believe? Service time silps. AUX pio was 50 hours, maybe 40? Pioneer school, yeah I did that. Brooklyn was still a thing for WTC. Only computer thing going on was the Watchtowers CD-ROM, plus a dinky website nobody looked at.

    I haven't even looked at their website now, would rather hear your take. Let me know what's changed.

  • Londo111

    Off the top of my head...

    Two meetings a week.

    The midweek meeting is now rebranded and called Our Christian Life and Service...I believe that includes the bookstudy.

    There is a study edition of the Watchtowers for the Sunday meeting. For the public, new Watchtower and Awakes are released every other month and no longer dated. They are also half the size they used to be.

    There is a constant attention to the website JW.ORG and a JW online TV channel. Lots of attention in showing people videos in the "ministry".

    Some JWs love to wear trinkets with JW.ORG on them...some wear it almost like Christians who wear a cross.

    Some JWs are setting up literature carts and parking them in public places. It is called "cart witnessing".

    Watchtower HQ is moving the Warwick. Thousands of Bethelites being laid off.

    DOs have been eliminated.

    Regional Building Committee replaced by the centrally controlled Local Design Committee...there is a new style of Kingdom Hall being built that looks like a commercial office. However, the building work has slowed evidently due to a lack of funds...

    Changes of doctrine:

    The Faithful Slave is the Governing Body

    The generation of Matthew 24:34 is two overlapping groups of anointed. One group who sees 1914, the other group who sees the Great Tribulation. But these two groups are somehow one generation.

    Gog is not Satan, but unknown as of this point...

    and Awakes are

    . Four magazines a month I believe? Service time silps. AUX pio was 50 hours, maybe 40? Pioneer school, yeah I did that. Brooklyn was still a thing for WTC. Only computer thing going on was the Watchtowers CD-ROM, plus a dinky website nobody looked at.

  • sir82

    When I left there were three meets a week plus field service.Book study was in somebody's home,

    Home CBS - gone. Now just 2 meetings per week.

    theocratic school, service meeting,

    Gone and gone. Midweek meeting is now called "Christian Life an Ministry". It consists of 3 different parts which I can't be bothered to remember the names of.

    weekly talk, watchtower study.

    Pretty much the same.

    Four magazines a month I believe?

    Now 1 per month. Watchtower alternates with Awake month over month. WT study articles are now in a "Study edition" Watchtowwer not offered to the public.

    Oh, and the field service magazines are now 16 pages each. Yes that's right - went from 128 pages of literature per month to 16.

    Service time silps.

    Changed. No longer keep track of books, tracts, brochures and magazines separately - all lumped together as "placements" on your time slip. But now there is a separate column for "video showings" - yes, they strongly encourage using a smartphone tablet to show insipid videos to people.

    AUX pio was 50 hours, maybe 40?

    Stil 50 hours, but some months (Memorial invitations, CO visit) you can sign up for only 30 hours and still be counted as an AP.

    Pioneer school, yeah I did that.

    Used to be 2 weeks of 5 days each, now 1 week of 6 days.

    Brooklyn was still a thing for WTC.

    WT will officially be moved out of Brooklyn by September 1, 2016.

    Only computer thing going on was the Watchtowers CD-ROM, plus a dinky website nobody looked at.

    JW website is now the bomb in WT-world. JWs think think it is the most wonderfully wonderful thing in the universe - better than Jehovah himself. Oh, and JWs now have their own internet-based streaming TV channel, available on AppleTV, Roku, etc.

    In general, they have completely abandoned any pretense of having a coherent, let alone reasonable, doctrine. They appeal exclusively to emotion now, primarily thru video presentations about how wonderful JW life is, how empty your life will be if you leave, and how "very soon now" you'll see all your dead relatives and all 20 billion resurrected people will have a 6000 square foot beachside chalet with a mountain view.

    And eat fruit all day.

    When not petting pandas.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Public talks are now only half hour.

  • kairos

    No one knows what they believe or how to explain the doctrines from the bible.

    Overlapping Generations.
    Significance of 1914.

    They believe but may not question.

  • millie210

    Hi and welcome - good to have you back.

    Here is something I just found out this week.

    Former belief - field service is a publishers inalienable right

    New belief - field service privilege can be taken away if person styles hair or wears  clothing in a way that is deemed metrosexual.

    I was pretty much dumbfounded.

  • stuckinarut2

    Desperation and a steady descent into paranoia and lunacy...

    High Control and manipulation by an ever-present in your face GB.

  • Crazyguy

    The new GB members are just plain crazy.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It's going more cultified with each passing day. A polished turd is still a turd though, however much shine you put on it.

  • pepperheart


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